911 call excuse for cops to come to your house

da man1

Active Member
oh so i guess drug infested neighborhoods are usually white neighborhoods??? im not racist im actually mixed half white half black. and people shouldnt have to change the way they dress to prevent from being harrassed by police. im pretty sure freedom of expression is supposed to be one of our country's most cherished values... the only reason i immediately brought up race was because racial profiling is the most common type of profiling used by police... ive experienced it first hand. try not to say fuck the police and racial profiling when ur walking down the street minding ur business and you get tackled by police others coming with guns drawn you have a cast on your arm from a recent surgery that goes above the elbow and they continue to force your arm behind your back to put you in cuffs that wont even fit around the cast anyway... some bitch cop with a pissy ass attitude comes and stomps on your 200 dollar sunglasses while ur pressed to the ground. and in the end they find out im not the person their looking for but i "fit the description"... no apology no nothin except a scratched up face and chest and a busted ass pair of sunglasses.... just because i happened to have some color in my skin in a mostly white area. and its worse in the "drug infested neighborhoods". cops drive down the street and randomly stop people just to run their name and check for warrants... no probable cause no regard for the law at all. the reason people say fuck the police is because theyre just as unlawful as the people that they are arresting. im sorry if some of you have been somehow sheltered from the reality of what the police are doing on these streets but dont try to tell me that its somehow my fault or something im doing
Sorry that happened to you man. We all profile racial or otherwise, cop or not. I see white rich kids dressing like punks, staring me down, acting like they own a place and everyone there owes them something like respect. I see black and asian kids do the same. I see a black guy in a designer suit, I think executive. I see a white girl wearing jeans that don't fit, a half shirt and rotten teeth I think AIDS and crack. Cops deal with the scum of the earth day in and day out. Do want them to ask about your feelings before they check you for a gun or whatever. Stepping on the glasses and the arm thing were totally uncalled for. Next time your on a flight across country lets see how you feel when the airport security stops and frisks the 90 year old lady in a wheelchair but lets the Arab, muslim, between the age of 18-32 go right on thru because security doesn't profile. All I'm sayin is if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a f##kin duck. If it's duck season you probably want to look like a bunny!


how so... you must agree with me that not all police are white so how can they be racist!! on top of that there are tons of other ways police can profile other than race.. yes clothes for example.. when i see a black man walking down the street with a red suit and a cane with gold teeth im going to suspect that he is a pimp.. you dolt!!! not everything is related to race..like you think it is.. typical for black men to be searched because they fit a discription!!! just as its typical for white people too.. you only see the law through the eyes of a black man.. you claim that because your half white your not a racist???? how the fuck does that make you not a racist just becuase you have white in your blood??? seems to me you just use that as an excuse to make claims such as the police are unlawful even though most police officers are just tryin to do their jobs... you see all cops as evil because you had a bad experience!!! .. let me just ask you this.. if the cops went on strike and didnt answer 911 calls all day long do you think this would be a good thing??? the city you live in would be in shambles if this were to happen and you know it !!! so why dont you have some fucking respect for the people that try to keep criminals at bay ....


Active Member
really.. what state are you in ? are you a firefighter??? who told you that??? because in my state that is an absolute falsehood.. firefighters and paramedics have no affiliation with cops!! cops do their jobs..... firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics do their jobs!!!
This was a controversial subject last year - all over the news and talk radio - it was hard to miss actually.

Did I say that firefighters and don't do their jobs? Don't burst a blood vessel, ok?

Here is a link you might find interesting:

Firefighters take on terror role - Security - MSNBC.com


And you know i disagree with how the police handled your situation thats why i said if you were truly disatisfied and convinced your rights were violated why dont you seek lawfull representation instead of disrespecting every police officer ever to wear a uniform by saying fuck the police... and you know maybe we are suffering from a miscomunication here.. you a probably a good person as am i, but this is where we differ. if a police officer was to tackle me, stomp my sunglasses, and damn near break my arm.. i would get up and think to myself you know what that sucked but i somehow fit the discription of a criminal unlucky... maybe... but as the above poster said. if it looks like a duck quakcs like one too it probably is one.... so i give the cops the benifit of the doubt when they tackle someone who isnt a duck!! sorry i offended you the name calling and shit talking was not neccesarry but still disagree with your disrespect for the police in general!!!


jennyj you believe everything on msnbc. i can tell you straight from the heart that is a falsehood.. when firefighters are on scene they arent looking to throw people in jail they are focused soley on the task at hand..i.e. putting out the fire, caring for patients, cutting patients out of entrapped vehicles!!do you think when they are doing cpr on a patient in cardiac arrest they have time to go oh look a crack pipe!! someone call the police!! do you understand where im comming from !!


sorry thecloset for the earlier posts. i disagree with you, but your right there was no need to talk shit about you personaly!!!


