A Website for Married Dating and Affairs...


I actually did the same a while ago on a similar site. honestly just to see if i knew anyone on it. well this girl took an interest in my profile and started emailing me. i blocked the emails as i have a girlfriend whom i love very much. Well this other girl found my myspace page and went onto my girlfriends page and started leaving her messages saying im a cheater and im all over the internet looking for sex. fucking freak. could have gotten me in a lot of trouble. Thankfully my girlfriend and I have more trust than that.

oh back to the question. No i dont have any reguards for these sites and have no respect for married people who use them. its disgusting.

that is why i always tell my wife beforehand when i do something like this... to avoid the bullshit that may be started....


Well-Known Member
I’ve read about that site before. I think it’s ok. Some people don’t want to break up their families and after years of marriage sex could get dull... that doesn’t mean you still don’t love your wife/husband. It’s not the best choice, but breaking up may not be the best choice either.
I mean as long as someone can get away with it without letting their partner find out (and also being safe) I say go ahead. Of course I would freak out if I was cheated on...but at the same time I wouldn’t be the type of wifey to not put out.
With all that being said; a lot of women are psycho and will most likely fall for the man they are cheating with (with us being emotional beings) and it will end up wrecking their families any way. I’ve def been "the other woman" and it’s no fun after reality starts kicking in, but I would never get crazy for a dude…but I know friends who have. Dumb.
Bwuahahahahahahahaah. :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

By the way, I’m not saying I am a cheating type, but in some circumstances it’s needed. It does break up families and is unfair if the other person is giving their all. BUT what about when some needs are being neglected (sex being the example this time) so then people are just supposed to give up sex forever? I don’t think so.

The best decision is to be sure who you are going to marry is one you will not get tired of and that you can’t predict; or maybe just don’t get married at all (wise decision).
Also talking about your problem with your husband or wife may solve all your issues because you never know maybe he/she is craving ass just as bad as you are.
I never said it wasn’t a selfish act; it is. As far as stds go - well you would hope that your partner is safe but in life there are risks to everything...the condom could break, they could get pregnant or get someone pregnant...but you also could die in a car accident on the way to work. Your seatbelt could fail, just like the condom.
Monogamy IS the best choice but you are not in the shoes of everyone in America to judge why they make the decisions they make. That’s just my opinion. I don’t want to be cheated on (I have and it doesn’t feel good) or be a cheater (which I have also done and it sucks hurting someone) but it is unrealistic to expect someone to only be sexual with one person for the rest of their lives - especially if someone is not as sexual as they once were. It is honestly rare to find someone who is older, married and happy with their sexual relationship.
Jaimiemichelle, I agree with you that cheating is bound to happen.

But I disagree with just about everything else. Cheating is wrong. Yes, circumstances might this and maybe that, but when you get down to it, cheating is wrong.

Maybe the person has their reasons and they're really good, but it's still wrong. If it wasn't wrong they wouldn't be trying to hide it. If their reasons are so good, and right is on their side, why would they not just tell their spouse what they were doing?

If you are married, and you have sworn yourself to another person, to be loyal to that person, and you CHEAT -- well...then not only are you disloyal, but your word obviously means shit.

There's no justification for lying to your partner in such a massive way.

Not getting enough attention? Speak the fuck up. You can't be unhappy and just expect people to know what to do to make you happy, and if you're not willing to say what you want, how do you ever expect to get it.

And if someone decides cheating is the only way, then they are deciding that having an affair is more important than their family.


Jaimiemichelle, I agree with you that cheating is bound to happen.

But I disagree with just about everything else. Cheating is wrong. Yes, circumstances might this and maybe that, but when you get down to it, cheating is wrong.

Maybe the person has their reasons and they're really good, but it's still wrong. If it wasn't wrong they wouldn't be trying to hide it. If they're reasons are so good, and right is on their side, why would they not just tell their spouse what they were doing?

If you are married, and you have sworn yourself to another person, to be loyal to that person, and you CHEAT -- well...then not only are you disloyal, but your word obviously means shit.

There's no justification for lying to your partner in such a massive way.

Not getting enough attention? Speak the fuck up. You can't be unhappy and just expect people to know what to do to make you happy, and if you're not willing to say what you want, how do you ever expect to get it.

And if someone decides cheating is the only way, then they are deciding that having an affair is more important than their family.

i doubt i can rep you again yet but you deserve it for that...

my wife and i both have the "speak the fuck up" mentality... cause good marriages dont just happen, they take work from both people involved... and i have always told her that i ever would cheat on her it wouldnt be cheating, it would be fair, because she would know of my intentions way before i ever intended to act upon them... basically speaking the fuck up... and she says she would do the same... maintaining a good relationship takes maintaining good communication, no matter how blunt or crass the messages may be; sometimes you have to say/hear things you would rather not, but it is a neccessary evil... i imagine you get what i am trying to say here...


