9 Bagseed grow journal

idk that might be it we are using tap water but were putting a drop of aqua safe in each gallon supposed to make it ok for plants n fish so idk

whats the temps? maybe a combination of both? ours started getting little dead spots all over the leave and some said that was mg and cl deficiency caused by tap water, have you tried puttin epsom salt in with the water?
there lookin pretty good man going to start em on 12/12 tomorrow was going to start em today but that required talking to my brother when he was with his ol lady n i cant stand the bitch so i just went to work n m going to do it tomorrow! but yea bro it looks fuckin sweet!
got the timer the lights are goin off at around 11:30 tonight n back on at 11:30 in the morning. Gonna take pics tonight before the lights go off and water them also n compare them in the morning after a good nights rest! let me know about whether i should water them tonight or in the morning!
dang we got basically the same schedule going as far as lights, 11 at night turn'em on 11 in morning turn'em off.

umm, i put my baby through like 2 days of the flowering lights before i watered it last night.... i dont know if it really even needed water to be honest. i'm gonna lay off the water for about 5 or 6 days and see what happens before i water again.

as far as watering... i think the plant tells you when it needs water. usually the leaves go from dark "forest green" to slowly a brighter green where the leaves meet their stems... thats been my experience so far and i havnt had any problems.

post some pics for sure man
i will i just took some and threw a thermomoeter in there to check my temps! and as far as my bro's grow i was really sweating takin poics in that closet and im fuckin high as hell!!!
in the closet is the grow room and its hot from all the fuckin lights and i was takin pictures for update for my and my brothers grow n i got some dank ass blueberry that is had me baked all day
hahaha thats funny bro that kid called you gay on your own thread hahahahaha jk ah im back still kinda fucked up though
well they are on 12/12 now here are some pics from yesterday hope you enjoy!


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i know dude but you are soo gay cuz u could have got your fatass up or hell even talked and i could have heard you looser im like 10 feet from you
things are lookin good man! a lil less than 2 month from now and you should be ready for harvesting, right?