A Change from LED to HPS- Path Worth Taking!


Well-Known Member
haha well if you dont like the weed taste then mine definetely woulnt be your style. i personally enjoy the weed flavor in everything and wish everything could taste like that. your not going to smoke once your off probation? or just not currently cause of probation? i havent smoked in a couple months probably cause i got sick over my last break from school and ended up in the ER. for some reason when i blaze now it causes me to get anxious and have some panic attacks so its no fun anymore. sucks but its life and i dont want to depend on anxiety medicine just to smoke weed again. still love growing and have no problem being around it.
i just dont like the taste of it cooked into stuff, i can sit down and mow down a full bud like nothing though, all though i dont cuz i like smoking but just saying.
and i was smoking for a few months now and i am quiting cuz i get ua's at my job almost every week till im clean. i dont get ua;s at the P.O;s office any more. i havent even seen my p.o for awhile now. im probably gonna be done smoking for at least 6-9 months(maybe and hopefully).

also when i quit for anything over a month and then start smoking again, i get really anxious and nervous to but after a few days of blazing it seems to go away for me. it might be what your experiencing to, but i know what you mean about the feeling and it sucks man i know


Well-Known Member
i just dont like the taste of it cooked into stuff, i can sit down and mow down a full bud like nothing though, all though i dont cuz i like smoking but just saying.
and i was smoking for a few months now and i am quiting cuz i get ua's at my job almost every week till im clean. i dont get ua;s at the P.O;s office any more. i havent even seen my p.o for awhile now. im probably gonna be done smoking for at least 6-9 months(maybe and hopefully).

also when i quit for anything over a month and then start smoking again, i get really anxious and nervous to but after a few days of blazing it seems to go away for me. it might be what your experiencing to, but i know what you mean about the feeling and it sucks man i know
i didnt know you started smoking again but thats a bummer about the work UAs. when i got sick i was blazing like crazy and ended up hyperventilating coming back from a trip to the mountains from a bad stomache flu which put me in the ER. everytime after that when i smoke it just doesnt feel too good any more and isnt enjoyable as it used to be. smoking is something that should be for a good relaxation and it turns the opposite for me when i smoke now. its most likely more mental than anything else.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
LEDS are the best for veg hands down Hid connot compare, everyone should veg under led. For bloom i dont see it ever happening weed needs that Fire from a hid to kick out buds and trichromes no comparisen!


Well-Known Member
2 of my plants look sppoted yellow on some leaves... my day temp is 84 and my night temp is 72


Well-Known Member
LEDS are the best for veg hands down Hid connot compare, everyone should veg under led. For bloom i dont see it ever happening weed needs that Fire from a hid to kick out buds and trichromes no comparisen!
i vegged 3 weeks under t5 and i just moved my girls under my 2 600 watt hps lights they seem to be doing great lot of new growth... except for them yellow spots that may be caused by temperature swings


Well-Known Member
my LED ballast went out so im done with LED for good pretty much unless i send the stuff in to get it fixed. heres my new veg area that i spend like 90$ bucks on getting the shelf set up and the new 2ft two bulb t5s. i feel pretty good about it though as it has alot more room and some good light to each area. well see how well it does in the next few weeks.




Well-Known Member
Nice baby shelf lg :-)

I kinda agree about led being best for veg but have no exp with them, I just read ALLOT of material.


Well-Known Member
thanks buddy! the shelfing unit was only 20$ at walmart and i have the shelves up side down so they are basically able to collect water and if it gets bumped the plants have a bit of support from falling. the metal is pretty cheap and i could probably fold the thing in two but it works so im stoked. stupid t5 two bulb fixtures were 25$ a piece and i got two so that was the majority of cost but i needed them so all is good. the LEDs were pretty good for veg but they werent much better than a few cfls strung together on a power bar. they produce a bit less heat and keep the plants pretty stocky and not tall but for price those things are not worth it. ive ran into many problems with the ballast on them and probably have gone threw two of them atleast, luckily they were covered by warranty. always enjoyed the neat spectrum produced by the LEDs though compared to everything else.


Well-Known Member
nice new rack man.
ive never used led either but i can admit that i will never use them and i am a HATER of led. ive seen the results they give and to me CFL is still better then led. and i keep hearing people say theri cfls get hot, but i run my 200 watt cfl almost all day and it only gets warm.
i think the only thing i like about led is is the color just like LG said.

LG do you have a cover for the rack so so much light is not wasted?


