A tax analogy, who's really paying their fair share?


it depends on which metric you judge performance by.

based on my metrics of reliability, efficiency, ease of maintenance, and cost effectiveness, the geo metro is a champ. same parts inside as a toyota corrolla, and i had no problem motoring that old gal down the highway at 85 all day long.

why do i need to go any faster? that's a criminal moving violation in a lot of states.

i have gotten the toyota up to 110 before though.

Remember guys this is the multi-millionaire.... or LIAR....

You decide...
Remember guys this is the multi-millionaire.... or LIAR....

You decide...

To be fair, Sam Walton (the guy who created Wal-Mart) drove an old beat up pick-up truck to work everyday. At Wal-Mart's corporate HQ. Now, I don't know how old it was, nor how beat up, but we're talking about what I think, at one time, was the richest dude in America.

Even driving a brand new GMC (the brand of pick-up truck with the highest retail and used value) truck to work every day, the most expensive one you will find on a car lot today would be appx. $50k.

Dude could have driven a half million dollar Maybach, and his personal finances wouldn't have been any more affected than a $50k new GMC.

Of course, those are the prices today, back in the 80's or 90's when he was driving, the new GMC would have been in the $20k range.
Remember guys this is the multi-millionaire.... or LIAR....

You decide...

Could be, or couldn't be. Why do you care so much?

Is this how all racists think? They fixate on one person or type of person and hate on them?
To be fair, Sam Walton (the guy who created Wal-Mart) drove an old beat up pick-up truck to work everyday. At Wal-Mart's corporate HQ. Now, I don't know how old it was, nor how beat up, but we're talking about what I think, at one time, was the richest dude in America.

Even driving a brand new GMC (the brand of pick-up truck with the highest retail and used value) truck to work every day, the most expensive one you will find on a car lot today would be appx. $50k.

Dude could have driven a half million dollar Maybach, and his personal finances wouldn't have been any more affected than a $50k new GMC.

Of course, those are the prices today, back in the 80's or 90's when he was driving, the new GMC would have been in the $20k range.

To be fair, Sam Walton was a bit weird. I believe he also lived in the same little 50's house with his wife and their asbestos tile kitchen floor. That does not mean much.

I am not saying you have to drive a great car if you are rich, but driving a deathtrap is just stupid...
To be fair, Sam Walton was a bit weird. I believe he also lived in the same little 50's house with his wife and their asbestos tile kitchen floor. That does not mean much.

I am not saying you have to drive a great car if you are rich, but driving a deathtrap is just stupid...
You dont think "a bit weird" is a proper way to describe uncle buck?

Im not taking up for him, im not bashing you. I'm just saying that often people with money drive "crappy" cars, or at least cars below the means that they could have. Often when you see a person driving a high end car, you see a person with lots of debt, and very little cash to throw at whatever it is they want, because they spend all their money on monthly payments.
To be fair, Sam Walton was a bit weird. I believe he also lived in the same little 50's house with his wife and their asbestos tile kitchen floor. That does not mean much.

That little house was 5,800 sq. feet and cost $100,000 in the late 50's.
No. The burden off proof is not on him. He stated the claim. Just as in court, I can state a claim, and it is believed to be true until otherwise proven false.

So go run along little boy, go find that proof.

UB stated a claim...see4 says the burden of proof is not on UB.

Who thinks the burden of proof is on UB?

Who thinks the burden is not on UB?

Even UB would say the burden is on UB. Sorry, Fin4.
UB stated a claim...see4 says the burden of proof is not on UB.

Who thinks the burden of proof is on UB?

Who thinks the burden is not on UB?

Even UB would say the burden is on UB. Sorry, Fin4.

Nice pinball machine bro. Butthurt carries this to multiple threads? Fleshy wound on the anus huh?
If it takes two different threads to prove you wrong, so be it.

Nice pinball machine bro. You owe $0.13 for the use of Fin4. Copyright on Fin prefix.

You have only proved that you girls are so far up UB's ass that you feel the need to inquire for months beyond claim.

Sad. So very very sad.
Nice pinball machine bro. You owe $0.13 for the use of Fin4. Copyright on Fin prefix.

You have only proved that you girls are so far up UB's ass that you feel the need to inquire for months beyond claim.

Sad. So very very sad.
I only opine on this matter when someone says that UB showed enough proof to back up his assertation.

Don't be caging me in with Republicans. People of every political leaning would agree that UB's pay stub only shows what was taken out that week, it proves nothing on the year.

Plus, I'm inquiring nothing...I know that pay stub proves nothing.
I only opine on this matter when someone says that UB showed enough proof to back up his assertation.

Don't be caging me in with Republicans. People of every political leaning would agree that UB's pay stub only shows what was taken out that week, it proves nothing on the year.

I disagree. A pay stub of 1 week can certainly show, to at least some generality, what a person pays in taxes for the year.

I am not defending UB or his tax assertion, I am defending the detail you guys seems to overlook.
I disagree. A pay stub of 1 week can certainly show, to at least some generality, what a person pays in taxes for the year.

I am not defending UB or his tax assertion, I am defending the detail you guys seems to overlook.

One paystub does not prove that there are 51 others just like it. One paystub on the internet doesn't even prove who it belongs to.

I'm perfectly fine with saying "if he made that every other week, then we can deduce his rates", I'm not fine with saying "this is my rate for the year" based on one pay stub.
I disagree. A pay stub of 1 week can certainly show, to at least some generality, what a person pays in taxes for the year.

I am not defending UB or his tax assertion, I am defending the detail you guys seems to overlook.

Key word being can.

It also might not. Key word being might.

Since UB is always about proof, his proof has holes that would be tore apart on cross examination.

I don't care what or if UB paid taxes...I'm only out for truth. The truth is his pay stub does not absolutely prove anything.
Wrong, all wrong. That pay stub is as valuable in determining ub's tax rate as a shit stain on his underwear is.

He will get a tax refund. For all you know, ub elected to have an additional $100 withheld, or selected head of household, when his wife clearly is.

For proof of his tas rate, the only acceptable document would be his return. All that proved was that someone got a paycheck.
i believe it absolutely proves that i was paying 25% federal income taxes on my wages, from which you can then deduce how much i was making at the time (check the marginal tax rates).


Do you guys not get an end of year settlement report from your tax authorities stating how much net tax you paid in the year?

We get one in January every year (called a P60 here), couldn't that settle this argument? (Obviously with identifying stuff excluded)