A Scare Story About Tripping

I very much disagree thats its based in misogyny. He stated he couldn't control his feelings for her at the time he did it, I know many men this happens to. History is filled with jealous raged men. But it isn't misogyny. Remmeber the UFC fighter who beat the shit out of his pornstar girlfriend and is now in jail for a long time? Is it the power of women over men or the lack of control of men over themselves? No womans done that to me since grade school, but hey. Is that misogyny? I think theres a lot more psychology under the surface.... but how do you proove any of it in a court of law, and is that where it ends - in court? The fact is, the guy cut off his grilfriends head and now he's living the American dream. LSD was blamed. That's all I'm saying.

Although there isn't much in the newspape clippings, the LSD was a big part of the story, at least back then in the circles of people I knew. Maybe he wouldn't have done it if he wasn't on it.

And mental illness is a complex subject. But that doesn't mean a normal brain can't pop, someone with no underlying issues. Everytime I've taken mushrooms, acid, mescalin (one time each was enough) I had a terrible time. Some of the worst trips I've been on were from marijuana, likely strong sativas that can induce these states of mind.

But yeah. I'm merly a word of caution riding a voice of reason.

And cheers to cutting off heads and using a bloody shush finger to rule at the local library.
No, acid will not make a normal person kill somebody, never gonna happen, but I did see a guy strip naked and roll around in mudd while masturbating once.
Tried biting a 4-way of windowpane in half once, oh well, if it was meant for two people they’d have made 2 hits:lol:
No, acid will not make a normal person kill somebody, never gonna happen, but I did see a guy strip naked and roll around in mudd while masturbating once.
I ate a stick of lip balm frying once. It tasted like the fruit it was supposed to smell like( at least at that time). Crew called me lip balm for awhile after that lol. Strange drug
If I knew I might get less time in jail if I blamed a demon drug and my jury was as ill informed as I presumed they might be you can damn well bet I'd blame a pill.

"The devil made me do it yer honor, it wasn't me I tell yah. "

We got folks blaming donald trump for telling them to break into the capital and catching breaks over it.

Why not blame a drug?
I disagree. Science has proven there are chemicals inside our brains that can be altetred, as many of us know. Thats kind of what tripping is. Altered just how and to what extent seems to be the debate. I for one know that Big Lurch and his rapping career weren't put out of commision because he didn't get a good nights rest.. He also didn't eat his girlfriend's lungs because they had a mesquite, saucy flavor to them
I disagree. Science has proven there are chemicals inside our brains that can be altetred, as many of us know. Thats kind of what tripping is. Altered just how and to what extent seems to be the debate. I for one know that Big Lurch and his rapping career weren't put out of commision because he didn't get a good nights rest.. He also didn't eat his girlfriend's lungs because they had a mesquite, saucy flavor to them

I believe that we take responsibility for our actions always. And no substance or situation will cause us to much stray from our true nature.

I've taken pretty much every drug there is and have never considered harming another. I figure that is universal.
Did you know acid takes a few to kick in, and when your frame of reference for how long it takes for drugs to kick in is weed, it can lead to an interesting learning experience.

Also, if you think something is bunk, the solution is not to do all of it.
"I believe that we take responsibility for our actions always"

We don’t take responsibility for our actions, always - that’s part of the human condition and part of the problem in our world, and yet on a literal level there’s no getting by the karmic course of events of life itself. You can’t escape your karma, but its not always up to you. If someone shoots you for there own reasons, is it your fault?

No matter who or what alters it, karma is always due. Responsibility must adhere to knowledge. Conscious understanding. And while people can verbally dismiss something they might have done, there's always a recourse to everything. So in that sense you're correct. But it can be applicable to different people and different situations to different extents. Beyond any court or system of punishment. Where that fine line of "He wouldn't have done it if," or "He wasn't capable of it," comes in to play... is something that’s been a huge legal debate for a long time now.. but lets get real here.. people can be turned into zombies with drugs and incapable of making conscious choices. Are people on life support held responsible for not deflating their lungs?

"And no substance or situation will cause us to much stray from our true nature."

What you're ultimately saying is that people can’t be tricked, coerced, or drugged into a state of mind they can’t be held responsible for. Like Bill Cosby was just dunking his testicles in those drinks. But that’s her fault also, isn’t it...
Back in the 80's we were tripping on some purple microdot. While walking down the side of the road in the dark I tripped on a dead possum. My foot hit the possum and I almost landed on my face. It was pretty gross. I started thinking that there were maggots on my foot. Good times.
I'm merely sharing my experiences and ideas... I have taken lsd once, mescalin once, mushrooms twice, ecstacy once. They were all bad times.. no angles. I did a bunch of coke in my mid twenties. It was awful, the hangovers, I kept doing it. I've drank enough alcohol over my lifetime to fill a swiming pool, lots of good times. I stopped due to health reasons.

I treat marijuana as a sacred plant, along with those hallucinagens. Its obviously much more mild, and I've had bad and good times with it, but I think its really in a class of its own. Imo opinion, hallucinagens are to be used sparingly at most, for spiritual purposes. I've just heard too many scare stories to risk it again at my age..
I'm merely sharing my experiences and ideas... I have taken lsd once, mescalin once, mushrooms twice, ecstacy once. They were all bad times.. no angles. I did a bunch of coke in my mid twenties. It was awful, the hangovers, I kept doing it. I've drank enough alcohol over my lifetime to fill a swiming pool, lots of good times. I stopped due to health reasons.

I treat marijuana as a sacred plant, along with those hallucinagens. Its obviously much more mild, and I've had bad and good times with it, but I think its really in a class of its own. Imo opinion, hallucinagens are to be used sparingly at most, for spiritual purposes. I've just heard too many scare stories to risk it again at my age..
Lol now we know you're either full of shit or a gomer getting sold fake dope :dunce: