A Batch of Clones in Rockwool

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:oNo SHIT! :wall:No wonder your one gallon pots looked so big... lol... That almost makes me sick to my stomach, but I will make the best out of it... Looks like I need to have about ten moms! It's bad news, but at the same time it's good. I guess I can have about thirty plants instead of 20-25.

Sorry about that. :(

If I could edit the early posts, I would. That info doesn't come out until about 50odd pages into that thread, so I would expect most ppl will miss it.
Al don't sweat it man! Shit happens and it does for a reason. I have an idea to solve this tiny mixup. Instead of moving the plants tray to tray, I could just change the nute mixture in the resevoirs, couldn't I. I hope I'm not overlooking something, cuz this would solve every one of my current problems. Then I can start growing!!
Sure, you can leave them in the same tray for the whole flowering period, no worries. I move plants from tray to tray so I have an excuse to clean the trays, but there's no real need to move them if you don't want to.

I can't tell you how sorry I am about the 4x4 figure. I wish I could fix it. When I was running that thread, I constantly barked at ppl to read the whole thread to catch all the changes and updates, but the thread got to be hundreds of pages long and that became a rather big ask.
Really, don't worry!
In all actuality you probably helped me out by me thinking they were 4x4. So I will have 3 4x4s and a 3x3. The 2 1000watt lights should be plenty still, and I can clean the tables every 8 weeks, or if I have to I can just move them to a different table and back after the cleaning...
If I wouldn't have come across your thread I would be 8 weeks into an Aeroponic growing nightmare/disaster!:sad: So I would have much rather read it and missed that page than to never read it at all.. :joint:.
I wish we could make you feel better about it. Maybe the mods can fix the first page or so or put a note at the front of it, a little sticky type deal?? VV
VV, the lead post in the 2 weeks thread and also the RW cloning thread both need some fixes. Maybe I'll bug potroast about appending some notes to them.
VV, the lead post in the 2 weeks thread and also the RW cloning thread both need some fixes. Maybe I'll bug potroast about appending some notes to them.
He did edit that clone mix h202 booboo, or someone did. I know I have given folks the correct sizes whenever I have seen it mentioned. I have to say that light does cover enough for 8' length, I am more comfortable with the 3' width though, maybe because the cooltube kind blocks the ends. The other (2) tables are going to stay the 4' by 32" (950mm by>810mm) Thanx again for the measurements for the reflector. Those adjustment cables? got any pictures. lol VV
I am kinda wondering if I could make something that 'adjust the width'. Probably won't work with the angle I used to stabilize the sides, just curious, maybe I could build the next one a little different? VV
Yeah, the AAW is not shipped with a bend in it. It's two flat panels that when drawn together by the cables holds its shape by the spring tension of the bent panels. With your copy, you could bend the parabolas wide and pull them together in the same manner with some wire or small open link chain.
Thanx, got it now, instead of the aluminum angle, just use small cable and attach it instead. A lot less weight, $14.00 less cost. I used eye hooks at the corners of this one in case it didn't hang straight, it would be easy to use them. I'll post it when I build it, probably not for a month or two. As we get closer to winter my a/c will run less, the slight increase won't be one and by the time we get to summer again......VV
About 5 days ago you mentioned that you were going to try disposing of Fytocell in your outside soil (as opposed to the rubbish bin) and that it was supposed to change it's color to a more soil like color.

Did you get a chance to do this yet and, if so, would you enlighten us please on the results?

As always, thank you for taking the time to give us the benefits of your experience and knowledge.

David Grimm
it was supposed to change it's color to a more soil like color.

yep, I've mixed some used Fytocell in the soil in the veg patch up the back. It's only been in there for 4-5 days, if that, and I haven't run the rotohoe through it yet, just turned it over with the spade. Will keep you updated as I know more.

As always, thank you for taking the time to give us the benefits of your experience and knowledge.

No worries :)
yep, keep rapid rooters & Jiffy Pots out of hydro systems. They're made of organic matter (compressed peat, usually), which can support mould growth as well as may decompose & fragment when exposed to H2O2.
Hey Al, I finnally finished my room and started my seeds. I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all your help, I wouldn't have been able to do it w/o u. When selecting my mother for the operation what are some characteristics I want to look for?
Thick branches, short height, tight internode spacing???
cool CH, great to hear. :)

I'm guessing you're selecting between mums that have been grown up from seed. It's as simple as choosing the best looking plant. The healthiest one/s will do fine.
yep, I've mixed some used Fytocell in the soil in the veg patch up the back. It's only been in there for 4-5 days, if that, and I haven't run the rotohoe through it yet, just turned it over with the spade. Will keep you updated as I know more.

Just wondered if you had noticed any change yet ?

Thanks for taking the time for this and your other threads.

David Grimm
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