Seriously. We are middle agers son. Middle school is long gone my blessed ole friend. It's all merely jibber jabber. I assure you I am not on a high horse. I'm just like way chill with what I got. You have to admit. The last 24-36 hours or so has been great better. It excited us all to participate. I still think Qeizo needs to dry out and do a short stint in rehab. Like pinworm used to do. And I hate that
@ODanksta is gone. He was a smart fella, just a little naive and got trolled into where he is. Hopefully he came away from it a little more aware. At the end of the day tho, clicks matter. It's been fun this useless banter. Therapeutic being bullied into oblivion and rising out of it with a smile. For my silly friends. And the peace and love that comes from it. It's a beautiful thing bro. All in good fun.
Be a man. Don't act so butt hurt.