Well-Known Member
i doubt i can rep you again yet but you deserve it for that...

my wife and i both have the "speak the fuck up" mentality... cause good marriages dont just happen, they take work from both people involved... and i have always told her that i ever would cheat on her it wouldnt be cheating, it would be fair, because she would know of my intentions way before i ever intended to act upon them... basically speaking the fuck up... and she says she would do the same... maintaining a good relationship takes maintaining good communication, no matter how blunt or crass the messages may be; sometimes you have to say/hear things you would rather not, but it is a neccessary evil... i imagine you get what i am trying to say here...
I think that's exactly how it should be. I mean, if you love someone and they love you, there shouldn't be anything you can't tell each other. It might not be easy, or comfortable; your partner might not take it well, but if you love someone, why would you not be honest with them?

If you don't love me enough to be honest with me, you don't love me.

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Why would anyone get married in this day and age??

Its like making a New Years Resolution// Its great for a little while, and then you go back to your bad habits and idiosyncratic behaviors.

Wickedbitch nailed it.

True love is true love..
But it seems people get married just to have something to tell their friends, have a big party, and keep up appearances...


Why would anyone get married in this day and age??
for the same reasons as 200yrs ago... love, and commitment to that love... at least it should be the reason

Its like making a New Years Resolution// Its great for a little while, and then you go back to your bad habits and idiosyncratic behaviors.

Wickedbitch nailed it.

True love is true love..
But it seems people get married just to have something to tell their friends, have a big party, and keep up appearances...

you got a big party?? i feel gipped... we had a $60 justice of the peace wedding... hell, i dont even have a ring... i'll give my wife her big pretty wedding one day when we can afford such frivolous things, but all we wanted was to make that commitment to each other..not the show of it all...


Well-Known Member
My marriage is far more than something I show off to others. That was one reason why we only had one witness and no big party afterwards.

It's easy to be judgmental, especially if you haven't found yourself in a similar situation as the person you might be passing judgment upon. What do people think of the concept of "situational ethics"? Wish I could remember the name of the roundtable discussion show I used to watch on PBS. They would set up a panel of distinguished guests, then set up discussion on hypothetical situations, such as "is stealing always bad?" Throwing in twists and turns that forced some real examination into ideas such as morality and ethics. Is there anyone else who might remember such a program?

I think that $250 is a shit-ton of money to pay to just start having an affair. That shit is gonna end up costing a hell of a lot more. But, people pay to be titillated, don't they?


My marriage is far more than something I show off to others. That was one reason why we only had one witness and no big party afterwards.

It's easy to be judgmental, especially if you haven't found yourself in a similar situation as the person you might be passing judgment upon. What do people think of the concept of "situational ethics"? Wish I could remember the name of the roundtable discussion show I used to watch on PBS. They would set up a panel of distinguished guests, then set up discussion on hypothetical situations, such as "is stealing always bad?" Throwing in twists and turns that forced some real examination into ideas such as morality and ethics. Is there anyone else who might remember such a program?

I think that $250 is a shit-ton of money to pay to just start having an affair. That shit is gonna end up costing a hell of a lot more. But, people pay to be titillated, don't they?

that site charges $250??? that is nuts! would love those "situational ethics" debates... sounds like fun... over a bunch of coffee and pot:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Depending on the time of day, make that coffee a tart hefeweizen and you're ON. Or.. you know, I still haven't made beignets for Dave, he's never heard of them and hasn't a clue as to how delicious they are. Should I make some beignets?


Depending on the time of day, make that coffee a tart hefeweizen and you're ON. Or.. you know, I still haven't made beignets for Dave, he's never heard of them and hasn't a clue as to how delicious they are. Should I make some beignets?

you made my jaw drop.... i think i might hit up cafe du monde today:hump:; ill be over that way getting our car.... FUCKIN YEAH you better make beignets!!!! dave has no clue what he is missing:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I knew you would know. Say hello to Charity Hospital for me if you go past there, wouldya?
(My memories of NO are very distant, I haven't been there since I was a child.)

Oh, and the deal with hefe's is that they're wheat beers and not filtered. If done right they have a very bready flavor to them, and oh MAN do I love bread! :lol:


I knew you would know. Say hello to Charity Hospital for me if you go past there, wouldya?
(My memories of NO are very distant, I haven't been there since I was a child.)

