If it tap water, aerate at least 12h
I prefer h2o2 for cleaning bleach always leave chemical residual
Yeah bleach is some nasty stuff. So the tea could potentially be shot than ah?
If it tap water, aerate at least 12h
I prefer h2o2 for cleaning bleach always leave chemical residual
Yeah bleach is some nasty stuff. So the tea could potentially be shot than ah?
Yes if it still got the bleach smell there a big chance
Bust as long as there's a healthy amount of foam on the top I'm good right? Also thank you for your help I appreciate you
If it is only for brewing the tea just a small pump from a local pet supply or wally world should do.Hey what size air pump is used for a 5 gallon bucket brewer should I get a 951 GPM or would around 500 GPM be sufficient?
Well anyway I checked the PPM again 24hrs later and it was 709. It smelled like poison BUT my girls loved itI got a question. Down To Earth’s organic ALL PURPOSE..... the company says you can’t steep it in a Tea AND that nearly all of it is insoluble.
Last night I put 1tbls in a gallon of water the ppm was 169 this morning it was almost 400ppm. Anyone have insight?
I’ve covered the tops of my soil with sand to ward off fungus gnats. So top dressings isn’t an option. Have you noticed the smell of poison I’m speaki of @SCJedi ?Most of what I use is made by DTE but there's better out there. My girls still love it and top watering sprouts my clover
No I didn’t. I emailed DTE and one of their reps said that the DTE line of solid organics could not be used to brew teas and he of course pointed me in the direction of their liquid nutrients line.No, are you aerating it?
KNF FPJ?Unless you are doing KNF FPJ then aerate your teas! You most likely ended up with anaerobic bacteria which stunk and may really be poisonous to your plants.
AACT, in the title of the thread stands for actively aerated compost teas.
It had like an insecticide smellUnless you are doing KNF FPJ then aerate your teas! You most likely ended up with anaerobic bacteria which stunk and may really be poisonous to your plants.
AACT, in the title of the thread stands for actively aerated compost teas.
It had like an insecticide smell
HereDid you use neem seed meal?
I know what, why don't you post what you put in it to stop me from guessing?
Fermented plant juice FPJ is a product made as part of Korean natural farming. KNF.
It sounds like you may have some general reading to do. I would recommend Teaming with Microbes