9 - 10 day old pathetic looking plants

Hey guys, first time indoor grower with my boyfriend......bear with us here as we are very new to growing indoor and could really use some advice.:-P

We bought 5 feminized seeds from GHS (Trainwreck) and germinated three of them in water (kept two others for the future since we are new and learning). Two of them sprouted after a couple days, the third didn't sprout but we went ahead and planted them.

-using 4 23w (equivalent 100w) CFL lights, three reflectors from home depot, going to add another one soon so I just used my desk lamp in place of it. The photo only shows three lights but trust me there are 4. Couldn't get a good photo (stupid phone, lol)
-currently lighting is at 18/6, using an automated timer for the lights
-watering when the soil gets very dry, which seems to be daily. However I dampen the top of the soil and leave it at that, i won't overwater or flood the plants. Trying to err on the "less is more" approach.
-using miracle for moisture control soil, and regular tap water for watering. We let the water sit for a while so the chlorine evaporates.

Our plan is once they get a little bigger (which from the looks of the photos may be quite a while) we will transplant them into a bigger pot. Though at this time we are beginning to wonder if now is the time to transplant?

Admittedly we are embarrassed about our photos considering the wicked grows we've seen on this forum, people flowering after three weeks and we're on our tenth day and just barely into veg. Anyways, photos of our current grow are attached. You will see one of the plants is being held up by a pencil. The stem bent over yesterday evening so now we are trying to revive it, though worried its hopeless. The other two seem ok but really growing slowly.:sad:

Any advice or tips on our setup? This forum is great but there is so much information and can be a but overwhelming, so we're trying this using what we learned from this forum and other growers. Take note that this is our first grow and we spent a couple hundred or so on supplies so trying to stay conservative since we are so new at this and don't want to waste too much money. After I guess trial and error (and of course this great forum) is the way to learn right? He he.

Your help is greatly appreciated.:bigjoint:

P.s. the photos are going to follow in a separate post.


Well-Known Member
Early seedling growth stage is always slow. The plant is just developong a root system, so just remember with growing patience os always number one. Expect that in a month it should be mature enough to flower and harvest a decent yield.


Well-Known Member
:weed: Welcome to riu, looking forward to see pics, you're on your way to fun learning and seeing the results of you efforts. as peyote said, seedlings first need to develop a good root system before any growth can occure. Be kind to your babies and they will reward you threefold. :weed:


Active Member
once you start 12/12 or induce flowering, keep the daylight spectrums, and add the cool white spectrums. broader spectrums can be beneficial.