960 watts LED, Apollo13, Medicine Man, OG Kush, White Russian, G13xHashplant, 3 more

Can't wait to see the experiments. Plants are looking good. There's that word 'loud', you east coast raider? Good luck with the ac there and getting out of there
Alright. East coast is the only place I'd hear the term 'loud' come from previously. We had a discussion on it in the Texas Growers thread
No problems with a/c... i guess ozone generator + 2 crisp linen ONA bottles + oil based air fresheners is good enough :)

Cut OGK#1
Cut big fan leaves off A13#1 - taking her down tonight... she is running on water fumes too
Trimming is a fucking bitch. I'm trying to get high here... I only got so much time per day outside work... trim or get high... trim or get high... it took over an hour just to do part of this one cola... it's gonna take forever. Luckily my wife is helping me too she did most of the OGK (she doesn't smoke (more for me!) and she actually volunteered to help trim -- how's that for a kick ass wife? did i mention she's hot too? :) )

So yeah, looks like I'll be spending a lot of this weekend trimming this apollo... i need to round up my lazy bitch best friend (actually he's not lazy he just has limited time) and make him trim some... but yeah... i'm pretty happy. I went ahead and had my friend hook us up with some "really good pure Kush" from our old hookup so that I wouldn't be wasting too much of what I got coming quick drying and early sampling... gonna give him replacement bud ;) Anyway, came home from work and smoked a bowl of the 'pure kush'... barely felt high... smoked some of my apollo... didn't finish the bowl (that kind of distracted high)... this stuff is definitely better not even fully dried/cured than the crap we buy... not saying my stuff is even that great, just what we normally get is not :) this is definitely going to be my last bag to buy... from here on out it's all homegrown... and in a couple of weeks it's time to plant the next crop!!! YEEHA Cheesequake, Ace of Spades and Timewreck here I come!!! Have high hopes for all 3 and expect them to produce more potent plants than the apollo even, particularly the AoS and Timewreck. Now that I have a 5g smart pot free up from the OG Kush, it's time to put one of my apollo dos santos cuts into it in preparation for flower in a couple weeks.

OG Kush (the ever sickly)

Apollo #2 "Dos Santos" - Go JDS Go JDS GO! This isn't even the biggest cola!! I got 4 this size and 4 about half that size and then a bunch of smaller nug branches

I kind of feel like I'm tormenting the apollo... she normally would have gotten a water yesterday... so by this point she's dieing for water and probably the bigger leaves would have started wilting already... then I'm just slowly cutting/ripping all her leaves off one by one.. it's like death from a thousand cuts....
Nice looking harvest there Sensei. I too use LED's to light my garden. May I recommend the Lumigrow ES330. This LED unit really rocks. It allows the gardener to adjust the spectrum between the red, and blue/white diodes. I have been using this unit along with 4 Kessil H150's, for the corners of my 4x4 grow tent. The plants are receiving roughly 1,260 watts of usable light, and I'm only consuming roughly 500 watts for the lights alone. The power consumption with my 3 oscillating fans, 4" inline fan, and the lights comes to roughly 600 watts total, according to the KillaWatt meter I have everything plugged into. LED's work great, with little energy consumption and very little heat.
Here are some photos of one of my last harvests.View attachment 2154204View attachment 2154210View attachment 2154215 The Purple plant is under my lights, but is still naturally purple. It is Cripple Creek
The photo in the middle is my own cross of a SSH male and the female was a beautiful Chocolope. I got the seeds in Amsterdam during the 2007 Cannabis Cup.
The photo on the far right is a cross of Larry OG with some unknown plant.

I hope you'll like the photos. I'm about to plant some Plushberry and some Qush tomorrow night while the "Flower Moon" is in full effect. Peace and Grow Your Own!
No photos :) How do you like the larry OG? Have heard good things -- I hope she's an easier grow than my og kush's.. they are the shittiest plants i've ever grown health-wise... my sour kush is doing awesome from the same breeder though

I had a hard time deciding between Ace of Spades or Plushberry to try and find a Black Cherry Soda pheno -- I went w/ AoS because I heard it's generally more potent than the plush... also heard of a few plushberry hermies recently.... i've been lucky enough so far to never have a hermie.
God damn that Apollo 2.....my my my, you've got a beauty for an led lady....alright time to put the phone away, i'm in killadelphia right now; shitty:-P
I plan to be in town Thursday evening, going to check out some bands. I'll pm you. I might have an extra blueberry .. they're just over a week in flower and sexed female. How long does 2 grams last you?

