80;s tunes that bring you back!

This video came out in '90, but the song was released somewhere around '85. Not sure about the year, but it was def mid '80s.

Moving Pictures was a work of art.
This is a good one to smoke with and chill.
Hey Carl and Stomper, do you guys see the icon that looks like a little film strip? Click on that and then paste your link in the pop up window that appears. If you do that then your video will appear on the page instead of just creating a link.;)


  • example.JPG
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lol Now I have Huey on my mind, AGAIN.

Hey Carl and Stomper, do you guys see the icon that looks like a little film strip? Click on that and then paste your link in the pop up window that appears. If you do that then your video will appear on the page instead of just creating a link.;)
i am smarter now

God, I was 14ish & the Wilson sisters were prime frappin material I tells ya!
From the movie Below Zero? Or something like that. Robert Downy Jr, The guy from Pretty in Pink & Jamie Gertz. James Slater played the drug dealer Jr. owed. The scene where MacArthur opens the door & RD Jr.s giving the guy a blowjob. Was a bit disturbing for 16 I tells ya! Jamie Gertz was farkin hot then! Still is but REALLY hot in that movie.
This one always makes me think of the 80's. Oh how I miss them :(
