I've said repeatedly that I would support changes in the 25-mile rule. Now I'm putting my money behind my words. I'm committing $10,000 to changing the law through a citizen's initiative. There are two strings attached:
1. Polls have to show a 40% approval for the specific changes that would be in the new initiative
2. The money will be used as a match with other funds committed to pass the new law.
Like many people interested in running dispensaries, I am a cultivator first and a businessperson second. I've enjoyed the benefits of personal growing and believe that individuals should have the right to grow a natural plant in the privacy of their own home. Got that, but that's not the law and personally I think there are a lot of immature people who wish the world was different, and howl at the moon, instead of dealing with what really exists. Sorry, but that's what i see.
There is a separate question underlying a lot of the hostility towards dispensaries here - not from patients but from caregivers who see this as a source of income. Much like Colorado, I think there is a possibility of creating a role for caregivers in the production of marijuana for dispensaries and directly to patients. Get it in the new law, stop complaining about the existing law.
The Arizona law is very anticompetitive by restricting the business to dispensaries. I have never said otherwise. What i have said repeatedly, and what the winers don't want to admit, is that the law never would have passed in this conservative state without the 25-mile rule as that attracted both money and votes. I was not involved in the writing of Prop 203, and would not have supported the 25-mile rule, but in retrospect it was the difference maker in a 5,000 margin election.
Another thread mentioned the possibility of the legislature making positive changes in the 25-mile rule. First, are you kidding? These are the people who banned medical marijuana from college campuses. Second, it takes a 3/4 vote of both houses - not going to happen.
So, lovers and haters, let's get together and change the 25-mile rule. Would love to work with you on how to create a majority of arizona voters to support changes in the 25-mile rule. you don't have a majority now and you need it - i can help you get there.