A Stoners Career


Mate, you clearly know your shit about coal mining, you seem very passionate about it and have all the certifications to do it.

If I was you and felt this into something i'd give up the weed and do it. Be a piss head on your days off instead.

Personally, i'm with Bongjuice (not about slating your desired profession!!) but yeah i love living the 9-5, weekends off, good money, cosy whatever the temperature outside, smoking all night, give a shit if im tired the following day ill just have an easy one!

Do what ya gotta bro :joint::peace:

Ya I know what I'm talking about and I dont have to give up on smoke just dont smoke for like 3months thats all.

But please dont get me wrong I am not saying that the 9-5 is stupid and noone should do it, in fact I started to go to college for Real Estate (I ran out of money and I dont want to take out loans).
this thread should be called...... I WANNA B A COAL MINER !!!!!!

It was not ment to be this way.
I wanted to hear peoples oppinoins about other jobs untill some had to talk down on hardworking americans.

I'm still interested in hearing how people are smoking it up and still makeing a decent living.
Finally, I get to this one. Every girl loves an all american country boy. Because we are the ones that can make the muscles and actually use them. Yes thats right ours is not just for show. Ours work!!

Um... false. We're not drones, we like different things. I personally wouldn't want to marry someone who worked in a coal mine. It's dirty, dangerous and bad for your health. No thanks. By the way, my man has muscles and he doesn't do physical labor for a living. It's called working out, being active.
Didn't any of you watch My Bloody Valentine? Fuck that shit at least in a lighted office I can SEE MY MURDERER!
I own 3 businesses with a combined turnover of over £1,000,000pa. with only a handful of staff that are part time...Entrepreneur, best paid job in the world done correctly.
Man, here's the thing. If you get into a respected enough position, there comes a level where they simply stop drug testing. Either they trust you to be a responsible individual and not let your private life interfere with your business life, or they understand that you've had to push yourself to get to wherever you are, and if you are a smoker, at least you're a motivated one.

And that's where I'm headed, man. Four-year degree. Government-funded, man. If you're over 25 and haven't fucked up your credit, government aid should damn near pay for your schooling. Get your ass learned, man. That's where the cushy jobs are.
I own 3 businesses with a combined turnover of over £1,000,000pa. with only a handful of staff that are part time...Entrepreneur, best paid job in the world done correctly.

Aw you lucky bastard! I'd love to hear that story if you have the time!

How did you manage that?
Man, here's the thing. If you get into a respected enough position, there comes a level where they simply stop drug testing. Either they trust you to be a responsible individual and not let your private life interfere with your business life, or they understand that you've had to push yourself to get to wherever you are, and if you are a smoker, at least you're a motivated one.

And that's where I'm headed, man. Four-year degree. Government-funded, man. If you're over 25 and haven't fucked up your credit, government aid should damn near pay for your schooling. Get your ass learned, man. That's where the cushy jobs are.

I agree completlybongsmilie
the thing about having your own business.. from all the people i know that have one, is that they are working 10+ hours everyday, saturdays and sometimes even sundays..