• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

a god is as likely as a unicorn.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You might be interested to know that my experience has been vaguely the reverse. Stripping life of the duty to have meaning is something I have perceived as liberating. That's just me though. cn
life is like a haiku. the restrictions of the form give balance and beauty to the mundane.

Frquently i fap
Though rarely to asian porn.
Except hentai.


Well-Known Member
no one believes in unicorns so why do people believe in gods ? theres as much evidence for unicorns as there is gods .:confused:
Why are you comparing Fruit Loops to ghosts? There are many forms of gods that are believed in, worldwide. Unicorns are make believe objects of substance, where as the term god usually refers to a spiritual being, not an object of substance. You see the problem comparing the two like you've done?

There are many many different religions in this world with many different gods, and believers usually label themselves as one of those religions. That is, most religious people believe in one religion and deny the others, and I simply deny one more than they do.

Superstition at its finest. Religion, that is...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
The possibility of whatever beliefs you have that you exclaim without tangible evidence or proof, has the same amount of credibility as any other belief anyone else has that is exclaimed without tangible evidence or proof. No credibility.

God is a unicorn, sounds just as silly as the saying "god is energy" they are both ridiculous claims that have no bearing in reality...but belong in the realm of imagination and mere speculation.

I find it extremely humorous when listening to someone try to describe what god is...lol, i want to shout out "dude, stop making shit up!"

You come here Ganjaman expecting people to take you seriously right? Well all of us are! We want to know more, for you to explain to us in detail how you came to the conclusions you arose to. But the fact of the matter is, that when you come to a conclusion, that is based on nothing but foresight and hearsay... you can only expect us to be skeptical of your conclusion, and tell you to get back to the drawing board.

Your ideas WILL get challenged here, this is the reason why i love it here so much because of how much i am forced to learn in order to back up whatever point it is that i am trying to make... and when i have learned as much as i can, and my point is still not valid, ill have to accept that the point i am trying to make isn't valid and i need to rethink my approach, or i need to admit i am wrong and dismiss it all together and try again.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
The possibility of whatever beliefs you have that you exclaim without tangible evidence or proof, has the same amount of credibility as any other belief anyone else has that is exclaimed without tangible evidence or proof. No credibility.

God is a unicorn, sounds just as silly as the saying "god is energy" they are both ridiculous claims that have no bearing in reality...but belong in the realm of imagination and mere speculation.

I find it extremely humorous when listening to someone try to describe what god is...lol, i want to shout out "dude, stop making shit up!"

You come here Ganjaman expecting people to take you seriously right? Well all of us are! We want to know more, for you to explain to us in detail how you came to the conclusions you arose to. But the fact of the matter is, that when you come to a conclusion, that is based on nothing but foresight and hearsay... you can only expect us to be skeptical of your conclusion, and tell you to get back to the drawing board.

"You can only tell yourself something for so long, before you start believing every word you say."
i don't come to be taken seriously per say, i think that's more an objective of someone who is trying to prove something to others. i realize you may think i'm doing this but i just want to share insights. i don't take anything you say that seriously so i expect you to do the same to me. i just wish that people who want insights would reply to me instead of you. i like talking to you but in all honesty i'm not here to debate spirituality with you. i love to do that but most responses i give to you do not tie into my light work.

im not making anything up when i talk about god. it's just a word and for some it holds too much power. i still think your conclusions are based upon fear and the only way of masking it up is by claiming you're not afraid. i've said this before so i live my life to pursuit my joys. let's assume i'm wrong, there is no god and we all die and never exist again. i can still say i lived a meaningful life filled with joy and optimism whereas you lived it in preparation to get shitcanned for your entire experience. when you awaken, you realized you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
The scariest thing for humans IS the unknown (Not knowing whether or not we are about to experience physical discomfort/pain or mental discomfort/pain), it is what we do not know. So instead of accepting we do not know anything theological... to alleviate that fear we make something up to believe in so we can tell ourselves that we know, which will make us less afraid, which is very easy.

