A REAL commitment to change the 25-mile rule

No one pays 3-4g's anymore especially whole sale. Packs go for way cheaper. 2-3g's is average now (here) with it closer to the low 2000's. Ive also seen decent mids as low as 1500$
How would the law affect patients if it was changed to
Legal to grow and possess
illegal to sell?

convictions would have to rely on testimony (snitching) not just possession. i would like that rather than what we have now. Don't get me wrong i like my medical program but one day i'd rather see full blown legalisation.
I'm against any commercial legalization of weed. All that will bring is goverment control, monopolys and price fixing
not to mention GMO weed with additives
Make it legal to possess and grow illegal to sell and you get rid of all of that and the black market
The main reason...

A whole lot of outdoor has made its way to Az... (Like every year after harvest time - sept. to nov.)

It takes 2-3 months before the whole AZ scene is flooded with Cali outdoor going for indoor!!

One day Az will not need the flow from Cali and produce our own! That is if the "25 Mile Rule" goes away!
Thing is, most the outdoor flood numbers should be thru by February, then prices tick back up for the next 7-8 months.

From reading other forums, seems like it wasn't as much of a bumper crop as they were anticipating with all the great weather.
The loophole for the 25 mile rule can be explained to you by a lawyer (if he is knowledgeable of AZ mmj laws). It exists and is relatively easy to follow. It will allow you to grow right next to any dispensary in town but not within a mile of a school.