67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

@MichiganMedGrower They aren't true liberals, I bet he yells and calls his kids names like garbage and dirtbag when they disagree with him. Could you imagine that shit? These type of people are the type that belittle and ruin their children over debate it's sad.

It's pretty obvious states with more guns have a higher gun violence rate, it's like pointing out that there's more planes at an airport than a car dealership.

If blue states are full of liberals and no guns then rates drop. What the hell are u getting at? States with more cars have more traffic accidents lol I guess you think it takes genius to figure this out.

Your argument was 67 percent of Americans want to ban assault weapons, where's the facts on this? If I can't post links to get a message across neither can you.

You have nothing.... No more points, you just keep rambling on and calling names changing the subject.

@UncleBuck Is your avatar an attempt to show everyone how liberal you are? It doesn't work if you don't act and talk like one too, just looks like a mask. Liberals are good people, you seem like a
conservative that disagreed with his parents once and got mad lol.

I hope you guys can learn to debate someday......not TRUMP style!
The people of the US should enjoy the same freedom from a laundry list of gun related tragedies such as, homicides, accidents, mass shootings, domestic abuse that other countries enjoy. I can't help that you don't care and so gun control regulations are shown to be necessary. Absolutely this means less freedom to do what you want regarding firearms. It's too bad that the gun owning population couldn't take this issue on as theirs to fix outside of the law but it's clear that your kind have no sense when it comes to this issue. On the other hand, you are small part of the population. 65% of the population don't own guns and a significant number of gun owners agree that we need better regulations of firearms. The super majority will have its way once we get our act together. It's just a matter of time.

Nobody is talking about removing all guns from the population, simply stepping up regulations and enforcement of laws that include rational actions such as adequate background checks, demonstrated proficiency in safe use of your fire arm, periodic license renewal, safe storage of the weapons in a manner that prevents children to access and fire the gun. Also a certain kinds of weapons will have to be banned and greater restrictions placed on other kinds. If you can do these things, there is no reason why you can't own a gun.

It won't seem so bad once these regulations are in place.
@MichiganMedGrower They aren't true liberals, I bet he yells and calls his kids names like garbage and dirtbag when they disagree with him. Could you imagine that shit? These type of people are the type that belittle and ruin their children over debate it's sad.

It's pretty obvious states with more guns have a higher gun violence rate, it's like pointing out that there's more planes at an airport than a car dealership.

If blue states are full of liberals and no guns then rates drop. What the hell are u getting at? States with more cars have more traffic accidents lol I guess you think it takes genius to figure this out.

Your argument was 67 percent of Americans want to ban assault weapons, where's the facts on this? If I can't post links to get a message across neither can you.

You have nothing.... No more points, you just keep rambling on and calling names changing the subject.

@UncleBuck Is your avatar an attempt to show everyone how liberal you are? It doesn't work if you don't act and talk like one too, just looks like a mask. Liberals are good people, you seem like a
conservative that disagreed with his parents once and got mad lol.

I hope you guys can learn to debate someday......not TRUMP style!

You guys have some epic meltdowns. Poor snowflakes. The evidence keeps getting posted day after day, the quotes are verbatim and in context. Buck may be a dick, but he's rarely wrong.
You guys have some epic meltdowns. Poor snowflakes. The evidence keeps getting posted day after day, the quotes are verbatim and in context. Buck may be a dick, but he's rarely wrong.
i was really wrong once and even wagered $10,000 on it but no one took me up on it
The people of the US should enjoy the same freedom from a laundry list of gun related tragedies such as, homicides, accidents, mass shootings, domestic abuse that other countries enjoy. I can't help that you don't care and so gun control regulations are shown to be necessary. Absolutely this means less freedom to do what you want regarding firearms. It's too bad that the gun owning population couldn't take this issue on as theirs to fix outside of the law but it's clear that your kind have no sense when it comes to this issue. On the other hand, you are small part of the population. 65% of the population don't own guns and a significant number of gun owners agree that we need better regulations of firearms. The super majority will have its way once we get our act together. It's just a matter of time.

Nobody is talking about removing all guns from the population, simply stepping up regulations and enforcement of laws that include rational actions such as adequate background checks, demonstrated proficiency in safe use of your fire arm, periodic license renewal, safe storage of the weapons in a manner that prevents children to access and fire the gun. Also a certain kinds of weapons will have to be banned and greater restrictions placed on other kinds. If you can do these things, there is no reason why you can't own a gun.

It won't seem so bad once these regulations are in place.

Who are you everyone’s mother?

Of course we need these regulations. Some states have them in full force. But it isn’t going to stop mass shootings. Just mostly the suicides by gun.

Our problem is much deeper seeded than merely controlling guns. Look the other way and complain instead is the main thing people do that causes these acts of violence.
You guys have some epic meltdowns. Poor snowflakes. The evidence keeps getting posted day after day, the quotes are verbatim and in context. Buck may be a dick, but he's rarely wrong.

No the quotes are not verbatim or in context at all. They are edited out of other conversations where buck misdirected and started a fight.

And he is only rarely coherent at this point.
Seems multiple parties took you up on wagering memberships. Didn't you bet your membership Hillary would win? Why are you still here?
All those racists got banned. It was odd. You lost a lot of friends when those racists got banned, so I can see why you're bitter
I mean, being fat old and unfuckable is bad enough. Then all your racist buddies get banned?

Horrible for you
Nice dodge.
i addressed the question directly and i'll do it again. all your racist buddies got banned.

spandy, who said "multiculturalism works best when an ocean separates the cultures" got banned. he was an avowed white supremacist and you never said a bad word to him

desert dude, who admitted to joining the 'white nationalists and white separatists' group, got banned too. you never said a bad word to him either.

onestonedpony, who claimed obama was a secret kenyan muslim, got banned too. you never said a bad word to him no matter what kind of racist drivel came out of his mouth

illinois enema bandit, who was proud of his "WHITE POWER" centerpiece tattoo, also got banned. you never said a bad word to him. in fact, you celebrated alongside him once the racist, who you have since praised repeatedly, won illegitimately.

care to comment on why you never, ever said a bad word to any of these avowed white supremacists? it really paints a picture of who you are
i addressed the question directly and i'll do it again. all your racist buddies got banned.

spandy, who said "multiculturalism works best when an ocean separates the cultures" got banned. he was an avowed white supremacist and you never said a bad word to him

desert dude, who admitted to joining the 'white nationalists and white separatists' group, got banned too. you never said a bad word to him either.

onestonedpony, who claimed obama was a secret kenyan muslim, got banned too. you never said a bad word to him no matter what kind of racist drivel came out of his mouth

illinois enema bandit, who was proud of his "WHITE POWER" centerpiece tattoo, also got banned. you never said a bad word to him. in fact, you celebrated alongside him once the racist, who you have since praised repeatedly, won illegitimately.

care to comment on why you never, ever said a bad word to any of these avowed white supremacists? it really paints a picture of who you are
I don't trust your ability to look into people's hearts. Why would I?

I've answered your question more than once on why I liked the post criticizing SJW for Hillaries loss. I've liked a lot of posts on RIU and I certainly don't run background checks on people before I do.

But I suspect you will keep asking me, that is your mo. Make false assertions and keep repeating them over and over. So I'll return the favor and keep asking about your ripper buddy that you stick up for on a marijuana growing site, as well as your lack of honor in making wagers you can't cover.