67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

Not sure why you keep calling me welfare boy and such. I am not on welfare. I pay my way and likely contributed far more taxes in my lifetime from my 20 plus years of career than you have.

I don’t call you a drunken laborer. Lol.

I also don’t drink. I garden at night. Sometimes I work very late. I do smoke and eat a shitload of pot. And I’m pretty tired at 4am.

And I don’t use different socks for different levels of my belligerent addiction like you either.

You admitted to being fogdog with the timing of These last posts.

How much do you have to drink to become Tweetler?
WOW a whole 20(!) years of work, then a mere 40-50 or so years of sucking off the social welfare teet.

anyhoo, you still never pointed out a single flaw in the methodology (which is straightforward) showing that the most gun-violent states are red states with loose gun laws.

not sure why you would object to that unless you were a right wing loser, which you are. so i guess it makes sense.
was it the guy who called mexicans "wetbacks"?


nope, that was a rep you idiots elected.

was it this guy who said the internet is a series of tubes?


nope, that was a senator you guys elected.

but i do recall you guys electing this fucking idiot to be your governor:


of course that was before you republicans decided you liked having murderous foreign dictators run america's government through their racist orange puppets

Why don't you reveal your residing state? This way I can pigeon hole you as well, with your elected officials.
ok let me try this then

"try copping drugs in the city with a white face. They will haul you away while leaving the Black"

definitely something a right winger would say.

let's try it again

"You need to go back to fake Jew school. "

yep, you sound like a completely racist, jew-hating right winger to me. the best part is where you cry about how much i upset you and claim i am pushing you away from being a liberal, which you are clearly not.

anyhoo, the fake liberal act is usually tiresome and annoying, but with you it's fun because you have such complete meltdowns.

so keep it up, mr Brokedick McWelfare

You got nothing. You just keep posting out of context crap from me making you upset months ago. Really upset apparently.

And fake liberal act. You really want to pretend you are better than everyone. I don’t want to pretend I’m like you. My political beliefs always fall right down the middle. Where you might find reasonable solutions and ideas.

You are a very average minded simple one dimensional person. And the biggest crybaby here.

Well except for fogdog and uncle baldrick. And one of them is you.
WOW a whole 20(!) years of work, then a mere 40-50 or so years of sucking off the social welfare teet.

anyhoo, you still never pointed out a single flaw in the methodology (which is straightforward) showing that the most gun-violent states are red states with loose gun laws.

not sure why you would object to that unless you were a right wing loser, which you are. so i guess it makes sense.

20 years of work while suffering multiple congenital illnesses.

And now 10 years doing new things and still not on disability. When I can’t work at all I will apply.

How old do you think I am?

And I only said your list had nothing to do with assault rifles.

What is really wrong with you man. Do you see a counselor? I know his is only the internet but you have deeper seeded problems. Think of your family.
out of context

what is the proper, non-racist, non-jew hating context for telling someone to "go back to fake jew school", or saying "try copping drugs in the city with a white face. They will haul you away while leaving the Black"

i know you have tried to claim that the latter was due to some imaginary local law which you have never been able to cite the existence of, but that is not context. i am talking about the statement itself. not your imaginary made up laws.
20 years of work while suffering multiple congenital illnesses.

And now 10 years doing new things and still not on disability. When I can’t work at all I will apply.

How old do you think I am?

And I only said your list had nothing to do with assault rifles.

What is really wrong with you man. Do you see a counselor? I know his is only the internet but you have deeper seeded problems. Think of your family.
thanks for admitting that there is not a single issue with the statistics i posted, which prove that the states with the loosest gun laws have the most gun violence, mr. Brokedick McWelfare
what is the proper, non-racist, non-jew hating context for telling someone to "go back to fake jew school", or saying "try copping drugs in the city with a white face. They will haul you away while leaving the Black"

i know you have tried to claim that the latter was due to some imaginary local law which you have never been able to cite the existence of, but that is not context. i am talking about the statement itself. not your imaginary made up laws.

We have been through this far too many times but everyone here knows you are the one that is full of shit and instigated what ever you are still arguing about.

Have a nice time buck. But I highly recomend you quit drinking and get some pot in you.

You are lame. You sound more childish every day.
everyone here knows you are the one that is full of shit and instigated what ever you are still arguing about.

yep. i instigated you into telling me to "go back to fake jew school".

i also instigated you into spouting out your racist nonsense about "try copping drugs in the city with a white face. They will haul you away while leaving the Black"

hell, i even instigated you into admitting that you said "go back to fake jew school" to instigate a fight with me.

makes perfect sense, you right wing racist welfare hick

Screenshot 2018-02-24 at 12.47.21 PM.png
yep. i instigated you into telling me to "go back to fake jew school".

i also instigated you into spouting out your racist nonsense about "try copping drugs in the city with a white face. They will haul you away while leaving the Black"

hell, i even instigated you into admitting that you said "go back to fake jew school" to instigate a fight with me.

makes perfect sense, you right wing racist welfare hick

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You’re really going in circles now? How many beers does it take to get this frustrated. Must feel awful.
says the guy posting at 3:51 AM, shitting out posts riddled with spelling errors and devoid of any cogent thought

Explained above already.

