So... I guess no one should ever buy anything nice when I can get something cheaper?? I got a t-shirt/jar combo pack -- and yes they weren't cheap, but not everything comes made from china at walmart or sold on e-bay for $10. Other than my little hobby, I don't spend much money on myself... I hope sub did get some profit from them too! Dude is putting out badass strains and as far as I can tell he's doing ok but he's NOT getting rich. The guy should be able to support himself with what he does without working a job and I doubt he's going to do that selling jars with as little profit as he can get by on.
Ain't been to Wal-Mart for 3-4 years

I firmly believe in shopping local (and by local I don't mean you're local Costco or Sam's Club)
Thanks for not taking it too personal as it was not an attack on you

Speaking of killer strains, what is the backbone of many TGA strains, the flagship of the company if you will? Brothers Grimm Space Queen, nice effort Sub, Apollo 13 also Brother Grimm. Sub is a talking head with some knowledge but those TGA guys all split the work from what I can tell.
He does not stabilize which could take time, but the funny thing is from reading this thread most of his strains has a particular pheno that people love, look for it soon there will be AoS and PB's stabilized and sold under another company. He does not really create any new strains (he has a few that are his I'll give you AoS and Plush because of the mother of both) but like many other companies on seed sites just combining the work of others and stamping his name on it, yet he gets pissed someone did this on another forum to him.
Man I paid $60 for a 3day seminar put on by Sub (So yes I've seen him perform) and what I learned and took away from the most was from people I spoke with who were also growers/attendees, seriously if you watch a Weed Nerd episode (god forbid you can over look the horrible music or the fact that he is stuck on himself, seriously my wife and I watched 5 min and he actually flexed his muscles for the webcam, I can't make that up).