Well-Known Member
u keep trying to say that im calling someone racist but im really not... once again im saying that they are RACIALLY PROFILING. im not saying that makes them racist. and yes like u and da man said it does make their job a lot easier becasue a lot of times profiling will bring you to your suspect... shit thats why the fbi has a special criminal PROFILING unit. but its when local cops on the streets use it on a daily basis just to bust people for petty crimes when they have no probable cause that it causes a problem.. and i dont know why your trying to say im racist?? if your thinking im saying fuck these white cops your wrong. when im talking about cops im talking about cops that do things that cross the line whatever color they may ne not just white cops... im not an idiot i know that the entire police force isnt white. and im not trying to make everything about race. like i said earlier: racial profiling is just one of the many problems with our police. racial profiling didnt have anything to do with that black cop shooting the veteran in the back but i would say that that defnitely represented a flaw in our law enforcement. i dont see all cops as evil. my cousin is a cop. youre trying to generalize my statement way too much. what i am saying tho is that this kind of unacceptable behavior by police occurs on a level great enough where it should concern us and not just be overlooked. and even still your logic for why cops are not racist doesnt hold. u say they cant be racist because their not all white, which would imply that you have to be white to be racist(anyone can be racist, doesnt matter what race) and then u wanna sit here and call me racist. but im not white? by ur logic im excluded from being racist. moot point really as your misunderstanding me in the fisrt place once again im not trying to say that cops are racist. i would never make a statement that general. and yes ur right i wouldnt like it if the police went on strike(eventhough personally im pretty sure id be aright) but i would like it if they stopped some of the bullshit that im talking about. in conclusion a couple questions:
why do you think im a racist?
do you understand now that im not trying to say that racial profiling is the ONLY problem with our police ? there are many others that have nothing to do with race. even many of the problems that seem to deal with race i admit may stem more from class discrimination than racial discrimination. and still yet thhere are other problems that have nothing to do with race: corruption, bribery etc.
could you list some of the tons of ways that cops can profile people that doesnt lead back to race? not saying that their arent any, but im having a hard time thinking of tons that arent specific to certain situations...


Well-Known Member
im glad we could turn down the heat tho in order to have a debate instead of an argument... much more fun to me


and the article you posted was about firefighters and EMTs infringing on peoples rights because they "dont need warrants to enter private property" if 911 is called it is actually considered neglegence for a firefighter or EMT not to enter the property in efforts to help someone in need of medical assistance!!! that report was just a crock of shit!!


Active Member
jennyj you believe everything on msnbc. i can tell you straight from the heart that is a falsehood.. when firefighters are on scene they arent looking to throw people in jail they are focused soley on the task at hand..i.e. putting out the fire, caring for patients, cutting patients out of entrapped vehicles!!do you think when they are doing cpr on a patient in cardiac arrest they have time to go oh look a crack pipe!! someone call the police!! do you understand where im comming from !!
This was on msnbc website but it was off the ap wire. Am I to understand that if you haven't heard of something then it isn't true? Your opinion is more important than proven fact because it is straight from your heart?

This was a pilot program in New York and when it was expanded to additional cities the word got out and the objections were raised.

You still seem to think I am accusing the firefighters and paramedics of something nefarious and I am not. They aren't responsible for their training.

Guess what my son does for a living?

Please don't throw me out of the thread - do some research before your next attack.