Got high the other day and went shopping. Put my hand in my pocket and found my pill bottle in it and got real nervous. Finished shopping and left. Outside was state trooper and local cop went by as I pulled out. Rather relieved to get home.
Oh yeah, I only were were all so lucky to have a wife like that.

After 2 years single I'm starting to date someone. I'm hoping to be as lucky.
You live in Philly PSUA or just visiting? Always Sunny in Philadelphia is one of my favorite shows of all time :) Been to PA but never Philly

Yeah she's a pretty girl... the top buds are a lot denser than the lower ones I've sampled before so hoping I'll still get a pretty good yield. We'll see.

I plan to be in town Thursday evening, going to check out some bands. I'll pm you. I might have an extra blueberry .. they're just over a week in flower and sexed female. How long does 2 grams last you?

Got high the other day and went shopping. Put my hand in my pocket and found my pill bottle in it and got real nervous. Finished shopping and left. Outside was state trooper and local cop went by as I pulled out. Rather relieved to get home.

Sweeet... blueberry'd be nice, especially if still small :) i'm looking forward to having more space in the cab over the next month as things finish up.

Oh yeah, I only were were all so lucky to have a wife like that.

After 2 years single I'm starting to date someone. I'm hoping to be as lucky.

Good luck you'll need it :) You have a decent shot now in your 20s there are still good ones left... this is gonna sound harsh, but the later you get into your 30s the more you find women that are single/divorced for a reason :) way too much baggage. don't settle -- good ones are hard to find if you do find one jump on that shit
They're recently rooted cuttings. Just put them in those small cups a couple days ago from the bubble cloner.

I've only seen a few episodes of that show.

