6x1000w Scrog Grow with Coco Coir Gravity Buckets (open discussion)

I've started the new grow, but its a little tight for another week. Have the pots of soil plants in the tent on a 12/12, so my mothers on the flood table are in my main area (its 18/6 right now).

Curing is going well. Almost everything is sitting just under 65% RH, so really just getting in the cure zone.
I wanted to talk to you some on light,
Intensity of light, containment of light and penetration of light.
A light bulb puts out a arc of light from the hood , the light needs to be diverted and contained within the growing space for maximum production.
The more contained and intense the light the better the production.
Ideal.lumens is around 10k lumens per sqft. I use orca film to intensify and contain the light in a space. It has a higher reflective rate then German dimple aluminum.
There are videos of comparisons to panda film on YouTube.
A 1000 watt bulb will penetrate around three feet deep into the canopy if the canopy has the plants trained so they can get maximum penetration.
The buds will develop deep on the cola if you do not over crowd them and let the light through,
Plants that form Bush's will never produce so always choose plants that form colas, most plants will. The trellis is used to spread the colas apart allowing maximum light and air penetration.
The trellis also destress's the plant and allows the plants energy to go into bud development
By growing deep into the plant trimming the plant to where the bud develops next to the terminal stem it will develop larger.
Also alot less trimming when finished.
There is no need in growing a plant much past 3.5 to 4 ft tall. Get them under a lamp topped multiple times at around 12 inch's tall , when they Finnish most plants will be around 3.5 to 4 ft tall, the roots of course smaller than the container and not root bound , the plant will sense this and explode into growth like we want it.
Not all plants stretch this much, some indicas do not so vegetative period has to be extended to get them were you want them. Knowing your plant and running it a few times is helpful . But you will be able to visually see normally how the stretch is going and you know you will need to set the nets between 2.5 weeks and three weeks.
So i shouldnt remove fan leaves?

Also cut the ends of where secondary buds form off ?
No, you remove the Branch's along the terminal stem that want to branch out more then 2 inch's away from the terminal stem. Leave the fan leaves alone this is what develops bud.
You will see the fan leaves still in tact on the picture I showed you of chocolate diesel. By removing these side Branch's and using your trellis you are allowing more light penetration deeper into the plant along with slow constant steady airflow.
You are forcing the buds to develop next to the terminal stem instead of way out on side Branch's also blocking light penetration.
You trim all the shooting Branch's off five weeks in a row as they start to shoot away from the terminal stem, leave the fan leafs on the stalk.
This is what develops the bud.
Pinch the tops of the terminal stems each time you trim forcing more nutrients and water up it along all the developing bud sites larger. If you have three stems and one is shorter than the others pinch the two long ones to slow them down and leave the other one alone to let it catch up to the other ones . We want a nice even canopy so light penetrates even through it to all plants, we do not one plant blocking the others light if we can keep from it
In the one diagram it shows you to cut one inch from the terminal stem and leave the fan leaves on, pinch the top .

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Flower - Round 2 - Started Feb 28
Projected finish date April 21 (around 55 days)

So, time for some updates. The last grow resulted in a minor haul of about 4.7pounds for 6 lights . I did have some side plants that were not under the nets and those helped get me to about 5.5 pounds. That's a ridiculously low value of 0.41g/watt. Almost a waste and barely covers my medical needs for me and the significant other .

Ive been vegging plants and had moved them out to the grow areas to start my scrog. I was going to do the same run as last time with minor improvements. I had already deleaved as ive read over and over on the forms. However after talking with Max420THC ive made some of his suggested improvements.

Max420THC improvements:

First i cut the plants back to small plants again, this was because i removed fan leaves which after plenty of chatting with Max420THC are the money making bulkers for the plants. After a week the plant shot up new terminal stems (3-4x bigger branches then the sucker branches. My goal is to have approx 30 terminals total. So that means nets with 5 plants will each have 6 terminals. Nets with 6 plants will have 5 terminals (30 ÷ # of plants = how many terminal stems each plant should have).

Ive selected the strongest branches that allow for the most even canopy. Any plants that are slightly higher then the average have been topped to around the same height. All other terminals have been removed. Ive removed any sucker branches (ill attach a explanation picture below) that have sprouted off the plant more then 2inches. I cut them off below any bud sights and sugar leaves leaving about 1/2 to 1 inch of stub. A also will not remove the big fan leaf at each of these joints.

