9 Bagseed grow journal

that little fuck ewwww i told his ass not to look cuz what if my dad opend up my room door the gig would be up and i would be pissed its simple just wait till nighttime hell i wanna look at my girls too shit i feel weird now during the day without my closet doors open and being able to walk in and see my girls but i deal with it cuz i want to enjoy the furits of my time and efforts. im done with my rant he is lucky he isnt here or he would be hearing this instead of yall lol. im not pissed though
that little fuck ewwww i told his ass not to look cuz what if my dad opend up my room door the gig would be up and i would be pissed its simple just wait till nighttime hell i wanna look at my girls too shit i feel weird now during the day without my closet doors open and being able to walk in and see my girls but i deal with it cuz i want to enjoy the furits of my time and efforts. im done with my rant he is lucky he isnt here or he would be hearing this instead of yall lol. im not pissed though
hahahahaha i bet he is gonna try and soften you up before he gets back so your not as mad....*ring ring* pitbudz answers the phone "what do you want" sunnyshit-" i got some good shit is dad not around so we can smoke" pitbudz- "told you not to look at the plants" sunnyshit-"i got Weed!"
hahaha yeah man he got back and i had to explain to him once again no matter how bad he wants to look we r to far in to have it fail cuz of somethin like my dad tearing them out of the pots and ripping them up shit i wish he had some smoke man
well i went to look for some weed but didnt have ne luck so o well i gotta get some fool a quarter for 105 which is pretty good for around here so ill get a little out of that!
i wish he would hurry up too i wanna get high lol slow ass time takin motherfucker geez jk bro but on the cool u need to hurry
hahaha i would have slapped his ass but shit man that got me spaced way the fuck out like i thought i was gonna drop the bong i was so high and i was sittin down and we only smoked a bowl and got 10 bad ass seeds my bro remembers the names he needs to post em we will prolly start them after harvest
hahaha i would have slapped his ass but shit man that got me spaced way the fuck out like i thought i was gonna drop the bong i was so high and i was sittin down and we only smoked a bowl and got 10 bad ass seeds my bro remembers the names he needs to post em we will prolly start them after harvest
pics once i load them just took them
Check this out! so i go to a homies earlier to get that weed, which was some pretty good dank btw, well we got to talkin about his hook up who is some old hi[[ie dude thats got this bad ass setup bla bla ill cut to the chase.....i got 9 white rhino and 9 sour deisel seed fuckin eh!!
yeah im soo fuckin happy and dont say fuckin eh ever again we are from the united states in texas bro not canada
yeah im soo fuckin happy and dont say fuckin eh ever again we are from the united states in texas bro not canada
bad ass seeds...hahahahhahahahahahahhaha my dad has a gf from canada and she has him saying eh all the time and im like what the fuck this isnt texadia damnit
hahahahahahaha yeah man i wish i knew that last year man i would have pissed a bunch of my canadian buddies off they were down here to rodeo but they liked to talk shit on our country except texas cuz of the rodeos and it pissed me off and they pissed me off full of piss n vinegar and no backbone to really fight i seen a bunch of em get their asses whooped a bunch for gettin to drunk and poppin off to the wrong drunk texan