600w DWC Medical Grow- First Timer


Well-Known Member
sorry about them being fuzzy, didnt have secondary light so auto focus did not work. next time i'm in town im going to bust out a nice photo shoot with my camera and some other lighting right after my lights going out.

sidenote, may have to get a dehumidifier, im concerned about humidity spikes because of rainy weather.


Well-Known Member
humidity was above 50% for two days in a row, had my girl run out and pick up a 45 pint dehumidifier and within 30 mins it had dropped it 10%... other than that everything seems to be smooth sailing... i wasnt sure how bad the humidity was gonna be with fall around the corner, so i figured fuck it, whats $230 between buds. haha.


Well-Known Member
ph dropped to 5.6, and ppms are @950, so held the ppms steady, adjusted ph, and supplemented a little K for the hell of it, since it is what i use to adjust ph =-P

well i should say i directed all that to happen since im out of town, but yea... scheduled res change for sunday, mixing reservoir is bubbling, and nutes will be going in friday... and im high as shit and have stacks of homework to do, so im gonna crack on that for a bit... lurkers feel free to post comments or criticism or w/e any response is more than welcome, cheers =-D


Well-Known Member
Ill def be sifting thru the pages. Nice grow. Nice and very clean set-up. Well thought out. Plants look healthy as fawk. Good job man.


Well-Known Member
thanks man, let me know if you want to throw around ideas on your setup or anything... or if youre wondering about any particulars on something that i may have a fair opinion about let me know...


Well-Known Member
this is official the last day of week 4, not much longer left. asked for pic update from my girlfriend, she should be taking macro shots tomorrow of the buds.


Well-Known Member
Ha.....when moving across country for work...I think it was aroud St. Louis....someone painted on a bridge over-pass "smoke wed" ...fkn stoners....so high couldnt even spell.


Well-Known Member
Lol this was in ohio, funny thing is I remember seeing a smoke wed graffiti as well out that way, we'be been extensively through Missouri, and states around it...


Well-Known Member
well, here is one of those moments that is one of the cooler firsts in a journal... i had my girl take closeups of the buds, and they are lookin FROSTY!... well, heres the pics:



Well-Known Member
girlfriend sent some updates, but sent them via facebook because she couldnt access gmail for some reason... so, that being said they arent as good as they should be, also now that im deeper into flower im gonna start uploading hi-def images elsewhere and linkin them in here...

oh, either way though im sure it will be more than clear to you guys the fucking dankness of this herb... shit looks so fucking crazy, and they are rockhard and smell like grapefruit... im so fucking geeked!



New Member
looking good defcom, like I said it is looking as if it will be potent herb you got all the right signs this early...let us know when she REALLY starts smelling how much she smells and what she smells like, this will start to give you an idea on potency also, stinkier the better...it wont be long before you can start getting a better guess what your yield will be also.


Well-Known Member
Oh for sure, and my girl says its smelling amazing... if this turns out to be a real producer of something nice, and you want a couple clones let me know, I've got a few extra you could have...


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man....looking damn good....sugar coated goodness....my current grow,one of the plants smelled damn dank when it was making its second set of true leave..no joke........keep it up!!!


Well-Known Member
kk, found a nice place to host hi-def pics, and they are huge, but i wanted to show the detail... these are pics my girl took, expect many more updates like this, especially when i get home =-D

gonna use big fonts to mark start and end of this update...



thanks for any feedback... real busy with school, and work, kinda sucks... need sleep.



Well-Known Member
Crazy Pix man thanks. LOL i never even learned how to use my cam. N when i did i was blazed and couldnt remember how to again. Good stuff


Well-Known Member
Thanks man... I'm digging that hi-def pic site, but I like googles Picasa client... but definitely worth takin the time to upload somewhere that's not gonna lower your pic quality... anyways, the past week has been kinda crazy, and my laptop fried its gpu so now I have to buy another one and have it overnighted... more pics to come soon... Haha