A tax analogy, who's really paying their fair share?

Bucky's out of ammo, has nothing but insults left.

lol, the insults are well earned for lifegoeson. he is consistently being purposely obtuse.

the ironic thing about you making the 'out of ammo' claim is that you never had any to begin with. you posted about family farms and the estate tax but have failed to back up your claim with evidence in any way whatsoever.

ironic fail is ironic. but not unexpected, coming from a genius like you.
Obama's health care shenanigans, are unconstitutional in more than one way, and breach several sections of multiple amendments direct, and indirectly. No amount of lawyers or "court decisions" will be able to convey the delusion, that it is somehow constitutional.

You're apparently convinced that Obama's health care mandates are constitutional, and no matter what facts are thrown at you, you will refuse to change your delusion that they are constitutional. This is because your beliefs that the mandates are constitutional, are the beliefs that are backing your fantasy-world wishes.

Your general theory on constitutionality in regards to law is incredibly ignorant. If interpreted correctly, by your beliefs it would be legal to make ammunition illegal, even though that indirectly infringes on the 2nd amendment. When you can't comprehend how a law is actually illegal, based on it's direct or indirect affect on superior constitutional law, what are you eligible in comprehending?

By SS, I'm assuming you mean social security. Social security while technically constitutional, is bogus as well, no matter how it's structured (at least it's constitutional though). I don't need to argue against Social Security though, because no matter how it's legally or constitutionally backed, it's fallacy-orientated creation and structure, will take care of itself. Social security will self implode on it's own, because it's not sustainable. Social security has done nothing but caused financial irresponsibility among the people in this country. Systems that manifest irresponsibility, fed off the roots of unsustainability are destined to fail.

the constitutionality of the PPACA is up in the air. we'll see what kennedy says.

you have nothing else besides that to mention, LOL. and you're not even paying anything into the PPACA yet.

total fail by you.
quote me "professing to be a libertarian". lol.

you should also try to quote me defending the estate tax. you can easily find me calling out someone's lies about the estate tax above, but no defense. just a calling out of a liar.


You did say you are a Libertarian, I've been calling you a fake Libertarian for weeks and you are just now disputing this? Waiting until you Libertarian claim is buried to deep for anyone to find it? I think so. That is probably why you got fired from your volunteer job as mod, covering up evidence of your stupidity.

You are such a loser.
You did say you are a Libertarian, I've been calling you a fake Libertarian for weeks and you are just now disputing this? Waiting until you Libertarian claim is buried to deep for anyone to find it? I think so. That is probably why you got fired from your volunteer job as mod, covering up evidence of your stupidity.

You are such a loser.

i stepped down voluntarily, actually.

now go find where i said i was a libertarian, kiddo.

it should be easy, you keep saying it's true, right?

lol, the insults are well earned for lifegoeson. he is consistently being purposely obtuse. the ironic thing about you making the 'out of ammo' claim is that you never had any to begin with. you posted about family farms and the estate tax but have failed to back up your claim with evidence in any way whatsoever. ironic fail is ironic. but not unexpected, coming from a genius like you.
And what was "that myth has been so debunked that you dredging it up gave me a hearty gut laugh."?
the constitutionality of the PPACA is up in the air. we'll see what kennedy says.

you have nothing else besides that to mention, LOL. and you're not even paying anything into the PPACA yet.

total fail by you.

The health care mandate can be in the air all it wants, and could still be deemed legal. The cold hard fact is, that it's unconstitutional.

A total fail by yourself has been conducted via your illogical, mathematically, and historically defeated theories.

By the way, I forgot to mention Medicare is going to collapse too. You can argue for the side of Medicare constitutionality all you want, but a truly constitutional law never runs itself into bankruptcy, and is never conceived on the inevitability of unsustainability. In other words your argument is a fallacy on the basis that Medicare will collapse, I repeat it will collapse. There is nothing you can do in regards to, justifiably arguing for a system, who's creation was conjured into existence on the basis of sheer ignorance.

