8 BubbleHeads start 12/12

I think I'm going with your Idea, I'm getting an R/o system soon so I should have pristine water.. (i think)

If you use RO then you might want to consider supplementing with Cal-Mag or something similar. What a 'fricking hobby; you want pristine water, but if you strip your tap of minerals through RO you got to spend money to add them back...
If you use RO then you might want to consider supplementing with Cal-Mag or something similar. What a 'fricking hobby; you want pristine water, but if you strip your tap of minerals through RO you got to spend money to add them back...

I''ve been reading that having an electrical pump in the water somehow interfers with the IRON content of the water, and Cal-mag is good to help replace tht Iron.
I added Cal Mag yesrterday, as a supplement, just because Mostly Crazy says it helps alot in a lot of areas and I keep seeing others suggest it too.


Sponge Bob Square Pants lives under the sea,
He grows with tiny bubbles,
just like you and me.
Let me know if it helps you in anyway noticeable. Didn't know about the iron problem but it makes sense a little.

I found it on a cal-mag website.

Sponge Bob Square Pants lives under the sea,
He grows with tiny bubbles,
just like you and me.
I''ve been reading that having an electrical pump in the water somehow interfers with the IRON content of the water, and Cal-mag is good to help replace tht Iron.
I added Cal Mag yesrterday, as a supplement, just because Mostly Crazy says it helps alot in a lot of areas and I keep seeing others suggest it too.


Sponge Bob Square Pants lives under the sea,
He grows with tiny bubbles,
just like you and me.

Ha, I never heard of that! Amazing how much analyzing and trouble we'll go through to grow a freaking weed!

I finally got around to starting a thread on my grow. I just added a post about res changes and maintaining pristine water; check out the link in my sig...
PPP x Sour Diesel at 19 days of 12/12



And here's a pic of all 3 batches from left to right 19 days, 40 days, and 5 days under 12/12

I''ve been reading that having an electrical pump in the water somehow interfers with the IRON content of the water, and Cal-mag is good to help replace tht Iron.
I added Cal Mag yesrterday, as a supplement, just because Mostly Crazy says it helps alot in a lot of areas and I keep seeing others suggest it too.


Sponge Bob Square Pants lives under the sea,
He grows with tiny bubbles,
just like you and me.

You are thinking of if you are using a mag driven water pump in your rez
That will effect the iron levels
PS. The leaves do all kind of things in flower. Lower N will cause other leaves to rob them quickly and with no discernable pattern. No freaking' allowed! It's normal! Under and around a bud is especially strange.
I got up this morning, and my wife asked me
"what you going to do today"

and I answered

"I think I will jerk some males today"

You ought to see the look she gave me. LOL
Well, I wasn't 100% positive so I did not remove any males today. I saw a couple of "nuts" last night, but this morning, they had two hairs (pitils) poking out of them, so they were not males.

And on a sad note, I dropped a lamp and it landed squarely in the middle of my largest female and broke off 5 major branches. I mean brok OFF too. A pitiful site, it happened so quick. I could cry. I 'm going to have a couple shots with my beer this evening.
Aw that sucks roseman. So my pics were definitely of males right? I'm kinda second-guessing myself now but even if they were not males its too late now lol