A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Holy frigg'n canolie! I can't believe I just waded thru 2 pages of this young'uns public attempts to deal with his self esteem issues. Fuck oh dear man but I'm glad that my sense of self worth isn't dependent on convincing others that I'm the smartest most knowlegeable weed grower that walks among us.



Well-Known Member
im sorry but you cant have a 10k + WATT setup with A badass Hydro setup and it not COST money my man. Yea I understand its not OUR reality. But it is reality at that, and it IS happening, AND THEY ARE PRODUCING better bud than me and you. So Tell a Commercial Grower with a Budget of 50k that Money Doesnt Matter.


Well-Known Member
I have tried at least 5 different soils including the super over priced Fox Farm and nothing preforms better than MG that I have seen. It costs less and drains better than anything else I have used and my plants stay much greener with MG. Most People hating on MG probably have not used or they over watered it. A little common sense goes a long way.


Well-Known Member
Here in souther Cali your average loan to Open a MJ Clinic is around 50k. thats just the building, their is another 25-50k loan going to the GROW operation & Legal Fees. BP MEDICAL SOLUTIONS is a care giving company my uncle helps manage the Inland Empires outlet. Even my bud cant Hit their Shelves yet, im not a Vet. I just know that $$$ paves the way. Speaking only in terms of MEDICAL MJ. its not grown in MG :)


Well-Known Member
Here in souther Cali your average loan to Open a MJ Clinic is around 50k. thats just the building, their is another 25-50k loan going to the GROW operation & Legal Fees. BP MEDICAL SOLUTIONS is a care giving company my uncle helps manage the Inland Empires outlet. Even my bud cant Hit their Shelves yet, im not a Vet. I just know that $$$ paves the way. Speaking only in terms of MEDICAL MJ. its not grown in MG :)
I can guarantee you that ANY professional grow op is not using bagged soil because of the cost. They need quantity, wholesale, soil that they ammend themselves to keep their costs down. How did we go from a discussion of home growers choosing between FF or MG to a discussion about commercial growers and custom soils? Oh, because you continue to derail this thread and keep it off topic.

I attempted to man up several posts of yours ago by ending this back and forth conversation that is going absolutely nowhere, yet you continue to make the same inept points over and over and over. You keep comparing apples to oranges. The purpose of this thread is stated in the subject line. I really think you'd be better served to start your own thread on high dollar custom soil grows.... Those of us sub'ed to this thread could care less....


Well-Known Member
Hahaha NO PUN INTENDED... its "dirt" :D I use HYDRO so im already above the food chain.. Does MG make Hydro Nutes? if so I have never heard of any1 using it.


Well-Known Member
Come to Cali, we go for Quality over Quantity. Most PROFESSIONAL growers going Hydro Nowdays cause soil Pails in comparison to Yield. (strains differ.) but with more money you will have better bud im sorry. Maybe your Content with any bud. But im talking about REAL INDICA shyt you here movie stars talking about. I have lived in cali my whole life so I dunno how it is for you but our bud here is famous. Any Real Life Smoker has smoked Cali. they brag about it, dumbass Wiz Khalifa just got arrested for smoking at a concert.. it was Bud he got from Dosha House in Cali.. I dunno about anything less than Fire. I stopped smoking Outdoor weed when I was 18..

I can guarantee you that ANY professional grow op is not using bagged soil because of the cost. They need quantity, wholesale, soil that they ammend themselves to keep their costs down. How did we go from a discussion of home growers choosing between FF or MG to a discussion about commercial growers and custom soils? Oh, because you continue to derail this thread and keep it off topic.

I attempted to man up several posts of yours ago by ending this back and forth conversation that is going absolutely nowhere, yet you continue to make the same inept points over and over and over. You keep comparing apples to oranges. The purpose of this thread is stated in the subject line. I really think you'd be better served to start your own thread on high dollar custom soil grows.... Those of us sub'ed to this thread could care less....


Well-Known Member
So now you'll have us believe that only Cali can produce the good bud? GTFO ;)

ROFL.... you are killin me....

as I said earlier my man, it's time to grow up. You are 22, you don't know everything about growing mj, nor do I, yet i have more than twice as many years involved in it as you do. MG has given me some fabulous results.

There is top notch weed being grown all over the country, and a lot of it is grown in MG soil to boot. The MG Organic line has many fans. Those that believe that organic soil growing provides the best quality and taste now have MG Organics to choose from. If it weren't for that, everyone else should go hydro, but until they do, MG is a great alternative and will leave you with healthy, green plants, whether you like it or not.