Medicare and SS are sheer ignorance, thus they will fail to exist. In a funny way it's kind of like mother nature's way of filtering unjust laws. Funny how the world works.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/04/28/971132/-After-Birthers-10-More-GOP-Myths-Debunked#two now go find me this pouring over of farms going under due to the estate tax. this promises to be GRAND.
"We estimate that under the Obama proposal, 100 family farms and businesses would owe tax. (We define such estates as those where farm or business assets are valued at under $5 million and comprise the majority of estate assets.) The Lincoln-Kyl proposal would cut the number to 40. Even under current law, fewer than 2,700 family farms and businesses would owe tax." So your lunatic fringe website decides who gets counted? They disregard that inheiritence taxes are only levied on farms valued over $5 million. In other words, they eliminated the farms that would be taxed in their statistics. You should find a better source for your info. That's the trouble with zealots, they believe anyone that tells them what they want to hear.
The health care mandate can be in the air all it wants, and could still be deemed legal. The cold hard fact is, that it's unconstitutional.

A total fail by yourself has been conducted via your illogical, mathematically, and historically defeated theories.

By the way, I forgot to mention Medicare is going to collapse too. You can argue for the side of Medicare constitutionality all you want, but a truly constitutional law never runs itself into bankruptcy, and is never conceived on the inevitability of unsustainability. In other words your argument is a fallacy on the basis that Medicare will collapse, I repeat it will collapse. There is nothing you can do in regards to, justifiably arguing for a system, who's creation was conjured into existence on the basis of sheer ignorance.

Medicare and SS are sheer ignorance, thus they will fail to exist. In a funny way it's kind of like mother nature's way of filtering unjust laws. Funny how the world works.

apparently the psychotic homicidal mooching tax cheat is also a constitutional lawyer and an evolutionary biologist who knows what nature "wants".

and how many of them went under, i ask. don't be afraid, go ahead. i know how few, i just want you to say it.
Trying to change the subject again? Suddenly it's about them going under? I assume you mean bankrupt? The farms become too small to be viable and are sold off to developers or your buddies at ADM. You keep putting words in my mouth. You're very dishonest. You can't even be truthful to yourself. You completely disregarded my OP that we are confusing wealth with income. I am in favor of some sort of inheritance tax, I just believe an exclusion should apply to family farms. Every generation of family farmers has less to work with than their parents. Eventually developers and Big Agra will gobble them up. Is that what you want to happen?
Trying to change the subject again? Suddenly it's about them going under? I assume you mean bankrupt? The farms become too small to be viable and are sold off to developers or your buddies at ADM. You keep putting words in my mouth. You're very dishonest. You can't even be truthful to yourself. You completely disregarded my OP that we are confusing wealth with income. I am in favor of some sort of inheritance tax, I just believe an exclusion should apply to family farms. Every generation of family farmers has less to work with than their parents. Eventually developers and Big Agra will gobble them up. Is that what you want to happen?
You mean the same knob-ends that buy the Presidency with their big donations? Of course Bucky likes them, it's big corporations like Goldman Sachs, etc that pay for Buckys Kenyan Cheese-Messiah's campaign.
He never directly stands behind is argument, he debates Romney style and words things so that he can back out of his argument if needed (When he starts getting pwned).
You mean the same knob-ends that buy the Presidency with their big donations? Of course Bucky likes them, it's big corporations like Goldman Sachs, etc that pay for Buckys Kenyan Cheese-Messiah's campaign.
Just got an email from Obama's campaign telling me how important it is that I donate NOW because they don't take money from lobbyists. Ha ha!!! Friend -- If you're wondering why we have so many contests to meet President Obama, I'll be honest. Yeah, it's partly because they're really popular. But it's also because we don't accept any money from Washington lobbyists or corporate-interest groups -- not a dime. We don't want them owning any piece of this campaign or expecting any special consideration. So Barack Obama has only you. And the feedback from people like you is that they like chipping in a few dollars at a time -- and if there's a chance to meet President Obama as a result, all the better. What do you say? Right now you have some pretty cool options, each with a deadline approaching. While there's still a spot for you: 1) Enter to meet President Obama and President Clinton for an evening on the town in New York City. 2) Throw your name in to join President Obama and the First Lady at Sarah Jessica Parker's house in New York. Of course, you can always enter both. I don't really care what you choose. As someone who oversees the campaign budget, I appreciate it anytime someone makes a donation in the first place. Believe me when I say it helps. Donate to automatically enter "An Evening with Two Presidents" (airfare and hotel covered): https://donate.barackobama.com/An-Evening-with-Two-Presidents Or enter "A New York Night" with Sarah Jessica Parker here (airfare and hotel covered): https://donate.barackobama.com/Sarah-Jessica-Parker Thanks, Ann Marie Ann Marie Habershaw Chief Operating Officer Obama for America