Well-Known Member
how so... you must agree with me that not all police are white so how can they be racist!! on top of that there are tons of other ways police can profile other than race.. yes clothes for example.. when i see a black man walking down the street with a red suit and a cane with gold teeth im going to suspect that he is a pimp.. you dolt!!! not everything is related to race..like you think it is.. typical for black men to be searched because they fit a discription!!! just as its typical for white people too.. you only see the law through the eyes of a black man.. you claim that because your half white your not a racist???? how the fuck does that make you not a racist just becuase you have white in your blood??? seems to me you just use that as an excuse to make claims such as the police are unlawful even though most police officers are just tryin to do their jobs... you see all cops as evil because you had a bad experience!!! .. let me just ask you this.. if the cops went on strike and didnt answer 911 calls all day long do you think this would be a good thing??? the city you live in would be in shambles if this were to happen and you know it !!! so why dont you have some fucking respect for the people that try to keep criminals at bay ....

you obviously need to sit down and read a book or two, turn off the news media for a little while.

for starters...

prejudice - Definitions from Dictionary.com

racism - Definitions from Dictionary.com

you say that not all police are white so how can they be racist? that itself is one of the most ignorant statements i've heard on this site. you surely have heard of intra-racism and colorism? probably not because ignorance is blissful, and you rock it very well.

second you say their are tons of ways police profile other than race, yet you bring up clothes for example. well billy john, if you didnt know CLOTHES ARE PROFILED because ignorant fucks like you associate them with color. You prove this in your comment about the 'black man and his cane, gold teeth and red suit' that is very ignorant. Why could not be a singer/entertainer? Flavor Flav's dad? etc. What justifies you thinking he is a pimp JUST because he is wearing a redsuit walking on a cane (ever thought it may be functional and not for show) and wearing gold teeth???? what justifies it? OHHH i know...maybe its the racially motivated news media who SHOWS you what a black pimp wears. LMAO. your thinking is very ignorant and i would suggest you open up your eyes. We wont talk about how the news media ALWAYS portrays the black man or any other minority..... but when the white man fucks up....we dont hear shit.... but that is another thread.

third, you're right....not everything is race related, but in this country..... about 80% is. The other percentages is where you sit on the class/social scale.

last but not least, just for your information..... i really think it would be hard for a black person to be racist against a white person for the simple fact its just not possible. a black person may be prejudice (look it up, i know you might need clarification) but that is it, if anything.

inorder to be racist or to be associate. that said race who is being racist would have to be a popular race or to be in control. and obviously the african american race were never in power or the like in this country.

stop sugarcoating racism, police brutality, profiling and the racism among police and police period. i bet you think hiphop policing is fake too huh?

you havent walked a mile in this man shoes, let alone a foot.....so to belittle or discredit his story and how he is feeling is bogus. grow up and open that mind. think outside the box!


Well-Known Member
i explained earlier why it wouldnt make much sense for me to seek representation.. and as far as your response if it were to happen to you... thats pretty much what i did. i would have felt a little bit better about it if they could have approached me in a civil manner to address whether i might be a suspect. my guess is, cops are much more likely to do so for a white person who fits a description. im sure it all depends on the circumstances and whatever crime the suspect may have committed. In my case, they were looking for someone who was involved in a fist fight(not sure why they thought the guy with a cast was involved in a fist fight). i dont think the force was necessary... i think i may have misrepresented myself a little bit when it comes to my attitude towards police. i still have respect for police, but police who use their authority in unlawful ways and violate the rights of citizens, especially those in disadvantaged circumstances, are public enemy #1... more than some terrorist or even osama bin laden because honestly im more worried about getting the shit kicked outta me by police then being killed by a terrorist.

da man1

Active Member
you obviously need to sit down and read a book or two, turn off the news media for a little while.

for starters...

prejudice - Definitions from Dictionary.com

racism - Definitions from Dictionary.com

you say that not all police are white so how can they be racist? that itself is one of the most ignorant statements i've heard on this site. you surely have heard of intra-racism and colorism? probably not because ignorance is blissful, and you rock it very well.

second you say their are tons of ways police profile other than race, yet you bring up clothes for example. well billy john, if you didnt know CLOTHES ARE PROFILED because ignorant fucks like you associate them with color. You prove this in your comment about the 'black man and his cane, gold teeth and red suit' that is very ignorant. Why could not be a singer/entertainer? Flavor Flav's dad? etc. What justifies you thinking he is a pimp JUST because he is wearing a redsuit walking on a cane (ever thought it may be functional and not for show) and wearing gold teeth???? what justifies it? OHHH i know...maybe its the racially motivated news media who SHOWS you what a black pimp wears. LMAO. your thinking is very ignorant and i would suggest you open up your eyes. We wont talk about how the news media ALWAYS portrays the black man or any other minority..... but when the white man fucks up....we dont hear shit.... but that is another thread.

