Controversy! Well I'm not going to hate on you for believing what you believe -- to each their own is my philosophy... but you are probably not going to find many here agreeing or sympathizing with you including me
First, I was a brother's grimm fan back in the day when they were still around and joey was still making f2s... their genetics would be just about gone in seed form if not for subcool, which would be a fucking shame. I'm unaware of where else you can get apollo 13 seeds -- they weren't even available back when I grew apollo 11 before so to me it's awesome I even get to try the strain.
No subcool didn't make these strains, but he took the time to backcross apollo where no other breeder did. As far as saying 'he didn't make these strains', let me ask you WHO DOES?? NO ONE invented weed but God/jah/the universe/whatever. Everybody else is just breeding what they have found or were passed on. Where did all the strains we have come from other than landraces? Some guy found or was given a plant or seeds and crossed it with some other ones. That's what sub does. I've seen your complaint before, not sure from you, but my philosophy is unless you can do better it's just whining -- unless you're more accomplished than he is your words to me are just words from some dude on a computer I don't know jack about. I know what's sub's done. He's done a lot that I respect him for accomplishing and he's living the dream out. No offense but I got no idea what you've done other than grow some plants maybe and complain about sub, so that doesn't really mean much to me

All I know is my TGA seeds have been the quality of the strains I've grown so far this year and you rarely ever hear a complaint about sub's seeds. Not saying other breeders aren't good or even better but sub's got the strains I've been interested in and I trust the quality. And no he's not the only person who does them TGA is a team of people (The Green Avengers).
I doubt I would learn a lot from his seminars either they have to be geared to people of all knowledge levels and I already know a lot

Unless it was 'subcools elite advanced techniques' seminar I'm not sure what you expected. $60 for a 3 day seminar from subcool? Sounds like a fuckin deal to me dude I've never heard of any kind of 3 day seminar that cost that little for anything! Just because you already know a lot doesn't mean it was a bad seminar.
I'm fixing to be growing four TGA strains, of which I plan to identify a keeper clone of each over several generations -- so the TGA jars have a purpose. Storing my TGA nugs. TGA is one of the few breeders who you regularly hear about finding a good keeper from out of one 10 pack (compared to multiple packs for many other breeders), so i'm going to be reaping the rewards from their seeds for a long time to come.. the least I can do is throw sub money for a couple of nug jars while I grow what would be thousands of dollars worth of bud on the street with his $75 pack of seeds.... I'm not selling mine but I'm just saying... the shit I grow is always better than the shit on the street and I suspect if I wanted to sell the bud from my keeper strains they'd command top dollar. Then again I live in a shitty weed state so you gotta have a really good hookup to get real quality bud here -- it's not cali.
As far as the Weed Nerd show, to each his own. Just because you don't like his music doesn't mean it's shit. I like about 75% of what he ends up playing but not everything... and yeah when he starts headthrashing or something to music instead of talking about weed I just fast forward it. So what? It's not like it's live without commercials, dude. Most of the time it's fairly amusing and good information. If it's not to you just don't watch -- is there a particular reason you feel the need to bitch about it online???? I mean I hate a hell of a lot of shit in this world but I don't go into people's threads and start ranting about it

You seem real concerned about sub for some reason I'm not sure why... I like subcool, and there are others I don't like (for example Rezdog/reservoir/whatever it is these days) -- just cuz he's a douche I don't go into people's threads and make a big post about how he's a lieing douche

But that's a good example -- I don't like him for a real good reason (he's a lieing douche selling people lies) not because he's just successful at what he does. If sub were selling strains that weren't what he said or sending out a bunch of shit seeds, or having real shitty service then I would see your points... but you don't even have real good reason to bitch about him other than you think his stuff is overpriced and he's making money off of it and isn't 'creating' strains but crossing them for the most part.... those aren't what most people would call real valid complaints (especially since his seeds sell for less than most other reputable breeders) -- like I said I get mine for $75/10 pack how many REPUTABLE breeders can you get elite genetics in seed form for that price? Not sure I know of any. I'm not planning to breed with them so I don't care if they are stabilized. I'm only looking for a keeper to clone.
I took a bunch of pics last night but didn't post'em... will be posting end of week 6 apollo shots tonight and other shots from last night after shift change at 8PM (i'd guess pics around 10pmish)

Watered the apollos this morning with plain water... topdressed #2 with some supersoil (since i figure she has 2-3 weeks to go... she responded well to topdressing at 3 weeks in). They've had some more burning even with the low n-p-k big bloom so it's probably going to be just plain water from here on out...
I got a swarm of lady bugs crawling around my grow room. EAT THEM BUGS BITCHES GOBBLE GOBBLE