You should quit while you are 18 months or so behind. You have been wrong and argumentative with me since my first comment to you back then.

I was agreeing with you. You were drunk and stupid like now.
You’re really going in circles now? How many beers does it take to get this frustrated. Must feel awful.
remember when you claimed that telling me to "go back to fake jew school" was just something you said to instigate?

then you claimed it was me who was instigating?

you must be pretty fucked to the head on opioids to be that incoherent. i'd suggest you check into a rehab program, but your savior trump hasn't funded any for all you brokedicks on disability who blow all your government funds on fentanyl.
@MichiganMedGrower They aren't true liberals, I bet he yells and calls his kids names like garbage and dirtbag when they disagree with him. Could you imagine that shit? These type of people are the type that belittle and ruin their children over debate it's sad.

It's pretty obvious states with more guns have a higher gun violence rate, it's like pointing out that there's more planes at an airport than a car dealership.

If blue states are full of liberals and no guns then rates drop. What the hell are u getting at? States with more cars have more traffic accidents lol I guess you think it takes genius to figure this out.

Your argument was 67 percent of Americans want to ban assault weapons, where's the facts on this? If I can't post links to get a message across neither can you.

You have nothing.... No more points, you just keep rambling on and calling names changing the subject.

@UncleBuck Is your avatar an attempt to show everyone how liberal you are? It doesn't work if you don't act and talk like one too, just looks like a mask. Liberals are good people, you seem like a
conservative that disagreed with his parents once and got mad lol.

I hope you guys can learn to debate someday......not TRUMP style!
Explained above already.

a better term for your "explanations" are "obvious lies"

with all the lies you have peddled, no one can believe a single word that comes out of your drunken, opioid riddled mouth you fucking addict

keep counting those days until the government puts more money on your food stamps account so you can trade it for more fentanyl, racist hick
remember when you claimed that telling me to "go back to fake jew school" was just something you said to instigate?

then you claimed it was me who was instigating?

you must be pretty fucked to the head on opioids to be that incoherent. i'd suggest you check into a rehab program, but your savior trump hasn't funded any for all you brokedicks on disability who blow all your government funds on fentanyl.

Yeah I never took opioids except to try heroin once in the early 90’s and I didn’t vote for trump.

And I don’t receive any money from our government. I have told you I never applied for disability many many times. Please make a note of it since it is so important for you to keep slandering me.

You keep quotes from me in your computer. Please copy all this too so I don’t have to keep repeating everything to you.
It's pretty obvious states with more guns have a higher gun violence rate

you disagreed with that earlier and claimed statistics are misleading though. idiot.

Your argument was 67 percent of Americans want to ban assault weapons, where's the facts on this?

the very first post. idiot.

jesus christ. this avatar catches bigoted, homophobic right wingers like no other.
Yeah I never took opioids except to try heroin once in the early 90’s and I didn’t vote for trump.

And I don’t receive any money from our government. I have told you I never applied for disability many many times. Please make a note of it since it is so important for you to keep slandering me.

You keep quotes from me in your computer. Please copy all this too so I don’t have to keep repeating everything to you.
no one believes a single one of the series of lies that spew out of your drunken mouth, welfare boy
@MichiganMedGrower They aren't true liberals, I bet he yells and calls his kids names like garbage and dirtbag when they disagree with him. Could you imagine that shit? These type of people are the type that belittle and ruin their children over debate it's sad.

It's pretty obvious states with more guns have a higher gun violence rate, it's like pointing out that there's more planes at an airport than a car dealership.

If blue states are full of liberals and no guns then rates drop. What the hell are u getting at? States with more cars have more traffic accidents lol I guess you think it takes genius to figure this out.

Your argument was 67 percent of Americans want to ban assault weapons, where's the facts on this? If I can't post links to get a message across neither can you.

You have nothing.... No more points, you just keep rambling on and calling names changing the subject.

@UncleBuck Is your avatar an attempt to show everyone how liberal you are? It doesn't work if you don't act and talk like one too, just looks like a mask. Liberals are good people, you seem like a
conservative that disagreed with his parents once and got mad lol.

I hope you guys can learn to debate someday......not TRUMP style!

I did say fanatical liberals. No fanatics are really anything but what they are being told to be.

These liberals are just media driven robots. And the loudest ones here are uncle bucks other accounts.

I try to join in to political discussions here but this is how they all go.

So we all end up just beating poor drunken uncle buck down some more.