OR we can accept our fear in the face of the unknown, accept our ignorance of the theological and decide we aren’t going to be afraid anymore... which takes true courage.

"We are the only animals burdened with the ability to deeply contemplate our own death"

One of the scariest thoughts in human history is the fear of death, because no one knows what happens when you die. So instead of accepting our ignorance of death, we create within ourselves a false truth or lie to make living in fear much easier. We say to ourselves, if we just live rightly, if we only live just and with love... then i know i will go to a better place when i die and be happy for all the rest of eternity.

When the truth is, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much we want to know... we don’t. We don’t know what happens when we die, and it’s very scary to admit that we just don’t know if we continue to exist after death.

I am not the one who is scared, yet ironically nor are you. I except my ignorance, whereas you pretend to know. I live in and except the fear, whereas you push it away and pretend it is not there.

Which takes more courage?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I am not the one who is scared, yet ironically nor are you. I except my ignorance, whereas you pretend to know. I live in and except the fear, whereas you push it away and pretend it is not there.

Which takes more courage?
No Z, you are lying. You are still scared because you created this loophole fore yourself to conquer your greatest fear of not knowing that gave you a mental breakdown when you were younger. Like I said, you were able to get over your biggest fear of the unknown but not the childish fear of the Boogieman that manifests in your night terrors? Im not buying it. Please reply to my post in the lightworkers thread, I was really looking forward to that reply.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
The fear is always there, the not knowing, it permeates every part of our being. The more we revel in it, the easier and less scary it is to live in it. I accept the fact that i do not know, i accept my ignorance, i understand that the fear will never go away because i will never know.

I'm not saying either way is wrong, or that either way is less scary... but there are two ways we can deal with this. And in my opinion, one takes much more courage than the other.

The easy way to live within the fear of ignorance is pretending that ignorance isn't there. We make up an idea, or barrow one from someone else so we can pretend to know what we really do not.
For example, most people, because of the fear of ignorance of death, pretend that when they die... they aren't REALLY going to die. (Instead of accepting the truth, that they do not know)

The more difficult way to live within the fear of ignorance is accepting it. Understanding that no matter how hard we try, nor how much we think, that we will never be able to know for certain what happens when we die, or what reality really is, or if this is a dream, or an illusion, or any other of the billions of ideas that people have created from the very first time the first human animal had such ideas.

So yes, you are right, i am scared of death... because death is the one great unknown that presumably ends our entire existence (as far as we can tell). But at the same time, i am not afraid to die... if that makes any sense.

The only difference between our fear is that you deny death, while i accept it. You either make up an idea, or gather one from someone else (probably the latter) and use it to alleviate the pain of having to deal with the prospect of dying without knowing what is going to happen.

I on the other hand deal with death at face value, i am truthful to myself about what i know and what i don't know, i don't pretend to have answers where none can be found. I find this way much better, because i don't have to lie to myself, and i base the purpose and meaning of my existence on honesty with myself. Just as, others will find the other way a better way to live life, it is all just based on perspective is it not?

Either way, one thing IS for certain... that i am going to keep trying to enlighten people with the fact that being certain about something you cannot be certain of, is absurd. While spiritualists/evangelists/theologians etc. etc. etc.... will continue to try to tell me and everyone else how they are certain.

But i know the truth... and so do you, that you don't know... and neither do i.

But yet, you will continue to deny that, and delude yourself into thinking that you do know, because it makes you less scared, and gives you some comfort. Which is completely fine with me.

When you come to a forum filled with intellectual people, and expect to voice your opinion about your certainties of existence, expect no less from us than what we would expect from you. We WILL question your ideas, we WILL cast doubt, and we WILL make you think... if you wish to converse with us on a mature level. Don't expect us to sit around and say ooohhhh this guy knows the truth! Lets all tell him how great his idea is! NO! You will gain respect in this forum just like every other individual here has and ever will. By revising your thinking when you are wrong, by admitting when you are wrong, and by showing us how open you are to new information and research you are willing to give your time to. If you don't want to think, and learn, this probably isn't the place for you. But you are welcome here no matter the ideas you have, but remember that they will be questioned, and others have just as much of a right to comment their opinion on your writings, as you do ours.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Obviously it is not fine with you. You enlighten no one because everyone on the other side of the argument is still firm in their beliefs, with Hep as an exception. So really, what you do is for self benefit.