Well-Known Member
MC- i agree that CFLs dont really get hot but warm for sure. if you have like 4 plugged into a power bar they can get pretty warm but ive had my plants right next to them with no signs of burning that would occur if they were actually hot. i dont have a reflective cover to shine light back but i do have a nice bed sheet keeping the light somewhat blocked off haha. basically so i can sleep at night and try to trap some of the light before it escapes into the rest of the room. might be worth getting a 3x3 tent possibly after next harvest to actually reflect some light and keep it more contained.


Well-Known Member
black and white poly film is thick, light proof and just as reflective as mylar but less then half price. i just bought a 4x4 peice for 3 bucks. it would work perfect for you if you were interested


Well-Known Member
yeah I got a 7x7 peice of polly to cover my hydro system for like 10 bucks :-o It blocks light and the white is more reflective than you think.

Damn, that albino pic gets me every time! lol that thing is sooooooo ugly haha.


Well-Known Member
MC- that is a lot cheaper than buying a tent so ill make sure to look into that! is it much thicker than mylar and easy to form around things? my mylar is like paper thin and some bullshit to work with.

Whodat- yes that albino is pretty fugly. my plants are doing a bit better since i ran into my problem with receeding hairs that i mentioned over in the 600 but are not quite back to where they should be. as of right now i would say they are equal to week two of flower so ill be in that region on my time frame for updates. should take some pics tonight when i water to give you guys an update. have some slight crystal formation happening and hairs coming back to life so im glad to see that! i feel that my humidity in the low to high 30s caused the pre mature receeding hairs so i moved up the light a bit and placed some open water containers in there for now. still will look into a humidifier to see if that helps the process.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes my plants will show dieing hairs 3 weeks in but they soon get overrun with fresh ones, but it never got to a point I was worried about it... My humidity is super low, so I dont know what could be causing your mid cycle crisis haha :-)

The poly is easy to work with and is thicker than those thick contractor bags so it takes allot to rip it. You could drape it over then cut a slice down the middle and glue on some velcro to make a door... I would be hesitant to do this because I cant stand the sound of velcro aaaaaaaa! Its worse than nails on a chalk board.


Active Member
Nice grow so far keep up the good work man...Im debating on the quantom ballast and the lumatek do u have one of these..Im leaning towards the quantom tho i think can get a 600w with either the cool tube or the adjustable wing for 280...


Well-Known Member
MC- that is a lot cheaper than buying a tent so ill make sure to look into that! is it much thicker than mylar and easy to form around things? my mylar is like paper thin and some bullshit to work with.

Whodat- yes that albino is pretty fugly. my plants are doing a bit better since i ran into my problem with receeding hairs that i mentioned over in the 600 but are not quite back to where they should be. as of right now i would say they are equal to week two of flower so ill be in that region on my time frame for updates. should take some pics tonight when i water to give you guys an update. have some slight crystal formation happening and hairs coming back to life so im glad to see that! i feel that my humidity in the low to high 30s caused the pre mature receeding hairs so i moved up the light a bit and placed some open water containers in there for now. still will look into a humidifier to see if that helps the process.
looks like who dat answered you q already.
my first grow i made my whole room out of panda film. i pretty much made my own tent for less then 75 percent of a pre built tent. and as for velcro that is a great idea to, but they do make a zipper for it. it has a sticky side and you place it where you want your door and then stick it to it. after that you unzip it and slice inside in the zipper line to create the opening.

here s pic of what i mean.

Truth B Known

Active Member
ya mylar is like, less than paper thin.. can be a pain in the ass... and ya bro, nice image, tarp zip-ups are the shit.. and you gotta put the zipper on that way.. i have some friends that still don't understand that for some reason.. makes shit way easier, just stick it to the tarp, unzip it, and cut it with razor. or you'll be hatin life tryin to do it while its up, and it'll come out fucked up and not solid and air tight like its supposed to be.. lol worrrrd, things lookin good, im def interested in the led craze.. could b the future in veg huh? wild.. those apricot bars look awesome!! def gonna try that recipe.. peace!


Well-Known Member
ya i liked it when i used it. when i start growing again i am going to just make my own tent using panda film and some wood. it cost me about 30 bucks to make compared to how ever much a tent costs


Well-Known Member
ya mylar is like, less than paper thin.. can be a pain in the ass... and ya bro, nice image, tarp zip-ups are the shit.. and you gotta put the zipper on that way.. i have some friends that still don't understand that for some reason.. makes shit way easier, just stick it to the tarp, unzip it, and cut it with razor. or you'll be hatin life tryin to do it while its up, and it'll come out fucked up and not solid and air tight like its supposed to be.. lol worrrrd, things lookin good, im def interested in the led craze.. could b the future in veg huh? wild.. those apricot bars look awesome!! def gonna try that recipe.. peace!
im very interested in plasma lighting for growing.

but it seems to me hps and MH are leading the way still