A short thread about elections.

How do you know to post this?
His post shows up but it says he is on my ignore list and it does not give his content. It does show his signature line. Well it did, his post disappeared. Anyway there are only two people on my ignore list and the other seems to have vanished. Mind you, so has the post. I am starting to wonder now. Should I be putting on my aluminum foil hat now (Where does a guy get good quality tin foil now days?).
His post shows up but it says he is on my ignore list and it does not give his content. It does show his signature line. Well it did, his post disappeared. Anyway there are only two people on my ignore list and the other seems to have vanished. Mind you, so has the post. I am starting to wonder now. Should I be putting on my aluminum foil hat now (Where does a guy get good quality tin foil now days?).
Oh. OK. I have not explored the properties of the ignore feature.
These are the kind of laws majority Conservative governments pass. I believe Jason Kenny was the architect of this one.

" Before it was introduced, she said those born abroad to a Canadian parent in the second and subsequent generations had to meet “certain conditions” and take steps to maintain their citizenship. If they failed to take those steps, they lost their citizenship “often without realizing it,” she said.

“The first-generation limit is applied equally to the children of Canadians born abroad, whether the child is naturally born or adopted, in order to ensure consistency in the application of the rule,” Fenelon explained.

Nastaran Roushan, an immigration lawyer based in Toronto, said the government introduced the amendment in order to limit “indefinite citizenship.”

“This feeds into, whether you believe in it or not, the rhetoric that citizenship is a right and it should be limited as a right to those who are actual Canadians,” she said. “So somewhere along the line, they believe that people are not Canadians any longer because they have enough of a disconnect from the country and therefore they shouldn’t be able to pass on that citizenship to somebody else.”

So if I read this correctly if a person is born in Sweden and has no roots in Canada he is not Canadian. My parents immigrated to Canada and I do not have citizenship from their homelands.
So if I read this correctly if a person is born in Sweden and has no roots in Canada he is not Canadian. My parents immigrated to Canada and I do not have citizenship from their homelands.
If a Canadian citizen adopts a child from China, for example, that child will be a Canadian citizen. If that child later has children, they are not automatically Canadian citizens if born abroad.
If a Canadian citizen adopts a child from China, for example, that child will be a Canadian citizen. If that child later has children, they are not automatically Canadian citizens if born abroad.
And if the child never sets foot in Canada after that? My parents are German, both were born and raised in Poland. So does that make me Polish or German?
England was not suppose to leave the EU, it was a quest for a majority. Shit happens. At least we know with a conservative government we would not go all wacko like the Americans.
Remember Harper? So do the liberals and NDP, there will be a liberal minority government with the NDP as back stop. I don't think the Tories will get more seats than the combined total of the liberals, NDP and perhaps even the greens. All they would want to do is piss money away building a dinosaur of an obsolete pipeline, completed as the green new deal kicks in. Oh by the way, forget the green new deal for Canada, we'd be dragging our heels on global warming and probably covid too, as they pandered to their most radical elements and western base.
Yup it’s looking like a minority conservative win is in our future. Honestly I don’t think that is a bad thing with the NDP holding the balance of power. Looks like the sunny ways are going to be a tad overcast.
I’ve always said we are better off with minority governments. It forces the government to compromise. Trudeau didn’t like playing with others and thought his handling of the pandemic would get him his majority.

The Canadian electorate is fickle and calling a snap election during a pandemic has pissed many off.

Trudeau’s hubris could give us a Conservative government. Even a Conservative minority government at this time is dangerous.

Fuck me.