third, you're right....not everything is race related, but in this country..... about 80% is. The other percentages is where you sit on the class/social scale.

last but not least, just for your information..... i really think it would be hard for a black person to be racist against a white person for the simple fact its just not possible. a black person may be prejudice (look it up, i know you might need clarification) but that is it, if anything.

inorder to be racist or to be associate. that said race who is being racist would have to be a popular race or to be in control. and obviously the african american race were never in power or the like in this country.

stop sugarcoating racism, police brutality, profiling and the racism among police and police period. i bet you think hiphop policing is fake too huh?

you havent walked a mile in this man shoes, let alone a foot.....so to belittle or discredit his story and how he is feeling is bogus. grow up and open that mind. think outside the box!
did you really just say black people can't be racist? If I'm in a "Black neighborhood" aren't black people most probably in control? If I'm the only white guy in a group of Black guys that know each other and don't know me, who's in control?


ok my main disagreement with you thecloset is that the cops DO NOT racially profile. they profile in general but not racialy... ex: a cop is not going to waste his time pulling over a clean cut white guy driving a escalade. just as he is not going to pull over a clean cut black man driving an escalade... no if that escalade has $5000 dollar rims on in and a black guy that is wearing a red bandana over his mug with bling bling all over the place.. its a different story!! i dont believe that cops use racial profiling as much as you think. especially local cops., you have to understand that cops are the most hated people on earth. they have one of the hardest jobs you caould have. every time they pull someone over or every time they show up on someones doorstep they get shit on!! sometimes over stupid things like speeding tickets.. its just the general population doesnt understand how hard of a job these guys have. thats why i said earlier i tend to give them the benifit of the doubt because deep down most police officers do what they do becauce they want to protect people. not make their life more difficult!!


Well-Known Member
did you really just say black people can't be racist? If I'm in a "Black neighborhood" aren't black people most probably in control? If I'm the only white guy in a group of Black guys that know each other and don't know me, who's in control?

i wrote that whole post and all you can say is something about how black people cant be racist...

LMAO......boy i swear.

we have a LONG way to go!


how is that msnbc report anymore fact than my opinion ??
all that is, is some journalists opinion.
ask your son if he has ever reported someones criminal behavior when he was on scene soley to help!


Well-Known Member
ok my main disagreement with you thecloset is that the cops DO NOT racially profile. they profile in general but not racialy... ex: a cop is not going to waste his time pulling over a clean cut white guy driving a escalade. just as he is not going to pull over a clean cut black man driving an escalade... no if that escalade has $5000 dollar rims on in and a black guy that is wearing a red bandana over his mug with bling bling all over the place.. its a different story!! i dont believe that cops use racial profiling as much as you think. especially local cops., you have to understand that cops are the most hated people on earth. they have one of the hardest jobs you caould have. every time they pull someone over or every time they show up on someones doorstep they get shit on!! sometimes over stupid things like speeding tickets.. its just the general population doesnt understand how hard of a job these guys have. thats why i said earlier i tend to give them the benifit of the doubt because deep down most police officers do what they do becauce they want to protect people. not make their life more difficult!!

LMAO!!!!! give them the benefit of the doubt? are you fucking serious?

tell that to the families' of these victims... Drug War Victims

see how many times they tell you to go fuck yourself!

justify this jake, justify it Drug War Victims


Well-Known Member
ok my main disagreement with you thecloset is that the cops DO NOT racially profile. they profile in general but not racialy... ex: a cop is not going to waste his time pulling over a clean cut white guy driving a escalade. just as he is not going to pull over a clean cut black man driving an escalade... no if that escalade has $5000 dollar rims on in and a black guy that is wearing a red bandana over his mug with bling bling all over the place.. its a different story!! i dont believe that cops use racial profiling as much as you think. especially local cops., you have to understand that cops are the most hated people on earth. they have one of the hardest jobs you caould have. every time they pull someone over or every time they show up on someones doorstep they get shit on!! sometimes over stupid things like speeding tickets.. its just the general population doesnt understand how hard of a job these guys have. thats why i said earlier i tend to give them the benifit of the doubt because deep down most police officers do what they do becauce they want to protect people. not make their life more difficult!!
cops are Racist..you have no clue wtf you are talkin about, yea some may not be racist them selves but they do racially profile people.. no offence but you must be white cause if you were black like me or even mexican you would kno whats up with those pigs, same to everyone else on this thread defending cops