600w 4x4 HydroHut Silver Edition Grow With Multi Strains


Well-Known Member
Well, quick pic-less update.

Everything is doing great, for the most part. I have a few more hermies that have popped up, which may or may not be light stress related: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/297588-enough-light-stress-cause-hermie.html

I was going to try and breed with the PK hermie pollen like I said before, but after doing some reading I am leaning strongly against it. I'd rather just keep it around, its a hermie yeah...but it still puts out a lot of nice nugs that smell/taste wonderful, with a high potency to boot. Next time I go to the grow I'll snag some good shots of it, getting very pretty now. I just got off the phone and it has indeed caught up to the other plants (it used to be the runt of the litter).

Maybe I can find a way to backcross it with something similar and get rid of the hermie traits someday, then select progeny that have the closest resemblance to the original PK's and inbreed them. IDK. Time will tell on that one. Anyone with breeding experience care to interject on that point I am all ears.

The rest of the garden looks great. Not much to say really on that end. I'd rather let pics do the talking (when I get em of course) because they do such a better job than I ever could.

I took a handful of clones at about day #24 or so of Flower from a # of plants. Today is day #32 of 12/12, and already transplanted 5 of them from the tray into cups. More have roots, but I am going to give them another day or so to establish better systems before transplanting. So, 8 days from being cut and I have roots from flowering clones.

All I did was cut them, drop em in water for about 5 minutes...dip the end in Ez-Clone gel before I scraped the outer skin off (avoid embolism) of about an inch or so of stem to expose the cambium, split the stem, dipped in more gel and slid them into Rapid Rooters. Set the dome in a rubbermaid tote tub and put them on a 18/6 light cycle under fluoros. Nothing special really.

Anyway, I'll fill you in more later. Right now I am out of meds and need to run to the club.



Well-Known Member
What up statik, sorry to hear about the herms.

I had a question for you.

I'm going to buy a 4x4 grow tent from ebay and a inline fan carbon filter combo.
Will a 4" 170CFM inline fan be sufficient for that 4x4 tent?


Well-Known Member
What up statik, sorry to hear about the herms.

I had a question for you.

I'm going to buy a 4x4 grow tent from ebay and a inline fan carbon filter combo.
Will a 4" 170CFM inline fan be sufficient for that 4x4 tent?
I am using a 4" 170cfm (vortex) for an intake...

I have a 6" 449cfm (vortex) for an exhaust pulling through my 6" 400cfm Phresh carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
So you think I will need a bigger fan?
What are the dimensions of your hut? You need to be able to exchange the air in there in just a few minutes time.

My hut is 4x4 and 7ft tall. My fan set up is about ideal for that space as far as my understanding goes.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
What are the dimensions of your hut? You need to be able to exchange the air in there in just a few minutes time.

My hut is 4x4 and 7ft tall. My fan set up is about ideal for that space as far as my understanding goes.
Agree with Statik; all setups vary, but odds are you're gonna need a larger capacity fan/filter setup.

I have the exact same setup as Statik and it works fine.

EDIT: Terrorizer, go back to the first coupla pages - there's a lot of tent-specific ventilation discussion there.


Well-Known Member
Agree with Statik; all setups vary, but odds are you're gonna need a larger capacity fan/filter setup.

I have the exact same setup as Statik and it works fine.

EDIT: Terrorizer, go back to the first coupla pages - there's a lot of tent-specific ventilation discussion there.
Oh yeah, we did discuss that a bit in the first few pages didnt we?

Oh.. and "coupla" is that even a word Bob? :-P


Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't have it yet but I believe it's 4x4x6.5

I won't be running a cooltube or air cooled reflector on my 400watter
an I will be using a passive intake.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't have it yet but I believe it's 4x4x6.5

I won't be running a cooltube or air cooled reflector on my 400watter
an I will be using a passive intake.
Got a name for the make and model of the hut? I'd like to see what it is you are looking at.


