A Libertarian speaks out on Obama and the possibilities ....


Well-Known Member
It amazes me how so many political discussions degenerate into the BS we see above.

It is impossible to engage the issues with some moron flingin a turd in the punchbowl every now and then.

My question for the day; Why do people think what they think.


New Member
My question for the day; Why do people think what they think.
there are two "types" of reasons exhibited by two different "types" of people.

The first is the book learner. These people "think" what they have learned through other peoples experiences.
To me this is a very weak way to think as you are not thinking for yourself, rather you are filling your mind with others thoughts.
I am not saying this is a bad way to learn, but it should not be the only way. This type of learning should only be used in conjunction with the second type as a way to expand on what you have learned in your own life.

which brings me to the second type. The second type of "thinking" is based on personal experiences and a well thought out life. Every action has a reaction and a valubale lesson to be learned. Every situation and experience in life should be closely examined to determine what can be learned.

These type of people take what the first type say with an absolute grain of salt