A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
It took 12 weeks of 12/12 though. Its not super potent but its waay better than anything i could buy. the short one is the strongest


Well-Known Member
I forgot about the 3 branches i had hanging in my old veg tent so with those it takes the yeild of the biggest JF to 7 and a bit oz. I'm not saying this to boast (well maybe a bit) lol.

The other pics are of my echeese mother that i'm flowering. Its at just over a week 12/12. Does anyone have any idea how much bigger it'll get? Quite a bit i hope lol



Well-Known Member

I'm well pleased with that one but i doubt it'll give me 7oz though. I don't really care what it yeilds i just want to try the original


Well-Known Member
A foot thats ok, i thought it would stretch like a mofo. What do you reckon that cheese will yeild? I know its hard to say coz of all the variables but you've grown it a couple of times and yours is an educated guess. Isn't cheese much of a producer?

mr west

Well-Known Member
not especialy no, u have to work hard to get it to yeild well lol, id guesstimate perhaps 2 oz if ya lucky lol


Well-Known Member
nice bush mate!! got a few GHS cheese growing myself....cant fault them as yet,the smell from them is a joke tho!! i'm convinced my whole street can smell them!! cant wait to chop the fukers, only problem is i got another 15 ready for next time...gonna go for white shark time after that, any1 here grown that or know owt about it?? cheers, heres a couple of pics of the cheese 6 weeks 2days in 12/12......



Well-Known Member
They look pretty nice for 6 weeks.
Its a shame it don't yeild well but i'm not really growing it for its yeild.


Well-Known Member
i know mate, i vegged mine for nearly 6 weeks to hoping for a decent yield!?!? oh well time will tell i spose...im not gonna grow it again tho purely cus of the smell!! can i just ask what the smells like outside of ur tent once its all zipped up that is, im looking into getting the budbox titan but just wanted some opinions on there effectiveness before doing so £299 is BIG money! peace

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
You have a good stem on that one Im looking to take a clone with a fat stem.

I tryed the bush like what you have and I wished Id trimmed.

2oz per plant is what Iv got from ex cheese so far, but Iv never had a 7oz plant on any of my seed grows. kiss-ass

Plagron did I miss something:?: Gone to coco for now but I do like what I see:!:!!!:!:


Well-Known Member
Thats easily the biggest single plant yeild i've had the best before that was a 5n half oz gh white widow but it was an awful smoke.
I am sooo pleased with it its shame i didn't keep any clones coz i could fit 4 like that in my tent, 28oz in one go would be amazing, thats worth waiting 12 weeks for lol

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
If your like me yeald on the cheese wont matter so much, Iv not found a smoke like it,
plus the pheno is solid its just what to x it with.

You tell me when you xmas smoke it.



Well-Known Member
Its 8 weeks on xmas day but wanna give it 10 weeks and dry it slow and cure it for a while so it'll be around valentines day when i smoke it. I've promised myself that i won't try it early lol