A Scare Story About Tripping

You sir, are either a hood who's never been outside a ten block radius of his housing complex, not in his entire lifetime. Or a hillbilly that knows little outside having sex with family members. You choose. Either one. C'mon.

And lets agree to let this thread rot away into the archives with fond memories that there was great disagreement in our thinking patterns, shall we?
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I turned with a start to see her face in the misty forest..
I followed after,not with the usual ,trip over stick through the bushes method
A floating untouchable quality,dreamy.
I noticed how soggy the soil was ,
And reluctantly came to the conclusion,I was flying....
I'm merely sharing my experiences and ideas... I have taken lsd once, mescalin once, mushrooms twice, ecstacy once. They were all bad times.. no angles. I did a bunch of coke in my mid twenties. It was awful, the hangovers, I kept doing it. I've drank enough alcohol over my lifetime to fill a swiming pool, lots of good times. I stopped due to health reasons.

I treat marijuana as a sacred plant, along with those hallucinagens. Its obviously much more mild, and I've had bad and good times with it, but I think its really in a class of its own. Imo opinion, hallucinagens are to be used sparingly at most, for spiritual purposes. I've just heard too many scare stories to risk it again at my age..
I’ve done lots of different psychedelics, many times, and never had a bad trip. Everybody is different though
You sir, are either a hood who's never been outside a ten block radius of his housing complex, not in his entire lifetime. Or a hillbilly that knows little outside having sex with family members. You choose. Either one. C'mon.

And lets agree to let this thread rot away into the archives with fond memories that there was great disagreement in our thinking patterns, shall we?
Come on man that's a small step above calling me a dootie head lol I'll leave you to your thread about.. whatever the fuck point you're trying to make
Did lots of stuff back in the late 60's and 70's. Many truly intense trips, no bad ones.

“We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; 1971

“Use them with care, and use them with respect as to the transformations they can achieve, and you have an extraordinary research tool. Go banging about with a psychedelic drug for a Saturday night turn-on, and you can get into a really bad place, psychologically. Know what you're using, decide just why you're using it, and you can have a rich experience. They're not addictive, and they're certainly not escapist, either, but they're exceptionally valuable tools for understanding the human mind, and how it works.”
― Alexander Shulgin, Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story; 1991
If a paranoid/anxious person smokes weed, they typically feel paranoid and anxious. Same with tripping, 95% of it is the mental attitude and environment you go into it with. This thread made me think of that guy who killed someone (or maybe more than one) person in California with an axe, and his entire defense was that he did it while he was "sleepwalking" (or sleep murdering I guess.) Psychedelics have so much promise for treating mental illness...in a tightly controlled environment. I wouldn't mess with anything other than shrooms though, they are pretty much perfect. Those places that charge $2,000+ dollars for a ketamine treatment make me sick though, absolutely disgusting to profit off of mental illness in that way.
The only ones i remember “talking down” had fallen asleep or passed out. Personally some dust and the Moody Blues took me further than any trip.
“Use them with care, and use them with respect as to the transformations they can achieve, and you have an extraordinary research tool. Go banging about with a psychedelic drug for a Saturday night turn-on, and you can get into a really bad place, psychologically. Know what you're using, decide just why you're using it, and you can have a rich experience. They're not addictive, and they're certainly not escapist, either, but they're exceptionally valuable tools for understanding the human mind, and how it works.”
― Alexander Shulgin, Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story; 1991
Haha! I have a copy of both PIHKAL & TIHKAL. Hard, but essential reads if you're serious about psychedelics. The documentary about him is worthy too.
So around 1998, in a cute little upstate NY town near Bard College, a student was apprehended, near naked, at an off campus dorm house, for allegedly cutting the throat of his ex girlfriend. He was tripping on acid and confessed to the killing immediatley. It happened at a closed down church near a desolate four way stop sign on a local winding road. Just after the fact, he ran through the woods for four miles to the dorm house. He nearly cut her head off. She was a daughter of two Oberlin professors and everyone was shocked. I didn't know the guy but he hung around a pizza place where I worked and we knew people in common.

At the trial he plead insanity and was sent to a mental institution. The parents of the poor girl hoped he remained there for a long time. Fast forward five years later.

He was released around 2003.

Fast forward to today. He has a wife and child, is the lead singer of a small rock band and is the branch manager at a major capital district library!

I feel like I'm on acid everytime I remmeber it. It all warps my reality. Its hard to accept but its true, the priviledged are treated diferently in our justice system, and this story is proof. I don't know how the guy can live like that. I cant imagine what his wife thinks. It's like, ok son, you're old enough now to know about your father. He murdered his girlfriend.

Nearly same thing happened to another Bard Student about 5 years ago. He slashed his female roomate and blamed it on weed. He got fifteen years.

You can google the story and then the guys name, his linkenden career profile pops up, just after his history as a convited murderer. See for yourself.

And be careful what you put inside you...
Maybe he had a predisposition to mental illnesses?
Ive seen my share of freak outs never had a bad one myself yet its just down to you ig i did see one friend try to kill another friend fail then try to kill themselves with a fork no less while tripping on acid but thats the kind of people who should stay away from these kinda things in my opinion set and setting are everything dont do it if you arent the kind of person who cant handle being alone with your own thoughts is my advice especially imo the benefits outweigh the risks i think its something everyone should try at least once in there life just at the right time with the right people etc