6under6 GDP


Well-Known Member
THANK YOU LAS!! back it ya mate.
HAY! that was a killer update u did.
lota good stuff there. great gardening!!


Well-Known Member
ok so i dumped the res and flushed with clearex for 24 hrs
dumped and refilled with 6 gallons of watrer n added 25ml of sweet per gallon and let it do its thing.
sharpening up the trimmers lol
cant believe it has almost completed its cycle, my how time flies when your having fun!!!

pics soon


Well-Known Member
was wondering if i was doing something wrong because my plants are still green and such and when i see pics of others in final they are used up and such.
soon to be 1st harvest under my belt!!!!
next round will be a lot more comfortable for me, amazing what ive learned in a few short months... still a long way to go but im not wet behind the ears now lmao


Well-Known Member
was wondering if i was doing something wrong because my plants are still green and such and when i see pics of others in final they are used up and such.
soon to be 1st harvest under my belt!!!!
next round will be a lot more comfortable for me, amazing what ive learned in a few short months... still a long way to go but im not wet behind the ears now lmao
Whats even better is how much you learn on your next run and you can apply what you learned from last run! All a learning cycle cause new things pop up all the time. I usually learn from my mistakes cause it forces me to read and do research.




Well-Known Member
are the pics comming today sir? its a must the supence is killing me. did u use sweet through out the grow?
have to get new cable for camera as i oopsed the one i was using lol, so pics in next couple days.
as far as the sweet i used it the last month only @ 10ml per gallon in res change. as my res is only like 8 gallons, and they drank 1 per day i did a weekly res change with full nutes and sweet. i just added 3 gallons of fresh water on the 5th day with no nutes because id hit them with the full spectrum in 2 more days. hope that made sense.


Well-Known Member
CURRENT PICS sorry i did a test with a small bud i cut 4 days ago, good enough to let me post 10 day old pics lmao



Well-Known Member
the test bud hits smooth, taste of ripe fruit with a slight diesel finish, maby its more of a spicey pine finish. racy start n mellows into a nice body high with a few duuh moments thrown in.



Well-Known Member
the small plant front left is the plant i converted to aero from soil to replace the clone that got sucked into the shop vac. smaller but doing well.
the other 5 are branching and in general doing great!



Well-Known Member
Potted up into 50% chunkey perlite and 50% 707 mix. seems to be a good fit

these girls now live outside and have taken to their new environment well



Well-Known Member
INSPIRED BY BKB i had set up a cofee can like bkbs in anticipation of later trying it out, then i sucked a clone into the shop vac. perfect excuse to try and save it in the bubbler. not only did it make it but has thrived and is growing gangbusters. i will def set up a run with 5 gal buckets and grow some trees. thanks bkb!!!



Active Member
i noticed u had some powdery mildew was wondering if u have ever tryed getting rid of it if u knew at all or if u have what method has worked for you