A warning to Americans.

The people running the show have ALWAYslS run the show ffs and always will.

people make out as if America is being sold down the river, as if this is something new, wake up, humanity has always been sheep, and the shepherds? That was a lot of money made in WWI when multiple empires were rinsed of their money, Well didn't Ford have a manufacturing company in Germany in WW2, read up on Prescot Bush.

Your being nostalgic over a time that never existed, like we British do with WW2 and when believed all England was a garden like Kent, children died in the mines in the UK in 1930, people view history through a Rosey tint, awww back in my day everything was great, yeah right.
Hello, you cant own property, vehicle's, gold, diamond's, gun's, etc...DO ANY OF YOU KNOW YOUR ACTUAL RIGHTS??? YOU DONT HAVE ANY!! DUH

YOU'RE talking roads you cant own a car in amerika..wtf...you can make payments to the gov owned car you think is yours. You can drive it cause you paid for the tabs and licensure...you cant own it...lmfao

Gold and jewelsvcan be confiscated without ? At any time....remember the gold confiscation of 35 36ish fdr was a funny guy....fuckin commie!!!

Guns...the big G word!! Yes, you cant own them....call the fbi, atf, local police, stare police, etc. Give them the serial number off your Gun.....it has no owner...theres not many guns thst have an ACTUAL owner(from what i was told) no Guns has an owner....oh, well, that means you can't own the fukin thing...lol

We come to property ownership....YOU CANT OWN REAL PROPERTY!!!
1814 brought us a law that makes it to where you cant actually own the land you think you own...amerikans are funny people...robbed by their gov and still willing to preserve it.
Im talking robbed blind as fuck too...ive been here my whole life wondering when you sheep r going to wake up

Needs more "federal reserve" .