You dont know if science is the best way to explore reality. You dont know if you can get 'truth' from profound experiences or not, you pretend to know that you cant get truth from experiences. You dont know if it is impossible to know or not.

By the way, the guy in you picture... He thought he knew...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
You dont know if science is the best way to explore reality. You dont know if you can get 'truth' from profound experiences or not, you pretend to know that you CAN get truth from experiences. You dont know if it is impossible to know or not.
EXACTLY! My god... i couldn't have said it any better myself, on second thought.

I keep trying to explain to you and you keep pretending not to hear me. I accept that i do not know, that i am not certain. You do not, you ignore it and lie to yourself by telling yourself that you are certain.

Example 1: I am certain god exists- Lie.

Example 2: I am certain god does not exist- Lie.

Example 3: I am certain, that within the constraints of the reality we live in, guided by natural, chemical, biological laws, that whenever i look at a Hydrogen atom, 100 times out of 100, i will never find a neutron. -True

"Science tells us what we can know but what we can know is little and is not absolutely certain. If we forget how much we cannot know we become insensitive of many things of very great importance.

Theology, on the other hand induces a dogmatic belief that we have knowledge where in fact we have ignorance and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe."
(Kind of like not being interested in what a pulsar is, or how it is created.)

.....Just in case --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulsar

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I understand you loud and clear. Its not really that hard. You are under the delusion that science and consistent tangible evidence is the best and only way to get close to the truths of reality, and that non-tangible things like dreams, lucid dreams, psychedelic trips, OBE's and NDE's, 'paranormal' experiences, and imagination say very little about discovering reality (I think 'NDE' is bad name for it, because the body dies, no blood pumping through, the soul leaves the body and what not). You say you are open to all ideas but only if they fit within your biased view of reality.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Judging from your minor edit of what I said, you agree that spiritual truth can be extracted from profound experiences? Or am I gunna get the same response of "this could be an illusion or a dream, man!" lol. You are right about the dream part at least, that is more than an idea.


Ursus marijanus
Example 3: I am certain, that within the constraints of the reality we live in, guided by natural, chemical, biological laws, that whenever i look at a Hydrogen atom, 100 times out of 100, i will never find a neutron. -True
"I have a neutron." Deut. 1:2

(that's deuterium, not Deuteronomy) ;) cn

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Judging from your minor edit of what I said, you agree that spiritual truth can be extracted from profound experiences? Or am I gunna get the same response of "this could be an illusion or a dream, man!" lol. You are right about the dream part at least, that is more than an idea.
No, because there always exists an infinite amount of possibilities. Say you come to this so called "spiritual truth" there exists the same amount of possibility that the truth you gained was a demon filling your head with it's truth, than there is of god filling your head with it's truth.

How can you be certain you aren't being deceived by an unfathomable demon spirit entity? Well, the truth is, you can't! Do you deny this as a possibility?

"I have a neutron." Deut. 1:2

(that's deuterium, not Deuteronomy)

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I dont deny that possibility, because some demons are neutral, loving beings, and this truth Im experiencing seems to be that of love. Even if what I experienced was caused by a demon, Im am still experiencing more of reality than you are. Also, your example kinda suggests that god exists too lol.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Nah bro, because some demons are extremely wicked and evil, i've had experiences with them too, and they are filling your head with the illusion of love, when really it's hatred in disguise, i know this is truth, for i have experienced it, and my experience of reality is still more of reality than yours. Also, your example kinda suggests that there is no god.

I'll give you one guess who i sound like!

Lie to yourself if you must, but certainty is not available, especially within the realm of imagination and speculation.