A strain that makes you much more capable?

spring water probably has good ph.. but doesnt mean the soil does..

i always use tap, i like it better..
either way man.
more pics from whole olant will help..
and just water straight right now..

personally im a huge fan of foliar feed..fix problems fSter until your medium back on track...

Thanks for the response, the rest of the plant doesn't look quite as bad, just a lot of the very fan leave tips are brown, that's it. The buds smell great though. Less is more for some plants, that's for sure. Funny how they're all picky in their own ways...like children.
You kinda suck at this whole "life" thing huh?
No. I am a very nice and kind person with manners. I really am all about the peace and love. Yea I really love bunnies and am considering starting a bunny farm because I believe bunnies would make a great representative of the peace and love. I am a victim of uncalled for bullying and it's not right. I am a person too. And I demand apologies. :cry:
No. I am a very nice and kind person with manners. I really am all about the peace and love. Yea I really love bunnies and am considering starting a bunny farm because I believe bunnies would make a great representative of the peace and love. I am a victim of uncalled for bullying and it's not right. I am a person too. And I demand apologies. :cry:
You started dummy.
lol poor guy,
never had pussy.. bitches about on the interwebs, touting peace and love.
he clearly has a mental disorder..
we shouldnt be so hard on him


snitch bitch, whyd that thread get deleted.. made me lose like atleast 1 like
I did not snitch. And you of all people should understand my plight in helping people understand that bullying nice kind people is not peace and love. I have not talked to that colored girl yet. I think calling someone "colored" is ok because I think it's cute. I'm just white and that's boring as heck. One of my best friends is Puerto Rican and he makes fun of himself just like I make fun of white people. It's all good in my heart that is just so full of peace and love that o don't care about race. My first wife was a phillipina and I was the first person in my family to have interacial relationships. Nobody cared cause they know I've always been all about peace and loving care for my brothers and sisters of any race and nationality. Not because it's politically correct because it's just the right way to live. Anyway, i guess I probably shouldn't label people anyway. I apologize if I offended anyone. And pray fro your forgiveness. Being bullied has helped me to realize all these things. Peace and love.
I did not snitch. And you of all people should understand my plight in helping people understand that bullying nice kind people is not peace and love. I have not talked to that colored girl yet. I think calling someone "colored" is ok because I think it's cute. I'm just white and that's boring as heck. One of my best friends is Puerto Rican and he makes fun of himself just like I make fun of white people. It's all good in my heart that is just so full of peace and love that o don't care about race. My first wife was a phillipina and I was the first person in my family to have interacial relationships. Nobody cared cause they know I've always been all about peace and loving care for my brothers and sisters of any race and nationality. Not because it's politically correct because it's just the right way to live. Anyway, i guess I probably shouldn't label people anyway. I apologize if I offended anyone. And pray fro your forgiveness. Being bullied has helped me to realize all these things. Peace and love.

You come cruisin' in here telling real growers we can't grow and only you can? In a tiny little box that you're too embarrassed to take a pic of?

I did not snitch. And you of all people should understand my plight in helping people understand that bullying nice kind people is not peace and love. I have not talked to that colored girl yet. I think calling someone "colored" is ok because I think it's cute. I'm just white and that's boring as heck. One of my best friends is Puerto Rican and he makes fun of himself just like I make fun of white people. It's all good in my heart that is just so full of peace and love that o don't care about race. My first wife was a phillipina and I was the first person in my family to have interacial relationships. Nobody cared cause they know I've always been all about peace and loving care for my brothers and sisters of any race and nationality. Not because it's politically correct because it's just the right way to live. Anyway, i guess I probably shouldn't label people anyway. I apologize if I offended anyone. And pray fro your forgiveness. Being bullied has helped me to realize all these things. Peace and love.
How god damned stupid are you?

You can kiss my fucking dirty sweaty taint.

You started all of this. You are NOT living by peace and love.

If you talk shit and then put peace and love it doesn't work.

See, watch.

You're a fucking retarded douche bag. Peace and love.
I was the first person in my family to have interacial relationships

pretty sure we all guessed that...
but your dreams and attractions to "coloreds" doesnt count as a relationship..i think there are porn sites about this sorta thing.. check ot out...and leave here ;)
I am feeling a chill in the air around here. You are all invited into my cozy home greeted with refreshing beverages and pleasant times. When you all admit you are bullies and apologize. Till then. I only have peace and love for you all and hope you find the right direction in life. I apologize for allowing myself to be drawn into this shameful mess of hurtful words. I'm a person too.
I am feeling a chill in the air around here. You are all invited into my cozy home greeted with refreshing beverages and pleasant times. When you all admit you are bullies and apologize. Till then. I only have peace and love for you all and hope you find the right direction in life. I apologize for allowing myself to be drawn into this shameful mess of hurtful words. I'm a person too.
seek help before posting again.
@whitebb2727 in the past I have had nothing but the utmost respect and peace and love for you. I looked up to you for your growing skills and your kind heart to share them with noobs. I mean. I almost worshipped you and had hoped I could meet you some day and shake your honorable hand. I am sorry yours didn't turn out as well as mine. Mine is almost gone now. But, in the spirit of peace and love I would still share fellowship with you. I have nothing but love in my heart for you and your family. I hope someday you can come away from the dark side and we can be friends again. You sir are an amazing person with an amazing heart who just got caught up in the wrong crowd. There is always hope sir. Peace and love to you old friend. I honestly hope you win the lottery and whatever else your heart desires. Old friend.
You are still my friend. I guess in my eyes. Since you are my only friend. You are my best friend now. Thank you sir. We had our problems in the past and in the kindest of my heart I released you from my ignore and put you on probation. You have lived up to the standards and conditions of my probation and become an exemplary human being. I am proud of you son. And I love your meme/gif skills that entertain us all. You are a good apple in the peace and love. I just wish these others would find the err of their ways and redeem themselves into the peace and love.
@whitebb2727 in the past I have had nothing but the utmost respect and peace and love for you. I looked up to you for your growing skills and your kind heart to share them with noobs. I mean. I almost worshipped you and had hoped I could meet you some day and shake your honorable hand. I am sorry yours didn't turn out as well as mine. Mine is almost gone now. But, in the spirit of peace and love I would still share fellowship with you. I have nothing but love in my heart for you and your family. I hope someday you can come away from the dark side and we can be friends again. You sir are an amazing person with an amazing heart who just got caught up in the wrong crowd. There is always hope sir. Peace and love to you old friend. I honestly hope you win the lottery and whatever else your heart desires. Old friend.
Thought you had me on ignore.

Don't patronize me. You apparently have mental problems. I can't pick on a retard. There is no sport in it.

I'll call truce or what ever just because I really don't care.
Fuck you!

Love your neighbor.
I do love my neighbor. He is cool and has a sweet wife and beautiful baby. That is peace and love. I will not covet. Please find the err of your ways and stop the bullying. I know deep down you are kind person inside. you just got caught up hanging out with the wrong crowd. I still wish you peace and love bro. You sir need my peace and love the most. I hope it will bring out your own peace and love. And you will fight the good fight. And be humble and caring to all. I truly have peace and love for you sir. And hope you have an amazing day because your really awesome. I couldn't find a bunny meme. Sorry.
Thought you had me on ignore.

Don't patronize me. You apparently have mental problems. I can't pick on a retard. There is no sport in it.

I'll call truce or what ever just because I really don't care.
Apology accepted. Probation. You need to heal. In a few weeks we will be best friends again. I love you brother. Thank you for all your amazingness. Don't fight becoming one with the peace and love. It is meant for us all. I feel better. Don't you?