67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

I'm clocking out guys, thanks for the debate and no thanks for the rude remarks.

Here's to hopes of a more understanding and more united liberal community, which if we had we may have won the election against trump!

Goodnight all!
I'm clocking out guys, thanks for the debate and no thanks for the rude remarks.

Here's to hopes of a more understanding and more united liberal community, which if we had we may have won the election against trump!

Goodnight all!
no one is buying your fake liberal routine as you desperately regurgitate NRA propaganda, two face.
Lol that's exactly what I'm looking for thanks for pointing that out.

If you are hovering the forum looking for a way to insult people and have no input you can go look for another subforum yourself.

Looks like you're "justin" time for butting out of this discussion.
Trump has thin skin too.
This extreme energy you give to the other side could be used elsewhere Buck, do you realize that this isn't just left and right it's good and evil man?
In the end our attitudes effect our children and the people around us, positive vibes are so powerful bro much more than using derogatory statements while debating with our fellow rollitupers.

You sound like a right winger sometimes with your insults, how they always use the libtard and demoncrat words in every rebuttal.

If you could take some advice please hear me out, try not insulting people during debate, think of situational awareness and instead use positive and less demeaning statement.

Some people are racist and don't even know it, it's like a contagious diseases passed down from generation to generation, lets work together to help them and bring them to the good side, there are people born into these things that are just dying to be pulled out by people like us.
you are mixing up the message with the tone. Buck is like metal. It sounds like you want, I don't know, Peter Paul and Mary?
The "laws don't work argument" is retarded, sure, but it's another obvious case of right-wing hypocrisy.

If laws don't work, why have any immigration laws? Illegal immigrants will just cross anyway. No wall, no border security, no point, right?
my argument: the states with the highest rates of gun violence are all red states

the statistics:
View attachment 4095048

you are dumber than dog shit
Alaska's full of murderous bastards that would kill you with a knife or snowmachine if you took there dogs away, I mean guns. :lol:

The only thing Republican about Alaska are the politicians, and managerial suck ups. Those bought and payed for by the oil industry, military and mining interests.
We are an extractive colony and shit gets crazy in the camps after hours. :peace:
The only thing Republican about Alaska are the politicians
you're aware you live in a constitutional republic with democratically elected representatives, right?

those republican politicians in alaska don;t get there by magic, smarty.

if you guys are so good at killing people with snowblowers then give up your guns and use snowblowers for self defense and hunting. put your money where your dumb mouth hole is already. i'm sick of hearing you idiots crow on like a snowblower is as effective as a gun at killing people en masse
OK, let's use UK for an example:


I'd sure like to have UK's problem with gun deaths. How did they manage that? Oh, wait.

You'd like the knife crime then, and the number of deaths, etc, where firearms were involved has actually risen since the knee-jerk populist reaction which saw firearms, effectively, banned.

But don't let that stop you when the point was VERY clear, make sure that those who are unhinged don't get the chance to go crazy with firearms in the first case, then they won't get all unhinged with such a lethal weapon in their hands.
You'd like the knife crime then.

i'd love that. let's see these shitheads who are shooting up schools try to do even one tenth the same amount of damage with a knife.

why are you trying to pretend like a knife is as effective at slaughtering school ids as an AR15? there's a reason all he massacring fucks choose an AR15 you dumbass.
You missed my point blow hard. The jokes on you needle dick!

your point seemed to be that people would just kill anyway, but with a "snowmachine", whatever that is.

so prove it then. give up your guns and do your killing with a snowmachine instead, rambo.

you won't though.
i'd love that. let's see these shitheads who are shooting up schools try to do even one tenth the same amount of damage with a knife.

why are you trying to pretend like a knife is as effective at slaughtering school ids as an AR15? there's a reason all he massacring fucks choose an AR15 you dumbass.

Why are you making things up, for I never said any such thing.

There's been a few posts directed at me which make things clear, only one point of view is tolerated here.

I'll just leave you all to your circle jerk, for it's clear that there is no point in trying to discuss anything here...
your point seemed to be that people would just kill anyway, but with a "snowmachine", whatever that is.

so prove it then. give up your guns and do your killing with a snowmachine instead, rambo.

you won't though.
Rambo? Why because I live in Alaska?
The only red state to fully legalize marijuana.