A Guide To Recognising & Removing Bugs

They breed mainly in the top inch or two of the soil, so feed from the bottom of the pot if u can. This will get water to ur roots and help get rid of those pricks.
The fungus gnats feed on ur roots, so they do damage if their numbers r large enough - and they breed very quick, so best to move them on.
..Plus ur right, they are Icky, Lol.

I used a drench called scarid10 and surface sprayed the crap out of my room and pots, it stunk like hell but the fumes didn't do any damage now all i find are the adult sciarid flies dead on the floor and none active. Do you reckon this will last ?
I used a drench called scarid10 and surface sprayed the crap out of my room and pots, it stunk like hell but the fumes didn't do any damage now all i find are the adult sciarid flies dead on the floor and none active. Do you reckon this will last ?

Sounds like u succesfully broke the lifecycle, so unless u re-introduce them 2ur grow room u shouldn't see them again.

Im pretty sure my root systems have been chewed up...if i kill whatever is responceable, how long till normal growth returns?
Normal growth will not return until ur roots have recovered, and this can vary on the size of the root structure, n age of the plant. If u have a big plant n most of ur roots r gone then u don't have enough roots left to sustain the plant n it will slowly die.. Let's hope that's not the case.