A warning to Americans.

The day will probably be epic for a myriad of possible reasons.

i've already predicted that RIU will be down a week from 11/3..

also there's some sort of 'interruptor' (sorry not that techie) out their again..it was around the 2018 midterms in which all of the liberal cable CNN, MSNBC were constantly buffering..you'd hear about a minute of news then buffer after buffer; it stopped for a while and noticed it began again this week.
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One problem is the 'lesser' states having an oversized voice in electing the president. The fewer can wag the dog. Even with a majority there is a good chance of Trump being elected.
One problem is the 'lesser' states having an oversized voice in electing the president. The fewer can wag the dog. Even with a majority there is a good chance of Trump being elected.

which is why we need to peel 4% off; we're there already. he can't make the delegates without that 4%..seems trite but mathematically that's what it boils down to.
There's no need to bring police behavior into the conversation. If you owned a road, it seems reasonable you would have the right to make sound safety rules regarding the use of the road. Of course a democracy could vote that owners DON'T have the right to control their property, or their bodies, too.

A democracy is an authoritarian model of government. None of you sluggers has even hit one out of the infield trying to refute my claim and I was throwing underhanded!

Hello, you cant own property, vehicle's, gold, diamond's, gun's, etc...DO ANY OF YOU KNOW YOUR ACTUAL RIGHTS??? YOU DONT HAVE ANY!! DUH

YOU'RE talking roads you cant own a car in amerika..wtf...you can make payments to the gov owned car you think is yours. You can drive it cause you paid for the tabs and licensure...you cant own it...lmfao

Gold and jewelsvcan be confiscated without ? At any time....remember the gold confiscation of 35 36ish fdr was a funny guy....fuckin commie!!!

Guns...the big G word!! Yes, you cant own them....call the fbi, atf, local police, stare police, etc. Give them the serial number off your Gun.....it has no owner...theres not many guns thst have an ACTUAL owner(from what i was told) no Guns has an owner....oh, well, that means you can't own the fukin thing...lol

We come to property ownership....YOU CANT OWN REAL PROPERTY!!!
1814 brought us a law that makes it to where you cant actually own the land you think you own...amerikans are funny people...robbed by their gov and still willing to preserve it.
Im talking robbed blind as fuck too...ive been here my whole life wondering when you sheep r going to wake up
I am only asking if not democracy what else?
Fascism is what 40% want, it's the only why to make the brown folks "go away", make no mistake that's where it would lead to, camps and smoke stacks. Those who support Trump are fear driven bigots and racists, there are no other reasons, no ideology and no character, they support nothing but hate. The republicans have no platform, they only have Trump and he is a sociopathic moron with a professionally assessed IQ of 78. Republican politicians on a federal and state level betrayed their citizens and oaths to protect their people over fear of a mean tweet. They sold out hundreds of thousands of lives over their imagined fears, not often is human life valued so cheaply, it meets the criteria for a crime against humanity. Imagine all those GOP politicians being owned by a moron with an IQ of 78 that he demonstrates daily, only the best people.
Hello, you cant own property, vehicle's, gold, diamond's, gun's, etc...DO ANY OF YOU KNOW YOUR ACTUAL RIGHTS??? YOU DONT HAVE ANY!! DUH

YOU'RE talking roads you cant own a car in amerika..wtf...you can make payments to the gov owned car you think is yours. You can drive it cause you paid for the tabs and licensure...you cant own it...lmfao

Gold and jewelsvcan be confiscated without ? At any time....remember the gold confiscation of 35 36ish fdr was a funny guy....fuckin commie!!!

Guns...the big G word!! Yes, you cant own them....call the fbi, atf, local police, stare police, etc. Give them the serial number off your Gun.....it has no owner...theres not many guns thst have an ACTUAL owner(from what i was told) no Guns has an owner....oh, well, that means you can't own the fukin thing...lol

We come to property ownership....YOU CANT OWN REAL PROPERTY!!!
1814 brought us a law that makes it to where you cant actually own the land you think you own...amerikans are funny people...robbed by their gov and still willing to preserve it.
Im talking robbed blind as fuck too...ive been here my whole life wondering when you sheep r going to wake up

George Carlin has said it all before, this is old in fact it was old news before George, you will be waiting a long time for people to wake up.

I live in the UK and I already know you cannot really own the land, the top guy distributes this, Prince Charles owns Cornwall, everyone pays rent to him, we have a thing called compulsory purchase, were the council can just take your land and give you a crappy price, the only way out of all this is a road I would rather humanity didn't travel, property to me seems over rated, anyways enjoy ya splif.
Bigotry is the new GOP
You can call the gop what you want....until you fuck wadds figure out whos really running the show. Both parties are selling out amerika...sad thing is no one wants to admitt thats what's really going on....they are both in complete violation of the constitution!!

Its laughable