Oh, and the deal with hefe's is that they're wheat beers and not filtered. If done right they have a very bready flavor to them, and oh MAN do I love bread! :lol:

sadly, im not going to the original... they put another one in mandeville about 2years ago... the history isnt there, but the taste is the same....
i dont like bready-beers... like abita.. yuk.. then again, i dont care for the taste of too many beers... except Almaza... its lebanese and tasty as hell; bout to import a few cases soon:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Jaimiemichelle, I agree with you that cheating is bound to happen.

But I disagree with just about everything else. Cheating is wrong. Yes, circumstances might this and maybe that, but when you get down to it, cheating is wrong.

Maybe the person has their reasons and they're really good, but it's still wrong. If it wasn't wrong they wouldn't be trying to hide it. If their reasons are so good, and right is on their side, why would they not just tell their spouse what they were doing?

If you are married, and you have sworn yourself to another person, to be loyal to that person, and you CHEAT -- well...then not only are you disloyal, but your word obviously means shit.

There's no justification for lying to your partner in such a massive way.

Not getting enough attention? Speak the fuck up. You can't be unhappy and just expect people to know what to do to make you happy, and if you're not willing to say what you want, how do you ever expect to get it.

And if someone decides cheating is the only way, then they are deciding that having an affair is more important than their family.
I never said it was right... I just said Im not against it. It happens, its reality. I do think people should stay faithful when they are married but I also know that sex out of the marriage is very common.
And I also didnt say cheating was the only way, but shit happens. I guess Im a devils advocate at times.


Well-Known Member
I never said it was right... I just said Im not against it. It happens, its reality. I do think people should stay faithful when they are married but I also know that sex out of the marriage is very common.
And I also didnt say cheating was the only way, but shit happens. I guess Im a devils advocate at times.
lol, to be a devil's advocate wouldn't you have to be saying that cheating was ok?


Well-Known Member
lol, to be a devil's advocate wouldn't you have to be saying that cheating was ok?
It happens. Thats what I am saying. I dont judge people for what they do in their sexual lives nor do I think that people are monogamous throughout their marriage -despite if people think it is right or wrong. Im pretty sure the number is pretty high for marital affairs.


Well-Known Member
i'd put whatever she wanted in her butt... only with my wife's permission or presence of course:lol:... but marriage in my opinion is work.... even on the sexual aspect of it, you have to be willing to bend for your partner occasionally.... that poor woman's husband is a puss for saying "no, i wont do that"... i love my wife and will gladly do anything she wants sexually, as she will for me... so neither one of us has a reason to go look elsewhere to fullfill our wants/needs... i think all marriages should be like that
So if your wife were to say to you "I want you to let me fuck you in the ass with a giant dildo while you play with yourself and sing "R E S P E C T" at the top of your lungs you'd go for it? :-P

Would you let her take a shit on your chest? Would you eat it after that? I know, this is getting kind of vulgar, but according to certain internet fetish videos out there, anything is possible.

JK dude, just tryin to make a point. You gotta have boundaries. No matter how far out there they may be there is gotta be something that you refuse to do.....


Well-Known Member
Worked for me !! You would be amazed at how many MILFs there are out there.
All they want is for someone to listen to there babble and fuck them silly. :fire:

WEBSITE Highly recommended.


Well-Known Member
That site charges $250?!?!?!?! Holy shit... Now for everyone that "Signed up just to check there area" No you didn't. Unless you're like that crazy rich guy on TV that acts like he's poor to mess with the average folk. Why throw $250 away just to see who is cheating? Even if I was married, I wouldn't pay $250 to cheat! If I wanted to cheat I would pay the $10 cover charge at the club.


So if your wife were to say to you "I want you to let me fuck you in the ass with a giant dildo while you play with yourself and sing "R E S P E C T" at the top of your lungs you'd go for it? :-P

Would you let her take a shit on your chest? Would you eat it after that? I know, this is getting kind of vulgar, but according to certain internet fetish videos out there, anything is possible.

JK dude, just tryin to make a point. You gotta have boundaries. No matter how far out there they may be there is gotta be something that you refuse to do.....

now you are just asking personal questions.... but who is to say we havent done all of the above???:-P.... if she were to ask me things like this... we would talk about it; dont know how to answer your question... i would rather her ask me first rather than go find someone else to ask cause she is ashamed or embarrassed... she can be herself with me... but thankfully (for me) she is more into good ole vanilla sex... but im a kinky mofo; and she lets me because i ask and she loves me... no details cause that is just personal shit there, but im almost as bad as your examples,, they were rather extreme though.... esp. the respect/dildo... that is rough..:mrgreen: