A Message From The Heart Of The World. Please Watch This Documentary.


Well-Known Member
What the hell? Here is something highly worth watching and nobody watched it? Rollitup makes me sad. If somone did watch it but turned it off, tell me, what made you not want to follow through? This film should be viewed by as many people as possible.


Well-Known Member
That link did work when I first posted it. Now you guys are going to have to watch the shorter 57 minute version, which really sucks. At that particular page it should give a description of the kogi and what the film entails. A message From The Heart of the World is the kogi's warning that the earth will die unless younger brother stops destroying. Its also interesting to note that there is no crime or murder among the kogis. Some even use telepathy to communicate. You have to see the film to really get the picture of what im saying. I do it no justice trying to tell you guys about it, probly the reason no one watched it. Here it is.http://www.onlinedocumentaries4u.com/2008/05/kogi-from-heart-of-world-elder-brothers.html

what... huh?

Active Member
What the hell? Here is something highly worth watching and nobody watched it? Rollitup makes me sad. If somone did watch it but turned it off, tell me, what made you not want to follow through? This film should be viewed by as many people as possible.
We have no control over the weather. Neither did the great spirits the native Americans danced to.

The world is getting colder now. They will stop complaining soon. They will probably take credit for it too.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about why thier mountain is dying? They knew younger brother was given the knowledge of machines but they cant believe the extent at the rate that we tear the earth apart instead of doing what the kogi believe why people were put on earth - to be the care takers. The kogi are trying to find a way to make the younger brother stop but who is going to listen to these people? Thats the tragity. The talking heads were right about being on a road to nowhere. Were too foolish to ever see it though. They've given us a final warning, so what. Most people will see them like the gentleman above me does, as though the native peoples of the americas were unintelligent heathens who merely "dance to make the weather change" because they lack scientific insight. The kogi's are an example of an enlightened and peaceful society. Its too bad that george bush and some other eu nations paid a bunch of money to drench the sierra nevada de santa marta with an illegal herbacide called agent green to kill coca plants, a main staple of the male goki diet. Now the soil is so contaminated that it will take 10 years to replant.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard of HAARP. Google it. Were trying to use the weather for warfare. See what younger brother does with the knowledge? Utter blasphemy.


Active Member
HAARP is unnatural... it's scary that people have that kind of power over the earth's weather. The Talking Heads totally rock. It's like that song "Nothing But Flowers", if the world were returned to it's natural state people would complain that they had no chocolate chip cookies.

what... huh?

Active Member
HAARP does not control weather. It is capable of exciting a tiny portion of the ionosphere, and then measuring any changes. It is a non-classified harmless project that conspiracy nuts go crazy over. It is not a "weather machine", and it has NOTHING to do with the mountain. They don't let you visit echelon, for instance. Care takers of the earth... lol. The earth will survive us. We talk about the end of the world a lot... what we mean is the end of the worlds ability to sustain US. The world is just fine. We are in jeopardy. Focus on people.


Active Member
I believe that's the fundamental disassociation from the Earth that the Kogi are attempting to warn us about. The Elder Brother are a part of the Earth and so are you. And as far as HAARP controlling the weather or not... well the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. No use trying to convince anyone else that it is or isn't dangerous/harmless.


Well-Known Member
My great grandmother just passed away last year at 104. The trick she said is a whisky a day and to never stop smiling. true story.


Well-Known Member
I liked that bit about how tairona civilization built thier city in the most remote and seemingly inconducive places to build and yet despite heavy erosion, thier city still stands due to the way it was constructed in the middle of a rain forest. Ereara goes on to say that were one of our cities were abandoned, it would crumble in 20 years time. We dont know how to live with nature which is one of the reasons were called the younger brother.