hmm...I hope you get decent circulation down there, the plant would love you for it.
But yeah, otherwise, looks healthy and nice. Good stuff man.
Subbed +rep. Plant looks great. I have a quicck ? so you just have this tube in your yard with a plant in it? Because I just made the same set up and i have never seen some one else do it before and wondering if it works. The tube i have is black but i spray painted the inside if it satin white so it is very reflective. The tube I have stand around 6 foot tall. So i had to put it up on blocks so i get some fresh air in there. well any ways ill post some pics of what im working with if that is alright with you
well i just made it today and am ready to see if it going to work. the thing is it is only going to get direct light for like 3 or 4 hours then it will have to work off of the walls for its light till the next day if i have to cut the tube shorter i will the put it back togetther when it gets to big. I didnt take pics today but i will tomorrow for sure if you want to see the plant i have in there it is the one in my outside garden if you want to click on my signature.
yea i hear ya there shoot you some pictures tomorrow
it's a 'proven' setup, pc fan at top blows air out the top of chamber, pulls air from the bottom
worked well so far anyways
If he can keep it cool enough, it might work to toss like, 4 23W 6500K CFL's. in a reflector in the top, A Y splitter with 2 Y splitters in them. Or this kind;
Dutch master has a product or had a product called reverse, it eliminated male flowers without hurting the pistles. I cloned some hermi prone kush and they never hermid after I used it, then I got some quality genetics and haven't looked back since. My advice... Buy some good seeds...lose the stress.
Well man i took some pics and everything is looking good so far for the first day. Here they are tell me what you guys think of it
well the thing is deffinatly not translucent. But where i am the sun is extreme hoping it will get enough light if not i will cut it in half till it gets bigger the put it back together