I can make some good brownies but mess up cookies lol! My gf just made some awesome cookies, best I've had in a long time, she ground up oreos and put them in peanut butter cookie batter, oh man, it was delicious!!
Well, it looks like I'll flower the glue in the next day or two. I have one runt that just looks crappy, but thank God I have a spare, I just need to up pot it to 2 gal pot tomorrow sinceiit's been in a 1 gal forever and under only 60w of light. I need to harden it off for a day or two, then flower since the rest are ready. I was really upset that I coaxed 9/10 glue back to health but this one was lagging behind, I really don't know wwhat's wrong with it, my guess is too much water, it literally has no roots.. So I think it just is severely stunted.. Poor fella.
So I'll replace it with a glue I was going to grow outside and put the runt outside I suppose. It sucks because the structure was perfect but the plant never grew up and the leaves are not fixing themselves with what I can give it. Boo
What's trippy is these grew fasterthan my hydro system wwith insane amount of training, 2 weeks veg only, I don't get it. And they went through hell, literally, but still outgrew my veg of hydro. I vegged 3 weeks in hydro for 12 tops, these grew 20 minimum in 15 days?