67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

Man yours is such a dumb argument I'm embarrassed to even reply.

Australia and Canada. Look at them on the chart. Then look at the US and how much better they are. OK?

Knives compared to high powered rapid fire rifles. That's what you have? :lol:

If you want to be like Canada and Australia consider relocating.

And to UncleBuck, learn how to have a grownup conversation and actually debate. Out off all the post on here you by far have had the most rude, ignorant, and horrible post. One where you tell a member they should consider suicide. I am a very new member here and I will be sure to ignore anymore of your posts.
I'll quote myself here in case you couldn't get past the libertarian part of my post.

"We're not like the rest of America. Take it for what it is, we don't really give a damn what people think about us, because most lower 48'rs are a bunch of snowflakes, each one is unique, and trust me, we know our snowflakes. (:"
You're not like the rest of America alright. You lousy fucks gave us palin. The precursor to trump.

Wow. My comment about weed was to show how even smoking weed is more important to Americans than the laws about it. Guns are way higher priority to their owners. Not what you said.

And the rest. You are just wrong. You deduce what you want but I don’t know all those statements you copy so if I said something similar it is my logic not theirs that drives it.

This is why there is no point in getting involved in any discussions with you guys. This is all you do. Mis-direct and re-apply your own crybaby everyone is responsible except the person in question attitude.

My not agreeing with you fanatics does not remotely imply I agree with something else. It just says I don’t agree with you.

Shame that is the only tactic used here. You might as well just give up your cause. No one will like any of you enough to see any of the reasonable solutions you do post.

And you defend buck every time I post to him.

Are you Buck?, Heil Tweetler?, a drunken schizophrenic?
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If you want to be like Canada and Australia consider relocating.

And to UncleBuck, learn how to have a grownup conversation and actually debate. Out off all the post on here you by far have had the most rude, ignorant, and horrible post. One where you tell a member they should consider suicide. I am a very new member here and I will be sure to ignore anymore of your posts.

If you love Putin so much maybe you should consider relocating.
If you want to be like Canada and Australia consider relocating.

And to UncleBuck, learn how to have a grownup conversation and actually debate. Out off all the post on here you by far have had the most rude, ignorant, and horrible post. One where you tell a member they should consider suicide. I am a very new member here and I will be sure to ignore anymore of your posts.
Actually, you are part of a vocal minority. I'm part of a reasonable super majority of gun owners and non-gun owners who don't think we should accept the high rates of homicide and mass killings your kind are inflicting upon this society. You move. Somalia perhaps? They have lax gun laws and there is no sign of improving so, I'm sure you'll be able to use your bazookas or whatever you like for as long as you live..

What the swaggering, beer bellied, stained t-shirt, gun toting, idiots are doing is making it clear to the 65% of all households in the country who don't own guns is -- that it's time to put gun control regulations that work in place. Not saying we'll take your guns away from you if you are able to pass a background check, and other reasonable conditions. But you guys have made it necessary to step up regulations and make it possible to keep guns out of hands of people who are either mentally incapable or not proficient with the safe operation of a fire arm or unwilling to lock those guns up in a condition where a child cannot discharge it. Also, bans or restrictions on certain weapons will have to be raised.

Once these are put in place, you'll find its not so bad.
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Statistics are only accurate to the cross section poled.

was this supposed to be a meaningful sentence in english?

my statistics show that the states with the loosest gun laws have the highest rates of gun violence. these statistics cover every single state in the union and you have not pointed out a single flaw in the methodology.

just vague meaningless complaints riddled with spelling errors at 3:51 AM michigan time while accusing me of being a drunk (nce projection, welfare boy).
"if you keep pointing out what a dumbfuck right winger i am, then i will be forced to become a right winger"

that is one of the most fragile and pathetic things i have ever seen anyone type

You are obviously hallucinating. The quote from me and the quote you pretend is mine in the quotation marks are completely different words.

“That is one of the most fragile and pathetic things I have ever seen anyone type”

That’s how you quote. Accurately copying the words that were actually used.

Using Bucky quotes against him. Way too easy.

It’s still morning where you are. How drunk do you get after breakfast with your family Saturday morning?

You are a sad angry man for a new father. You are the kind that makes me worry about our country the most. Cry babies should not try to run anything. Especially their mouth.

These statistics are skewed but at least the author explains why.

This article shows actual info and offered reasonable solutions.

Our house fanatic liberals like to avoid the facts and mis-direct with a bunch of nonsense. Just like the devout republicans. Both sides of American politics are a dangerous lying shame.

Much undiscussed here reality in this link.

You obviously have no clue who our governor is. Um-kay.
was it the guy who called mexicans "wetbacks"?


nope, that was a rep you idiots elected.

was it this guy who said the internet is a series of tubes?


nope, that was a senator you guys elected.

but i do recall you guys electing this fucking idiot to be your governor:


of course that was before you republicans decided you liked having murderous foreign dictators run america's government through their racist orange puppets
You are obviously hallucinating. The quote from me and the quote you pretend is mine in the quotation marks are completely different words.

“That is one of the most fragile and pathetic things I have ever seen anyone type”

That’s how you quote. Accurately copying the words that were actually used.

ok let me try this then

"try copping drugs in the city with a white face. They will haul you away while leaving the Black"

definitely something a right winger would say.

let's try it again

"You need to go back to fake Jew school. "

yep, you sound like a completely racist, jew-hating right winger to me. the best part is where you cry about how much i upset you and claim i am pushing you away from being a liberal, which you are clearly not.

anyhoo, the fake liberal act is usually tiresome and annoying, but with you it's fun because you have such complete meltdowns.

so keep it up, mr Brokedick McWelfare
was this supposed to be a meaningful sentence in english?

my statistics show that the states with the loosest gun laws have the highest rates of gun violence. these statistics cover every single state in the union and you have not pointed out a single flaw in the methodology.

just vague meaningless complaints riddled with spelling errors at 3:51 AM michigan time while accusing me of being a drunk (nce projection, welfare boy).

Not sure why you keep calling me welfare boy and such. I am not on welfare. I pay my way and likely contributed far more taxes in my lifetime from my 20 plus years of career than you have.

I don’t call you a drunken laborer. Lol.

I also don’t drink. I garden at night. Sometimes I work very late. I do smoke and eat a shitload of pot. And I’m pretty tired at 4am.

And I don’t use different socks for different levels of my belligerent addiction like you either.

You admitted to being fogdog with the timing of These last posts.

How much do you have to drink to become Tweetler?