Well-Known Member
Jeez man you sure wanna argue against MG no matter what huh? I am not sure if an MG salesman violated you at some point in your life but the bottom line is that MG is a good quality soil and I dont know why a fantastic grower like you ( that grows hydro) would even want to post in such an inexperienced thread such as this. Maybe we should feel honored by your presence but your obvious ignorance and your willingness to argue against a soil that has proven results detracts my opinion of super fantastic self proclaimed knowledge. Why does it bother you so much when people want to use the best selling soil in the world? I believe maybe you are compensating for something in your life that bothers you but I have seen first hand what MG can do. Its ok though. You argue it okay? You tell everyone on here how you are a super grower and super growers dont us MG. Let us amateurs grow how we want to.


Well-Known Member
Jeez man you sure wanna argue against MG no matter what huh? I am not sure if an MG salesman violated you at some point in your life but the bottom line is that MG is a good quality soil and I dont know why a fantastic grower like you ( that grows hydro) would even want to post in such an inexperienced thread such as this. Maybe we should feel honored by your presence but your obvious ignorance and your willingness to argue against a soil that has proven results detracts my opinion of super fantastic self proclaimed knowledge. Why does it bother you so much when people want to use the best selling soil in the world? I believe maybe you are compensating for something in your life that bothers you but I have seen first hand what MG can do. Its ok though. You argue it okay? You tell everyone on here how you are a super grower and super growers dont us MG. Let us amateurs grow how we want to.

Well said....


Well-Known Member
You hate me or something man. <3 But I will admit.. .I havnt been to amsterdam but even thats Poo-Poo'd.. . Cali is where its at. I KNOW FOR A FACT and BELIEVE that THEIR ARE REAL OLDSCHOOL OR NEW BADASS Growers in EVERY COUNTRY PRODUCING THE BEST****. (weed can only get so good IMO, ^^ give me the two best STRONGEST strains in TWO diff Blunts I bet I wouldnt tell seeing as I would be Faded on the 1st few hits each.) but in Cali.. YOU can GO ANYWHERE, to the MALL, MOVIES..Every1 is Selling some type of Bomb.. and when you get to the PPL who really know their WEED.. Its amazing. Laboratory shit no Outdoor could produce simply because its surroundings. its really a science to some


Well-Known Member
you have me wrong. I am on my 1st grow Spent 1k im 22 I work. 600w DWC Hydro looking at only 4-6oz =/ I am just SPEAKING on the BEST BUD EVER. not your average RIU grow or MY GROWS.. Im simply saying the Basics, The Best Bud being grown on this Planet that has its THC THVC(orwhatever) CBDS all that BS measured is being backed by Money and Lab shit in BADASS hydro Setups. Im not saying ppl cant grow and get high. Im saying to a point we all have to admit that their is always Progress to be had if you LOOK at growing as a TRUE LEGAL HOBBY AS I DO. if your Hiding it from mommy go ahead I understand CFL and MG, but I plan to become a professional grower and Cant see me doing it without spending TIME to gain knowledge and TIME (Time=Money) working to Pay for my Setup... Co2 is 500bucks least so SAVE me with all that. I do IT LEGALLY im here to learn. when some1 says MG vs FF.. I SAY FF because the such SMALL MAJORITY of FF users are most likely owning PH/EC/PPM METERs, Co2 Tanks, Tents, HPS/MH. Catch my sarcasm at the last part.


Well-Known Member
I don't need my Mommy's permission to grow and your comment is insulting to everyone that chooses to use MG. Many MG growers use meters and hid lighting. Again, you clearly display that you have no idea what you are talking about.

If you were truly here to gain knowledge, you would shut up long enough to go to the first page of this thread and read up on it rather than continue to hash out your diatribe against MG. Anyone that has used and liked MG will certainly see your posts as nothing more than BS with misinformation... You are entitled to an opinion, cause everyone has em. But don't pass yours off as facts.


Active Member
I can't believe I just read all these damn pages to have the thread derailed toward the end. A DAMN SHAME!!!! I guess one monkey can spoil the show. Since I have already tried and used both soils I can tell you that MG never gave me problems. I don't like the moisture control version, but MG has always been good to me. FFOF Sucks!!!! Yes, I said it. I even have a journal post on how FFOF sucks.

These plants grow in dirt outside without any help/assistance from us. We are talking about dirt here. I'm sorry but at some point common sense should kick in. Concentrating on how you grow and learning your strengths and weaknesses is the best way to grow MJ.
Damn, a good thread gone bad...


Well-Known Member
I speak for myself and my standards on growing.. My 1st soil grow was DR schultz with MG and I Fk'd it all up. I blame my lack of skills but now days.. I believe in the term go Big! or Go.. ina cabinet? =/ I dunno Maybe with a real life POLL. but I think its common sense to know MG is the soil most new growers use thus more ppl go growing without the meters when using MG vs other methods. I just got my ph meter 4 days ago... I diddnt use PH meter my whole grow :) Distilled Water is 7. so I add a little PH down. I WINGED IT. 1 think i know for sure .. . my PH was between 5.0 - 8.0 lol :) real life. and their still kicking


New Member
i think its funny that someone who claims to have no soil background is debating about it....
thanks for fuckin up a good thread, loser