A DWC GROW-torial

Lol just thought id bump this thread real quick and show some peeps what my plants look like 3 weeks from seed lolz my bad thought it was neccesary considering ill be explaining the benefits of peat sponges more thuroughly in my rapidrooter thread as well as doing a clonegrowtorial which I plan on finishing this time. Peace.
Hey man im interested in learning more about the 4 plant site (5 with controller) undercurrent setup you made. I have never setup a recirculating system before but and looking into building one. Got any stoner proof instructions? parts list? any help is much appreciated.
Yea man i did start a thread on that anything u would like to know specifically im sure we can get it sorted out just gimme a holler and ill do up a parts list when i get some time later i have a few drawings i put together as well ill try to get it all together and see if i can do a quick diy if i can do it anyone really can just need the materials and a few tools.
Yea man i did start a thread on that anything u would like to know specifically im sure we can get it sorted out just gimme a holler and ill do up a parts list when i get some time later i have a few drawings i put together as well ill try to get it all together and see if i can do a quick diy if i can do it anyone really can just need the materials and a few tools.
Just sick of looking up undercurrent systems that are 1500$ +.... i cant immagine anyone would buy them rather than building.
Yea man i feel u ive helped a few buddys build a few ebb n grows great systems great results but u really dont need all the timers and u get better results/yields submergeing and allowing ur roots to grow full time under water..

So basicly for my 4 plant unit it goes like this..
5x5 for 5 gallon buckets=$ 25
5x4=$ 20 (6inch pots built in lids)
Ecoplus 264 submersible pump =$ 20
20' 3/4 inch hose= $20
9 x 3/4 inch t connectors @$ .95= $10
3 x 3/4 inch male/male connectors @ .95= $3
12 grommet seals for 3/4 inch connectors @.50= $6
1 inch drill bit= $15

So thats like what $120.00 to build the 4 site rig and i believe my buddy paid 700.00 for his 8plant E&G system and like i said no disrespect to E&G i actually dig the E&G its just not neccesary in dwc to flood and drain.

And a cordless drill or whatever you have drill ur holes out 4 inches from bottom to center for ur pass thru and i went 2 inches from bottom to center for my equalizer drain back hose for my plant buckets.. Put ur grommets in with t connectors on ur plant buckets..

My controller bucket i went 3 inches from bottom to center for my pump to push water thru my buckets back to the controller buckets...
My equalizer tube was dropped to 2 inches from bottom to center for natural gravity drainback..
And i dropped my pump pull as low as i could get it to pull back out of the controller bucket to complete the loop..

Thats about it i dont think i missed anything else ill try n copy and paste that to my rdwc thread with a drawing that makes sence.

Lemme know if that helps tho hit me in the other thread so i dont get it all scattered out tho lolz.
Never connected buckets before. i have a suitable pump/airpump. just need the buy the buckets, tubing, and connectors. Just dont quite understand where to drill the holes and how to rig it up. a picture would help tons. thanks bro.
Far as water level ive found its best to keep your rock damp so depending on your air pump and how much water its pushing up into the rock its going to differ but some peeps say an inch below the pot some say to the bottom of the pot i say just dont waterlog ur plug or rockwool that will stunt growth trick is what ur trying to accomplish is getting ur roots growing to the water to do so they have to search for it..

And no u will need better lighting its ok to veg a plant like i did with the lil cfls here but ur not going to be able to flower with those lamps if thats all u have id reccomend growing one plant and training it down to minimize stretch as best as u can im not saying its not possible im saying u gotta do it smart.
Hope that helps.