Hmm after thinking over your words HB and then reading Shwagbags' suggestion, I've decided to not purchase Cha Ching. I already have the Sweet, but I haven't opened it yet, so I'm going to try to take it back, they should take it back they are usually always pretty cool about things like that.
The All Phase does smell slightly "rotted" but it actually has a very sweet delicious smell to it at the same time, but w/ a good deep scent you can smell almost 'sour milk' underneath, but it does smell good enough to make you want to take a sip (lol i don't advise of course).
The stuff is very expensive though, and since now I should ideally have decently if not superbly established microcolonies, I think I will take you up on your suggestion and just pick up a nice bottle of top quality molasses. That should suit me fine until the end of the grow, I may look into some kind of all natural zyme too rather than going back to my hygrozyme, as the Other Tomato has bacterias that zyme the plant, and I don't know how that would continue if I stop using it; whether or not that bacteria develops microcolonies that continue to zyme or not.
Thanks for the tips, though HB yours were a bit blunt

, thank you though nonetheless for not 'sugar coating my taco' so to speak.
Plants are looking so great I think they hit their 2nd growth spurt today b/c I looked in this morning and this evening and they are so much chunkier looking now then just the last couple of days! Also I can see why people chop off new undergrowth now, b/c my plant has been focusing on making a lot of small mid/low level buds to fill in the space between the trellis and the colas, I wonder if I had chopped all new branches as they grew (or most) if my colas instead would have chunked out more and more (and I do not mean brutalizing my plants leaf system/'lollipopping')