After further discussions i will also going forward for 5 weeks after the flip to 12/12 of trimming sucker branches. This is to encourage plants that like to make long colas to make really beefy colas with zero side branching. This technique doesn't work for all strains so helpfully a few i have work nicely for this. If not they will likely be killed off.

Ive added some scraps of black and white poly to further reflect the light within the areas. Next big grow will be done properly with temp walls, but this should work for now.

Ive created a new hanging double trellis net. Which will be lower around week 2.5-3. It hangs from the ceiling with ratchet rope straps and allows for easy lowering. This will also help to support hopeful heavy colas. By supporting the colas with two nets (making a pivot point to allow for better support) it should allow for the plant to focus less energy on supporting the weight and more energy directed towards building mass.

Although not suggested (i was suggested lucas formula for ease of use and for how well suited for marijuana it is) i accidentally purchased the 3 part series of AN PH Perfect (as opposed to Jungle Juice). I will be using the 3 part along with tarantula (bennies) and myke (mycorrhizae). In order to use bennies and myco you can not have chloramines or chlorine. Chlorine can usually be bubbled off and removed by sitting after 24-48hrs, chloramines on the other hand are very stable and do not just simply evaporate (if your into fish aquariums youll know what i mean).

Unfortunately for me my locations water has the chloramines. Ive choose to correct this by buying a Hydrologics Tall Boy filter system with the added KDF85 filter. This will remove more sediments and chlorine + chloramines (basically poisons for plants).

I flushed with new clean water through the coco coir, drained res's and refilled with fresh clean water (ppm went from 297ppm to 172ppm). Hand watered all pots with the bennies and myco. (This will be repeated again in about a week)

Now for the pictures
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Proper terminal trimming diagram:
Flower - Round 2 - Started Feb 25
Projected finish date April 21 (around 55 days)
Flower Day: 5

Just noticed i messed up on the start date. I started this flip feb 25.
I have lowered the screens and lights as of yesterday to focus the lights power closer. Note that the nets are only lowered to a couple inches from tops of the plants. They are not set in place and will continue to be raised for 2.5-3 weeks.

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Very good. I can not see how far apart the double layer of trellis is . They should be about 6 to 8 inch's apart from one layer of bet to the other.
Good job keeping the light contained to the growing area. This will improve production in the lower sections of the plants especially and allow for better air and light penetration.
The double net will stabilize and destress the plants allowing the energy to be diverted to bud development.
Instead of the plant filling the net up pressing against the net stealing energy from bud development .
The trellis will also spread the colas apart allowing for light and air penetration. Now we hope these strains spring to life and stretch.
Something you will not hear many growers wish for we are wishing for, stretch and fill in bud along the terminal stems.
This is completely opposite of what most growers use the trellis for.
Flower - Round 2 - Started Feb 25
Projected finish date April 21 (around 55 days)
Flower Day: 7

Normally I do my work on Sunday's, but seeing as there is a snow day out that I'd do it today.

Trimmed any suckers that are shooting off, leaving anything that will likely stay close to the branch. If its questionable, leave it because you can always trim it off next week.

Also adjusted all the shades to focus more light downwards. You can see by the circled area that this is an example of a none adjusted shade.


Here are some side shots
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Flower - Round 2 - Started Feb 25
Projected finish date April 28 (around 62 days)
Flower Day: 37

I re-evaluated the end date and realized that for the most part the strains look to be about 1 week behind schedule. See adjustment above to schedule.

I see a couple little issues here and there, although i am also running a new nutrient line (AN Micro-Grow-Bloom). My Jacky White has some very dark green single growth leaves that are twisted, coming off the bud potions of the plant. Also a couple of my cheese plants have some yellowing of a couple of leaves.

Unfortunately I'm leaving for a trip in 2 days. Since i don't have time to troubleshoot and train the help in time, ill keep with the same nutrient schedule. I've only got one more nutrient change before i flush anyhow. Ill investigate a different ratio.

Sensi Star (2 nets)
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Original Cheese
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Critical Kush, White Berry and Dela Haze
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Sensi Star, Dela Haze, Critical Kush
Jacky White

Jacky White Leafs with twisting
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Original Cheese with yellowing, in the middle of the plant
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