I am really looking for a way to modify a grow room (one room about 5 ft by 5 ft) to grow atleast 6 plants (hopefully I assume I can just keep all 6 under my 400w hps (let me know if I'm wrong) and I will be able to keep them all on the same light cycle throughout. Cloning is out of reach as far as skill level for me I think, so I'll just stick with seeds. I'm growing in soil by the way, fox farm ocean forest. using their nutes as well. Anyways here is what I've got: I have two inline duct fans with two aluminum 25 ft ducts for intake outtake A 400 watt hps light and ballast like 4 fans for air circulation and all that b.s 8 small 6 inch pots-8 pots that are about 6 inch around and a foot deep. and then eight 5 gal buckets. I am growing two blueberry kush right now and they're doing fine, but once these are harvested i'm getting different seeds and I'm looking to build the most effective grow room I can with the space I have (I have about 8 ft of height by the way. So if I need better things or just anything that will help improve my setup is appreciated! yes I am on my first grow and I have learned alot from it so I'm looking to make my next even more successful!