A short thread about elections.

@printer, what is a riding?
The area the politician being elected represents. The yellow portion is the riding I was mentioning, the grey thing is called the Perimeter Highway, outside it is mostly rural although they have some housing developments, people wanting to live close to the city but not pay higher taxes. So a mix of people and the election can go either way between candidates.
The area the politician being elected represents. The yellow portion is the riding I was mentioning, the grey thing is called the Perimeter Highway, outside it is mostly rural although they have some housing developments, people wanting to live close to the city but not pay higher taxes.
I missed your post about the changes to your riding. Did the Conservatives take it?
I missed your post about the changes to your riding. Did the Conservatives take it?
Yeah. The Liberal is a Emergency doctor and a pretty smart cookie. If a few of the Green or the NDP voters selected Liberal there would be one less Conservative elected. Only won by a couple hundred votes.
Yeah. The Liberal is a Emergency doctor and a pretty smart cookie. If a few of the Green or the NDP voters selected Liberal there would be one less Conservative elected. Only won by a couple hundred votes.
Damn. No PPC candidate to steal Conservative votes?
The People's Party of Canada is a federal political party in Canada. The party was formed by Maxime Bernier in September 2018, shortly after his resignation from the Conservative Party of Canada.

The Christian Heritage Party of Canada, also referred to as CHP Canada, is a minor social conservative and Christian right federal political party in Canada; it was founded in 1987. CHP advocates for Canada to be governed according to Christian principles

So they counteracted the Green and the NDP somewhat.