Active Member
Yeah I don't have it yet but I believe it's 4x4x6.5

I won't be running a cooltube or air cooled reflector on my 400watter
an I will be using a passive intake.
You should rethink using a cooled reflector and then the 4" might be big enough. If your not going to use a cooled hood I would think a bigger fan would work out better for you.


Well-Known Member
You should rethink using a cooled reflector and then the 4" might be big enough. If your not going to use a cooled hood I would think a bigger fan would work out better for you.
^^ I would take this route if anything Terror.

I mentioned something about a DIY tent in your thread. I will continue to look for the thread it was in.

On another note,

I went to the grow and things are coming along well. I looked over all the plants that had hermied (and even those that hadn't) and only found one small male flower on the Dr. Who.

Speaking of the Dr. Who, nobody seems to know anything about it. I am starting to wonder if it is either a BS name, or someone's personal strain. I have searched the net high and low..and nothing on a strain called Doctor Who.

The closest thing name wise I can find is "The Doctor" from GreenHouse.

Also, still need to find background info on the WOW's I have. Same thing, been searching...found nada. However, both are showing similar growth patterns for the most part. Only difference is one is taller with more branching, and the other is shorter and more compact.

I have rooted cuttings of both WOW's. So a smoke test is in order when I chop those down. Hope they both wind up being keepers. :clap:

The Oregon Grape def likes to re-root when cloned. They had knarley (ha ha Bob) root systems on them compared all the other clones I transplanted.

One of the plants that I THOUGHT had hermied turns out was just the very start of a seed or two. So good news there (for the most part). I am glad though, cause it's one of 2 Green Tea's, and the other less vigorous one is indeed a hermie.

I built a small veg chamber out of another rubermaid tote for the rooted cuts. Its almost half full.

The only ones I am waiting on to root now are the OG Kush clones, and the P.K.O.M.G. (another strain I still know nothing about). So far I have lost 2 clones (didnt root) out of about maybe 35 or so.

Damn, I never counted. lol.

Plants in the tent are doing well. Buds are growing by the day. I think some of these pics will do my Purple Krush justice finally, even if it is a hermie.

The PK will be the first set of pics. It's the only one that doesnt have its name tag in the pics up until the first pic of the WOW.

I only took pics of a few plants in detail. The rest are general garden shots, and a bit of my set up.

I went a little camera happy, but then again..things haven't looked this happy in my tent for a while.

Please let me know what you guys think. These were taken on their (except the small clones in the middle) #33 day of flower. So not even quite half way done yet as most are 9+ week strains.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Terror. Yeah, its nice being able to have a room inside a room. The little Co2 boost bucket isnt much, but I am damn sure its helping them along.

So when are we gonna see pics of your girls man?


Active Member
statik - looking great.
I love watching your grow (same 1/1/10 start date).
The difference is i wasn't ready to do the switch over when I wanted to and they got to TALL on me. I asked them to wait but they just kept on growing. You know how it is, you talk nice to them but they just won't wait for you. ;) If you can believe it I have nine plants in a 12'x6' room and I can't move around in there. I had to remove some of my tables to accommodate for their height! They are looking good though. It wasn't my idea to go this route but what the fuk. My plan once they got out of hand was to screen (SCROG) them. But I was still tweaking the room and never got it done. Well they are kinda SCROGing themselves anyway. I'm just killing time until spring when the "real" grow starts again.
Looking good, keep up the great work bro.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Caz,

Yeah, I am realizing now that about 15 - 20 plants is MAX for my space (at least in the pots I am using, lighting, and for as long as I vegged). Actually kind of glad I wound up throwing out as many as I did. Blessing in disguise I guess.

I hope to keep this thread a bit more updated than late, since I am getting to everyone's fav part of a grow... mid - late flowering.


Active Member
Statik - Stupid question... Are your lower leaves starting to drop fast at this stage? How long do you think your going to flower for (8-12 weeks)? We're going on 6 weeks now:)