yeah they look sativa dominant to me. but ya never know might be a nice mix
i maself preffer indica, not saying i dont mind the odd sativa or good mix bit i really like indica dominant strains.... depends on ma mood to really tho. i get chronic pain and i find this works best to ease that pain, but fucks ya when you wanna do shit lol.
this wil give you an uplifting energetic high, generally quite cerebral and trippy in nature

... also produces the tallest out of the two plant strains with capabilities to reach 6+ foot easily as to its taller reachy growth. some easilly growing easilly a dam sight taller than that..
this plant generally packs the bigger punch out of the two and will give you that couchlock like stoned where your bodies heavy and you lose all inhibition

the shorter of the two strains often really short and rarely reaching 6 foot. buds are generally more crystaline packed with THC..
a good choice is to get a mix they combine the two giving you bigger more potent plants normaly,
it depends yon flower times and what not as to when you plant them and how you can get 4 turnovers a year , 1 turnover a year, or two turnovers a year depending on when you plant... "you should be able to figure it out..(thats the beauty about australia) generally when you plant its gona bud at the next time it experiences a lesser season really. this depends on where you are too dont forget.. i maself have noticed the seasons are changing atm (a heap of other people agree) so sorry i couldnt tell u exactly when tho.
or you could try find Kogs calander lol. youll have to buy his book or dvd first to get it lol..
a lot of sativas such as haze and thai like the winter here better than the sun... meaning they actually do better with some shade in summertime