A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Creosote does the job but then you stink of creosote lol but you can't get nicked/sacked for reeking of creosote

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
id be careful they banned creosote a few years back it causes cancer apparently!

i really recommend the orange nail polish remover stuff from boots dead cheap and leaves a nice flavour ( i cleaned me pipe with it, ive not been drinking it ;) )

swarfiga is the best ive used.

why are you stinking of gear osc? ill lay good money its cos your trimming around areas that have drying washing near to where your chopping!? am i right?

i have to strip out a room of anything that will absorb the smell before it seal it and chop in it and it still stinks for hours after, i tend to open a tub of ONA gel while im working but that doesnt completely sort it.


Well-Known Member
I'll go for a nice round number 100g.

Cheese scissor goo is powerful stuff. The smoke from it makes your nose sting, in a good way lol


Well-Known Member
I skinned the goo up at 10 and i still ain't finished the J lol I have 3 drags and i think thats enough of that for now lmao


Well-Known Member
I didn't really stink today at work coz i was pretty carefull. I wore gloves and a long sleeved t shirt but i could still smell it on my hands this morning so i rubbed neat TCP into my hands which covered it up. I hate TCP now lol


Well-Known Member
I must admit i'm pretty proud of my first cheese. I'll be weighing it in a few days then its going in jars for at least a month. I've got plenty of JF to smoke so i'm in no hurry for it but i'll prolly have a bit before the cure. I've not even had a scrumped branch lol its only 2weeks until the other 4 are ready then its a tent full of co, the mother is already in flower (3 weeks) and i've got 4 co cuts to go in the autopots they're ready to flower now but there's no room.
I only smoke about an 8th a week at the very most so its gonna last me ages lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
hahahaha. Its prolly a good thing u havent scrumped any yet. Wen u start smoking it urll know why im so slack lol


Well-Known Member
I've just weighed my 1st cheese harvest. 5 and half oz/154g. I'm sooo chuffed it didn't look like that much but its pretty dense.
I think Don was nearest the bull