80% Of US Adults Are Near Poverty, Rely On Welfare, Or Are Unemployed

yes, more supply = higher cost... always has worked that way in liberalville....

don't believe me, believe the people pushing for the XL pipeline.

just look it up, they want to push up the price of crude, which will drive up the price of gas. they're looking at $0.40 higher gas prices in the midwest.

Everything seems to keep going down for you, you on welfare now??? Section 8 housing? Subsidised utilities? I dont see healthcare, energy and other things going down for the productive people in America, they keep going up. You probably got a free obamaphone too!!!

actually, my rent is about to quadruple as i'll be paying the rent here as well as half in cali, which is as much as my full rent here.

but electric did go down here.

although my health insurance will be the same, my wife's insurance rates will be cut in half when the PPACA goes into full effect.

How can I take you seriously cheesybeard?

the guy who spent months bleating about the liberal media and their skewed polls is asking how can he take me seriously?


that's grand, kiddo.
Maybe if gas was not 3.50+ a gallon while Obama does everything in his power to shut down the XL pipeline, Coal fired power plants and everything else that makes energy cheap in America there might be some more jobs and less economic pain... Obamanation...


The sole purpose of the XL pipeline is to get that Canadian Crude to the gulf so they can ship it overseas. Right now the Crude gets stuck in Oklahoma were it is refined and we get better than market price.
The USA is on track to outproduce Saudi Arabia in Natural gas and Oil. Obama has nothing to do with the price of gasoline as the real bottle neck in supply is in refining.

Want to know why we get spikes in gas prices every year? Because the refinerys collude on shut downs for maintenance.

Look familiar?
Barry said that the pipeline will only create 50 permanent jobs. And that there is no way cheaper energy will create more jobs, or increase wages.
what the fuck is munchcocks' sock puppet doing back here?

didn't you spread enough fail in the months leading up to the election?
Lets talk about the pipeline creating jobs. That is what Obama is doing right?

Barry wants to keep the price of gas around 4$, because he doesn't think the cost of energy effects the economy. Is that not his assertion?
Barry wants to keep the price of gas around 4$, because he doesn't think the cost of energy effects the economy. Is that not his assertion?

why not just admit that you made something up, attributed it to obama, got caught in a lie, and you are now unable to weasel your way out of it?
How are we supposed to create jobs with an oppressive government. Obama keeps on talking about growing the middle class, but the truth is the middle class has been suffering. Actions speak louder than words, and his actions say he wants to grow the government, not the middle class.
How are we supposed to create jobs with an oppresive government. Obama keeps on talking about growing the middle class, but the truth is the middle class has been suffering. Actions speak louder than words, and his actions say he wants to grow the government, not the middle class.

government has shrunk under obama, socko.

Democrat and Republican presidents have both been creating far too many government jobs. What is your point? The government grew under the Bush family more than any other Republican President. Whats your point. How about we compare him to Reagan, and then tell me what you find out.
Democrat and Republican presidents have both been creating far too many government jobs.

government jobs under obama have fallen by millions. can't you fucking read?

What is your point? The government grew under the Bush family more than any other Republican President. Whats your point. How about we compare him to Reagan, and then tell me what you find out.

i guess you weren't aware that public sector employment went up under reagan as well.


You have a total count government jobs graph in a recession. What does that prove? When you cut the military, you cut government jobs. When you cut taxes, you create private sector jobs. 1.8% economic growth in the last quarter is pathetic. How can you call that a recovering economy?

The sole purpose of the XL pipeline is to get that Canadian Crude to the gulf so they can ship it overseas. Right now the Crude gets stuck in Oklahoma were it is refined and we get better than market price.
The USA is on track to outproduce Saudi Arabia in Natural gas and Oil. Obama has nothing to do with the price of gasoline as the real bottle neck in supply is in refining.

Want to know why we get spikes in gas prices every year? Because the refinerys collude on shut downs for maintenance.

Look familiar?

The refineries shut down for re-tooling because the federal government demands they produce like 100 different blends of gas involving shit like ethanol which has proven to be more damaging and more polluting than regular gas. Who forces them to do it???

You want cheaper gas? Stop forcing them to change blends every season...
You have a total count government jobs graph in a recession. What does that prove?

that republican presidents use government hiring to get themselves out of recessions.

When you cut taxes, you create private sector jobs.

is that so?

then why did georgge w bush have zero net job creation despite cutting taxes twice?


1.8% economic growth in the last quarter is pathetic. How can you call that a recovering economy?

i guess if obama were like his republican predecessors, he could have just government hired his way out of it. but he didn't.
Reagan cut taxes and grew the economy. What is your point Buck? And why do you keep talking about Bush? Why do you think he is such a great president that you need to post graphs about him?