Yeah...I learned not to settle. Been single two years and had planned to stay that way. Sent one message to this girl and way leads on to way. I met her last year but have been distant acquaintances since then. I tried jumping on one years ago, turned out she wasnt so good after all and I've been weary ever since.
Hi man, i am completely new to this forum, this is my first post. Im just starting my own LED project. I already had an Apollo 6, had only one flowering cycle and i sold it. Not that i considered it to be bad, it's just that it didn't cover my expectations. I was hoping to get close to my ex 400W kit, but it really couldn't do it. Flowers developed fine, but they didn't become as dense and big as with mi 400, and also, the buds couldnt cover the branch in between nods, so instead of getting the big buds, i got plenty of more reduced ones, never the less, the plants developed really healthy, but the flowering just wasn't what i expected it to be. I didn't do things perfectly and i could have filled more the space, but it gave me an idea of what this panel could do, or mostly what i could be getting from it. In that matter, a realized that it wouldnt be a real yield improvment over same wattage in HID. Mostly i would be getting the benefits of the low heat, the longer lifespan and the more easy to mount easy to use benefit over complicated ballast and coolboxes, airtubes, etc. But it wouldnt be the more yield per watt performance i was looking. In that matter, i think that Apollo's really can do same as HID at same wattage, and you get all of those other benefits mentioned at a very fair price. But they can't, in my opinion, outperform an HID lamp. Giving this, i sold mi Apollo, and now i did some really deep research on LED's. Found out there were some things one should pay attention when buying a led panel. First and most important to me, the diodes. Having Bridgelux, Epistar or Luxeon lamps, is not the same as using CREE, Seoul or Osram lamps. Panels based on first mentioned are half the price making them, BUT this comes qith a little lower performance also. The second mentioned lamps have more efficiency, meaning more lumens per watt and longer lifespan also. This means you would need more watts of those ather lamps to output the same amount of light that you can do with those better lamps. Osram Golden Dragon plus or CREE XP-E models are one of the best types available. Panels based on that technologies, will surelly outperform any chinese LED panel, this including most USA panels being same chinese panels being rebranded. Then, after getting better most efficient lamps, you can start tuning the wavelength's. In that matter, it is my opinion, that full spectrum is not necesary, for me, you have to focus in RED peaks and BLUE peaks. It will depend on what are you going to use your panel for, if it's going to be mostly for growing or veging. After taking care of the ratio between RED and BLUE you want, you could add some FAR red Lamps that would help in timing of different stages, and also you could replace some BLUE lights for some cool whites 10.000K lamps, which would give you a lot of blue light and also will cover some of other spectrum wavelength's minimally in case plant could use some of it, like green, or orange maybe. So, using only 3 and max 4 bands, you can have a panel that is completely focused on plant peaks but can also cover some of other wavelength's minimally in case they could use some. EVOleds from spain, that had shown great results, use only CREE lamps and only RED 630nm and Cool white 10.000K in the ratio of 6:3. (The peak of red absortion is 660nm, but CREE doesn't make that wavelength, only 630nm, but even being less precise on wavelength, the more efficiency of this lamp giving more lumens per watt in an almost accurate wavelength, finally is better than having a less efficient light in the exact correct wavelength) as you can see EVOleds are using only 2 bands, yet it covers the full spectrum with peaks on BLUE and mostly on RED. In fact, the light spectrum curve this light emits, it's practically identical to the PAR light curve. I'm now waiting for my new CREE based panels and see for real, if this can show to be a real improvment. I'm expecting to get heat, lifespan, easy use AND yield performance benefits. In that way i think the Apollo could cover the first 3 aspects, but came a little behind on the fourth one. In that matter, i belive you could have done the same with a 1000 W HID if not maybe better, but you obviusly saved some heat issues and all that stuff involved in having HID lamps. Soon i will be starting a thread with my set up as soon as my panels arrive. Hope to be not too anoying with too much writing, it is just i am learning so much from different forums, i want to give some of that i think i have "learned" to others and maybe contribute to getting the info right. Because in the LED market there is so many lies, so many bulshit, so many claiming what is not real, i think it is important to give some points that are important to consider when someone offers you "THE BEST LED PANEL IN THE WORLD" Why is it the best? is it built with the best lamps available? are those lamps tuned wiselly in order to get the best efficiency of them? (lamps will give you more or less efficiency depending on the current, at 700ma, a 3W lamp will not give you the best efficiency), also heat, at more heat led's give you less efficiency. There are many many factors to consider when choosing the right LED panel, and i can recomend making a lot of research because there is too much misleading information about it, even fake journals and fake members in forums giving backup to their own products undercovered. The LED market has a certain amount of mafia going on, and it is important to get deep in the info so you can reallly go for the best choice for you. I think the Apollo series, are just excellent for the price, really, solid well built, gives you a nice performance and has an excellent heat dissipation system and also they look in appereance very nice. Also you can modify the light spectrum as you wish. If i could turn back time, i would have made my own spectrum, putting in each 15 leds cluster, 12 RED's, 1 Blue, 2 Cool White and 1 far red lamps on each cluster, giving a total of 72 REDs, 6 BLUE's, 12 Cool White's and 6 far red lamps. that i think would have given me a nice full power flowering performance, reducing some growth performance i was not very interested in, but still keeping some of that blue spectrum and increasing some full spectrum and more lumens adding more Cool Whites, since whites have even better efficiency than color lamps, giving even more lumens per watt. It's a lot of info maybe, i think this can help to expand knowledge, since as i tell you, im sharing now, to give back all i have learned from all of you in so many forums that have been of so much help to me. Ill be posting my journal, would be very pleased if you and anyone who wants to see what LED technology can pull out, come and give me your thoughts, suggestions and considerations to pull it off the right way. Thanks for your sharing, and i hope i can become more involved in this community to share experiences and knowledge. Thanks again.
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Super Silver Haze x Chocolope, Cripple Creek(Deep Chunk x Pine Tar Kush), Larry OG x ?, Super Silver Haze x Chocolope

These are the photos of some of my last harvest. Grown under a Lumigrow ES330, and 4 Kessil H150's. Super dense nugs, used Bud Candy and Rhino Skin.
Jesus @that wall of text their buddy^^^....anyways yeah I live right outside (burbs)...feel safer ha.....enjoy the shitload of home grown you got coming your way.....jealous/bastard:-)
i've been having fun with finger hash today :) trimming blows... so long and boring.... should finally be done tonight sometime.. pics will follow... holy crap they need something to make trimming faster :)