8x8 Room w/ 4x 1000w HPS

the wall mounted one is better than ceiling mounted in my opinion unless you have a new house with a raised basement with 12 ft ceilings down there lol. seriously though dont buy the ceiling mounted one you’ll lose to much head room dropping the ceiling around it.
Thanks. I like the wall mounted one and idea better too That’s what I’ll probably go with then. Eventually. I neeed to get this show on. The road ASAP. I’m tired of dumping money left and right into this thing lmao. Shoulda of started something small and minor 6 months ago when I started this project. And got 2x yields and then went all out likee I did here but I guess it’s alright because I did get the exact equipment I wanted for the most part. I’m sure some would say I could have done better but for somebody likee myself with what I’ve overcame and accomplished since last June is none the less of a miracle.. example getting clean from opiates, inches away from being home less living with somebody while broke. Since august of last year. I moved into my own home and built this room slowly but surely. Now it’s my time to shine

went a bit off topic but it seems like a lot of people on this website(other threads) seem to have a way of thinking people can just afford anything with unlimited amounts of money and resources and don’t know peoples entire situations ya know?? lol and half the time, don’t even get the answer to the question I’m asking lol
Keep us updated, big fan of all or nothing balls to the wall action, I’m like that myself lol gods speed man I hope u pull at least 3 a light
Keep us updated, big fan of all or nothing balls to the wall action, I’m like that myself lol gods speed man I hope u pull at least 3 a light
Thanks bro. I’ll be happy with 6-8 pounds but 12 sounds a lot better lol. Will definitely repost a new thread when I get the room 100% finished and then keep weekly updates as I get to growing
Wooooooooord sounds good my dude.....how many harvest u got on your belt so far out of curiosity?

Zero... that should make it much more interesting to see what I can do haahahaaa

but to be honest I’ve always been an outdoor person and as a kid, I learned a lot working in the garden with my mother and still to this day I often work in the garden and keep up on yard work.. I’ve also grown a couple outdoor plants but never got to finish them completely due to somebody stealing them but that was 8-10 years ago. Buttttt I’ve literally been studying the art of growing ever since I was 14 years old and I’m 29 now so I actually have tons of information on how to grow and what to use and what not to..
I also live in Michigan too if they helps any lol
Me too. I run two 1000's, two 600's, and 1310w in LED boards in a 12×16. Winter? No problem. Since it's Michigan thats like 8 months of the year which works to our advantage. I pipe cold air in from an outside grill to my flower room on a speed controller. I usually can't run the intake at more than 50% on a 200cfm inline fan otherwise the temp drops into the low 70s. However as temps warmed up recently I've been having a hell of a time maintaining temps even with one of my 660w qb's turned off. I have a 15k BTU portable ac that ran non stop from lights on to lights off a few days ago when we hit 80 degrees outside and didn't cool down at night. Thank god a cold front moved in the next day but it became absolutely clear to me that I could not operate my flower room at the present wattage without a heavy duty mini split. There's no way the portable ac would stand a chance.

I actually just ordered two more 660w qb's to replace my 1000w hid's so I don't have to spend another $1500 on a mini split. Plus I'll save around $250/month on electric between the decreased wattage on the lighting and savings on cooling costs.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is you will definitely want a heavy duty mini if you plan to run the lights at full power in peak summer when it's 90 in the day and 80 at night. Those days are effing brutal brother. Compliments on your garden setup. It looks very clean and meticulously planned. Just make sure you carefully consider your choice of mini split. Overkill is always the way to go on cooling. Otherwise you'll find yourself in my situation swapping for LED's.
Yessir. I got 2 for $187 delivered in 8 days via alibaba. 100w 3500k Cree CXB3590:
I actually sourced these because I was very impressed with the output on another light I have on hand. It has 2 50w COB's that kicked out so much intensity I had to see what a couple 100w units would do. I would highly recommend them for veg or flower. I don't think COB's get the love they deserve.
Yessir. I got 2 for $187 delivered in 8 days via alibaba. 100w 3500k Cree CXB3590:
I actually sourced these because I was very impressed with the output on another light I have on hand. It has 2 50w COB's that kicked out so much intensity I had to see what a couple 100w units would do. I would highly recommend them for veg or flower. I don't think COB's get the love they deserve.
My first 2 grow lights ever where optic 1 xls with the 90deg glass magnifying lens.... fuckin shit for coverage but god damn did they light up a 2x2 area..... I hade a 1000x mh running full power and if I tilted my optic 1 xl over under that hood you can see the outline in its foot print clear as day under that light because it was that much more intense with that lens on their...I have consistently pulled 6.5-7.5 oz off each of them I have nothing but great things to say about them...your right...they don’t get enough loveins