8x8 Room w/ 4x 1000w HPS


Well-Known Member
8x8x7 LWH
4x 1000 Watt 8” Air Cooled HPS
4x 400/600/1000 Galaxy Digital Logic Ballasts
2x 8” A/C Infinity 800 CFM Inline Fans
1x 12” 1500 CFM Inline Fan
2x 8” A/C Infinity Carbon Filters
12x 5 Gallon Air Pots
70/30 Coco/Perlite Substrate

1x 8” A/C Infinity Fan & 1x A/C Infinity Carbon Filter Outside Of Room Blowing Fresh Air In

1x 8” A/C Infinity Fan & 1x A/C Infinity Carbon Filter Inside 8x8 Room Being Vented Outside VIA Glass Block Window With 8” (Shutter/Dryer) Vent

1x 12” 1500 CFM Inline Fan Outside Of Room Blowing Into Upstairs Heat Register... Sucking Air Through Lung Room/Through Air Cooled Hoods Into Bedroom Up

8x8 Room In Basement
2x 8” Vents To Suck Air Throughout Air Cooled Lights Through A “Y” 3-Way Duct (Ducting installed inside floor joists with 8” duct outside of room with flexible hose ducting tapped into upstairs bedroom register)

What I want to know.. does this sound like a good set up or a disaster waiting to happen ?

I can provide pictures here shortly when I get home to show whole set up
Seems like a lot of light for that amount of space, might want to start with 2 of them or turn the ballasts down. Your plants will tell you.
No AC?

Whats your plans for drainage?

Plan on tapping a hole into the bottom of these 15” rolling saucers with a 32 gallon garbage can outside of room with a pump inside connected to a timer to suck water out.. also have another 32 gallon garbage can outside room where I have a air pump connected with an 8 inch circle air stone which will probably run 24:7 with also a water pump which will feed inside of the room / tapped to a hose which will have hole drilled and barbs tapped in/connected to 12 lines/connected to auto watering drippers


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Here’s my whole set up.. everything isn’t complete still have to finish ducting and drywall the ceiling again. I had it drywalled but I gained 7-8 inches by removing and hanging lights directly to floor upstairs lol
Also.. after I have all my fans properly installed and everything done. I wanna run a test to see what heat stability Is.. if it’s poor then I’ll buy this mini split in the picture instead of air conditioner. Also this nice auto humidifier


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Rest of room.. and mini split/humidifier Could only post 10 pics


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4K of hid with no cooling in the summer months is really living dangerously. You went this far, be prepared. That’s over 10k btu in lights alone, plus ambient and dehu fans etc... all this stuff put out heat.
4K of hid with no cooling in the summer months is really living dangerously. You went this far, be prepared. That’s over 10k btu in lights alone, plus ambient and dehu fans etc... all this stuff put out heat.
9-12k BTU mini split I posted above ? Should that be sufficient? I’m already in probably 4K. What’s another 700 for a mini split lol. Should be one solid ass grow once I get that no?
9-12k BTU mini split I posted above ? Should that be sufficient? I’m already in probably 4K. What’s another 700 for a mini split lol. Should be one solid ass grow once I get that no?

that’s not big enough imo. It’ll be running non stop to try and keep up if it even can.
that’s not big enough imo. It’ll be running non stop to try and keep up if it even can.
Wow... really ? That’s a bummer even with what I have set up ? Did you check all the pics ? I have to oscillation fans inside room. One of the 8 inch fans and the 12 inch inline fan is outside of room. Sucking thru lung room outside of room Anyways. What size mini split would you recommend ?
Wow... really ? That’s a bummer even with what I have set up ? Did you check all the pics ? I have to oscillation fans inside room. One of the 8 inch fans and the 12 inch inline fan is outside of room. Sucking thru lung room outside of room Anyways. What size mini split would you recommend ?

You want the split working as little as possible. Running 4k barn lights I’d personally want a 28k- 32k at least in my room. I’ve switched to led for the last 4 years and only have to run my ac for a month tops in late July to mid august.
9-12k BTU mini split I posted above ? Should that be sufficient? I’m already in probably 4K. What’s another 700 for a mini split lol. Should be one solid ass grow once I get that no?
Let’s say 3500btu ambient, 3.4btu per watt of light (14000) , 2500 for dehu, another 1500-2000 for equipment and 2000 headroom. You need to plan this if you want to run that kinda power open hood. I’m not sure what’s best because there are factors like the setup and surrounding rooms and your climate.
yea 4k watts you’ll need a 24,000 btu/2 ton. i actually just built a sealed room the same size well 9x9. i have 4x 1000 watt lights, a natural gas co2 generator, and 2 ton mini split. the other thing to note is your room isnt insulated nor is it completely drywalled. alot of things will escape like heat and your a/c. i assume your gona do co2. when your room
is properly insulated and sealed it should be easier to control the climate inside the room. think of like a mini insulated house inside
of your house.
yea 4k watts you’ll need a 24,000 btu/2 ton. i actually just built a sealed room the same size well 9x9. i have 4x 1000 watt lights, a natural gas co2 generator, and 2 ton mini split. the other thing to note is your room isnt insulated nor is it completely drywalled. alot of things will escape like heat and your a/c. i assume your gona do co2. when your room
is properly insulated and sealed it should be easier to control the climate inside the room. think of like a mini insulated house inside
of your house.
Ofcorse. Like I originally stated. The room isn’t finished. Tomorrow I will put insulation in. The ceiling and drywall the ceiling.
yea 4k watts you’ll need a 24,000 btu/2 ton. i actually just built a sealed room the same size well 9x9. i have 4x 1000 watt lights, a natural gas co2 generator, and 2 ton mini split. the other thing to note is your room isnt insulated nor is it completely drywalled. alot of things will escape like heat and your a/c. i assume your gona do co2. when your room
is properly insulated and sealed it should be easier to control the climate inside the room. think of like a mini insulated house inside
of your house.
Just got off work.. and home. About to go down there now and finish all/any unfinished ductwork.
yea 4k watts you’ll need a 24,000 btu/2 ton. i actually just built a sealed room the same size well 9x9. i have 4x 1000 watt lights, a natural gas co2 generator, and 2 ton mini split. the other thing to note is your room isnt insulated nor is it completely drywalled. alot of things will escape like heat and your a/c. i assume your gona do co2. when your room
is properly insulated and sealed it should be easier to control the climate inside the room. think of like a mini insulated house inside
of your house.
How about this one ? $1600 seems fair, right ?


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yea 4k watts you’ll need a 24,000 btu/2 ton. i actually just built a sealed room the same size well 9x9. i have 4x 1000 watt lights, a natural gas co2 generator, and 2 ton mini split. the other thing to note is your room isnt insulated nor is it completely drywalled. alot of things will escape like heat and your a/c. i assume your gona do co2. when your room
is properly insulated and sealed it should be easier to control the climate inside the room. think of like a mini insulated house inside
of your house.
Or this one ?


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the wall mounted one is better than ceiling mounted in my opinion unless you have a new house with a raised basement with 12 ft ceilings down there lol. seriously though dont buy the ceiling mounted one you’ll lose to much head room dropping the ceiling around it.